No Good Fruit From Among the Jews – Forever!

Yesterday evening we did our weekly Saturday internet radio program with Michael Delaney, the producer of the movie 911 Missing Links (click here for the program). The hand of the Jews in the treachery which got the United States and Great Britain and the other Western nations into the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan cannot be plausibly denied. The same forces are ultimately behind the recent events in Libya, and of course there are rumors of other Middle Eastern wars yet to be fought on behalf of World Jewry. Yet even all of this is part of a far larger picture: for Satan has been using the Islamic peoples against Christendom for 1,400 years and has not ceased, even if the circumstances have greatly changed over the centuries.

Richard Gage on KMPH Fox 26 in Fresno, CA

Does Richard Gage look like an enemy of these united States?

Richard Gage, a career professional architect, here on Freso, Ca. television quite courageously vindicates what so-called "right-wing conspiracy nuts" have been stating for years.  Why do Marxists want to shut down the internet and the "right-wing conspiracy nuts"?  Because just like they were in Bolshevik Russia, the Marxists of today are in the employ of the jewish Capitalist international banking crime ring!

This video was found at:

The ADL IS Hate, Part 7 - Origins and Tactics of this Jewish Supremacist Organization

The Anti-Defamation Leaugue of B'nai B'rith is the public relations agency for a Jewish Masonic Secret Society that under the cover of a Jewish-controlled media clandestinely imposes Jewish Supremacism on the rest of the civilized world. The ADL is therefore a HATE GROUP, the most prominent and well-financed HATE GROUP in history, while pretending to be exactly the opposite.

The ADL IS Hate, Part Five - Jewess Admits That ADL's Favorite Slander Really Is a Scam

Yes the ADL's favorite slander is "Anti-Semite", and here a jewess admits that it is all "a trick". She even goes so far as to admit that cries of the "holocaust" are also a scam. Of course, we have known all of this for years, however most White Christians are so caught up in the worship of the image of the beast (worshiping the jews and the negroes and other misfits they constantly watch in their media) that they may never wake up to this scam!

The ADL IS Hate, Part Four: Israelis Fomenting Racial Agitation Among American Negros

An Israeli citizen was arrested in an Atlanta airport today on his way to Tel Aviv. He is a suspect in at least 20 stabbings of American negros as he allegedly flew between various American cities quite freely. Since the average person simply cannot afford to venture a sudden multi-city stabbing spree in a foreign country, we dare to say that this is no "lone nut", and that it must have been orchestrated by people with ulterior motives.  Those same people who are truly responsible for bringing us 9-11. And it sure as hell isn't arabs. These stabbings have for some time been blamed on a "White guy". The jew is hardly White!

So what does this have to do with the ADL? While they trumpet the news every time a jew gets a hangnail and a White man appears to be the suspected culprit, they are absolutely silent on this incident. Their website today (August 12th) tells us about anti-Semitic incidents in Chile being a "concern", about the "dangerous anti-Government movement flourishing", it whines about Iran (go figure), and there is not a word about any real criminals.

The ADL IS Hate, Part Six - B'nai B'rith Petitions Government Funds for the Terrorist ARA

The terrorist ARA (Anti-Racist Action) trashes the homes of private citizens, and gets away with it, right under the noses of Canadian police.They often gloat about their crimes on their website, and they are never prosecuted. They are really a militant wing of the ADL and their purposes is to thwart any and all political oppostion to Jewish world supremacy. Here, a jewess petitions a government agency for funding for the ARA. B'nai B'rith, a jewish Masonic secret society, is a racist organization disguised as a public service, which deceives the public into surrendering to Jewish world supremacy by eliminating the public voice of all pro-White ethnocentric groups. The world's ultilmate hypocrites, the ADL makes sure that the ARA gets funding to perpetrate the violent acts which it cannot do on its own. The members of the ARA are - as Ramz Paul so succinctly put it recently, radicals for the [reigning jewish] establishment.

The ADL IS Hate, Part Three

The ADL has pulled a new trick out of their yarmulkes in their endeavor to destroy American freedoms. Now, if one exercises his 1st amendment right to free speech in a manner which is not consistent with ADL-approved sensibilities, they are orchestrating an attempt to manipulate the various States into revoking that person's 2nd amendment right to bear arms!  It is quite sad that we have all lost sight of the fact that the founders of this nation believed our basic rights, which are partially enumerated in the original constitutional amendments, to have been granted by our Christian God, and therefore no man or government can ever lawfully take any one of them away from any other man or government!  I must say again, that in reality, the ADL's definition of "freedom" is the liberty to corrupt all of Christianity and to destroy Western Civilization: the goal of the anti-Christs in the first place! These anti-Christ jew devils have used our open society to infiltrate and corrupt it, and now they wish to deprive us all of our basic God-given rights, so that they can avoid all criticism or fear of reprisal, and maintain their ill-gotten power!  Will Christians ever learn that Christ has no concord with devils?

The ADL IS Hate, Part Two

Political opposition is now redefined as "conspiracy theory", and all who do not succumb to the anti-Christ and immoral agenda being forced upon us by the sexually deviant and godless jews are now a threat to freedom. In reality, the ADL's definition of "freedom" is the liberty to corrupt all of Christianity and to destroy Western Civilization: the goal of the anti-Christs in the first place! When are decent White Americans and decent White Europeans ever going to see the anti-Christ jew devils for what they really are?

The Beelzebub Belt - Satan Rules the South


A house in Southwest Virginia flying Confederate, Israeli and American flags. Photo by author.

Since relocating to Southwestern Virginia this past fall, we have not had much time to get out and around much over the winter months. Today, February 11th, was one of the first opportunities which we had to do so, and therefore we took a ride west along State Route 58 towards Kentucky.

To our consternation, in southern Lee County, Virginia, we spotted three homes along our route which were flying Israeli flags, one having the strange audacity to be flying such a flag right under the beloved Stars & Bars! (Pictures of two of these homes accompany this article.) Never did we see such a thing in the many years that we lived in New York and New Jersey.

The Crimes of the ADL, Part One

The ADL, or Anti-Defamation League, a sort of legal protection racket that endeavors to ensure that no Jew is ever criticized, regardless of the merits of the criticism, has recently mentioned both Eli James and myself in an article on their website (click here for the article). Upon mentioning the common name which describes, in part, our particular Christian theology, “Christian Identity”, they immediately give a link to a description of a list of men who were all allegedly Christian Identity adherents and who all supposedly committed crimes of one sort or another (for which click here).