God is not mocked – of men and nations, one reaps what one sows.

Detail from King Lear: Cordelia's Farewell, by Edwin Austin Abbey [1887-1909].

Among others, John Wilson and Sharon Turner were rather brilliant men of the 19th century to whom all British and American Israel Christian Identists are indebted, whether or not those men are currently appreciated. They were among the first to examine, interpret and present the archaeological data coming out of Mesopotamia in a manner that was meaningful to serious students of the Bible and of early European history. Through them, Anglo-Saxon Christians rediscovered the meaning and gravity of their Saxon heritage. However these men also knew something that British-Israel acolytes reject even now: that the Germanic peoples of the Continent are kin with the Anglo-Saxon people of Britain, from whom they had sprung. 

How is this NOT a Tyranny?

Will someone with a spine arrest this man?  

Who in government today has the backbone to hold him accountable for these blatant crimes?  Do Americans not care about the tyranny of certain "progressive" elements in politics?

A few weeks after I posted this, John Murtha indeed met his judgement. Praise Yahweh!

How is this NOT an invasion? Part 2

How is this not sedition? Where are the prosecutors now? This character is a "teacher" at UCLA - a supposed tax-payer-supported university. For how long will White taxpayers support this, before they support themselves to extinction? This "teacher" is publicly championing the overthrow of our society and American government - and who does the jewish media call "racist"? Read The Immigration Prophecy and Biblical Prophecy here at Christogenea.org!

Libertarianism Cannot be Christian

I saw my beloved brother and sister-in-law for the first time in seventeen years this past July, and I received a reminder of where I had come from. Quite a vivid reminder it was because in spite of the passing of so many years, sadly they are still there. It is not that I do not love them, for I certainly do. However once one grows in the enhanced understanding of life and world circumstances and develops the weltanschauung which many Christian Nationalists have, or should have, a journey into the past is often a trip down a memory lane that is lined with haunted houses.

One easily discussed example of our current differences may be drawn from popular music. “But you used to listen to that”, my brother said in protest when I pointed out that a certain musician was a promiscuous and deviant miscreant. Well, the ever-present strains from that FM radio of my childhood were flooded with it, so everyone used to listen to it. “You even bought one of his records!” Of course I had, but I was all of thirteen years at the time. And I can still hear and appreciate the beautiful melodies of Tiny Dancer or Your Song pierce the stale air of the distant past. But eventually I discovered the demons which lurked behind the poetical lyrics and bucolic album covers, and I hated them.

No National Debt? Of Course It is Possible!

For 80 years the United States did have prosperity - without a debt-incurring currency. From the days that Andrew Jackson drove Europe's jewish bankers out of the country by refusing to renew the charter of the so-called Second Bank of the United States, until the so-called Federal Reserve was founded in 1913, the United States was a prosperous nation without the artificial debt under which the Federal Reserve has enslaved the entire nation. And the Federal Reserve is actually controlled by the same international jewish bankers that controlled the bank that Jackson got rid of! They tried to kill Jackson for it, but the assassination attempt failed. 

In 1932 Adolf Hitler instituted a currency in Germany which was based upon the actual economic output of the nation. It paid no interest to any bank for its use, and it was debt-free. Germany boomed while the rest of the world was in a banker-orchestrated depression. Therefore, the jews declared war on Germany, using the excuse of "anti-semitism" to destroy it! While there is more to the German story than that, it is clear that jewry attempted to enslave Germany to communism first, and Hitler also prevented that. Thus is the cause of "antisemitism", which is the refusal of non-jews to be enslaved by the jews!

White Christians must stop believing the jewish-controlled media, and only then can they begin to honestly investigate the hidden forces behind "history". 

Out of the Mouths of Babes: The Corrupt Canadian (and World) Banking System

All of the world's so-called "Central Banks" operate in the same crooked way: they are all permanent pyramid schemes designed to enslave entire nations in debt. This 12-year-old girl understands it. Make certain that your neighbors do also!

The solution: "the Jews may not licitly keep those things which they have extorted from others through usury" - Saint Thomas Aquinas, from his letter to Margaret the duchess of Flanders.

Political Devices

The next Saxon Messenger editorial, Political Devices, is really only an introduction to the rest of the issue. Hopefully it will be posted here in a week or so.

With the U.S. presidential election only days away, we decided to publish this Saxon Messenger only days in advance, and do something a little different. With the exception of a few related items, this issue is a collection of articles written by myself over the past several years, all of which are aimed at illustrating the futility of the concept that our White race and what is left of a Christian society can survive the challenges which it faces in these last days through political means. There is no political solution, we professed that many years ago, and we continue to stand by that profession today.

But we are not trying to dissuade anyone from fighting for what it is right in the public arena. And on the surface, it seems that a Trump presidency may be better for Whites than seeing that Bolshevik Hag, the Wicked Witch whose name we will not print here, sit in the White House for four or eight years longer than she already has. This is especially true since it may well be that Donald Trump is the last apparently White man who may ever have a chance of winning the American presidency. But on the other hand, we remember the hope that people had in another liberal-turned-conservative Republican, Ronald Reagan, who greatly magnified the imperial American armies, and among other things had opened up the trade spigots with China, thereby flushing American manufacturing into the Yellow River. So the Great Conservative was, as it turned out, only great for the objectives of World Jewry.

Post-Election Ponderings, 2016

We are still not enamored with Donald Trump, or with any other politician. But we do realize that last night the nation was saved from whatever further treachery Hillary Clinton may have had planned for it. The Clinton crime family needs to be investigated and prosecuted. In fact, If there were any justice in the world, Hillary Clinton's next concession would be given at her upcoming arraignment in federal court.

Furthermore, if Hillary is not indicted for her crimes, then we must know that Donald Trump is complicit in letting her get away with her crimes. There is no way for him to escape soiled hands if she is not indicted.