An Index of Papers Discussing the God of the Bible
There are constant arguments within Christian Identity in certain areas of theological understanding. Many of them are caused by the denominational baggage which many people tend to carry with them into this newer understanding of Scripture. One of the most common is the "Holy Name debate", as long-time Identity pastors such as Pete Peters have eschewed the name of God in favor of the traditional substitution of Roman Catholic and Protestant titles such as "Lord". Another significant division is centered around the Trinity issue, which is also a very early Roman Catholic heresy. Here we shall list the more significant or relative of our papers which address these issues.
Soon we hope to be able to make a summary presentation on the subject of the Trinity from our commentary on the Gospel of John, since the first half-dozen or so installments address several different aspects in the Trinity debate. Until we do, we will only recommend those portions of our commentary which discuss portions of John chapter 1: The Word Made Flesh, The Light of the World, The Sons of God, and The Lamb of God. Then, from later chapters, there is Challenging Orthodoxy and Bride and Bridegroom.
Who Is Your God? by Bertrand Comparet, critiqued and elaborated by William Finck
Who Is Your Savior? by Bertrand Comparet, critiqued and elaborated by William Finck
Which Is It, “Lord”, Or “Yahweh”? by Clifton Emahiser, this paper was expanded in a 2019 presentation by William FInck titled What's in a Name?
From Yahshua to Jesus: Evolution of a Name a 2019 update of a 2007 essay by William Finck
Yahweh singular-Elohim (Clifton Emahiser)
The Day The Word Became Flesh (Clifton Emahiser)
The Genealogy Of Yahshua The Messiah (Clifton Emahiser)
Rebuttal To The Jesus Only People - Just Because The Term “YA” Was Found At Ebla & Ugarit Is No Sign That Yahweh Is Canaanite In Origin! (Clifton Emahiser)