Biblical Bullet Points Outlining Christian Identity
A simple list of verses outlining the overall plan of God for Israel as it is taught throughout the entire Bible:
- Genesis 35:11 Abrahamic covenants had been given to the now "lost" tribes of Israel exclusively.
- 1 Chronicles 5:26 begins captivity of the tribes of Israel.
- 2 Chronicles 36:20 captivity of Israel with Judah now completed.
- Jeremiah 31:31 promises new covenant with tribes of Israel.
- Ezekiel 37 Valley of Dry Bones is the lost tribes of Israel.
- Luke 1:33 Christ destined to rule over tribes of Israel, the "house of Jacob".
- Luke 1:54 Christ to help "his servant Israel".
- Luke 1:72-73 Christ came to keep promises of Abraham passed down to Israel.
- Matthew 15:24 Jesus was sent to the 12 lost tribes of Israel.
- Romans 15:8 Christ came to confirm promises made to the fathers of the lost tribes of Israel.
- Hebrews 8:8 new covenant is promised to tribes of Israel.
- Acts 26:6-7 Paul's labors were for the twelve tribes of Israel.
- James 1:1 Epistle written in Greek and addressed to the twelve tribes of Israel scattered abroad.
- Revelation chapter 19 Christ returns to slay His enemies.
- Obadiah 18, Micah 4:13, 2 Corinthians 10:6 and Revelation 18:6 army of slayers following Christ are of the 12 tribes of Israel.
- Revelations 21:12 The Holy City is surrounded and inhabited by the 12 tribes of Israel.
So ask yourself this: if the apostles, in fulfillment of these Scriptures, had brought the Gospel to Europe, where are the scattered children of Israel?
Then ask yourself, where are blacks, asians, or any other race, mentioned in any of the promises to the fathers?
Abraham did not believe in them. Furthermore, both Paul of Tarsus, and Christ Himself, had professed that the promises to the fathers would be fulfilled "as it is written"!