Since when is an act of speech a "Conspiracy to Violate Civil Rights"?

Man Charged in Noose Left on Integration Statue at Ole Miss

Graeme Phillip Harris has been indicted on a trumped-up civil rights charge for tying a noose onto a statue of a negro at a Mississippi campus. No matter how distasteful some may find the act, it has long been argued that such acts fall into the category of "freedom of expression". 

Sven Longshanks Jailed by Judge who lets Baby Rapers Off the Hook

Our friend Sven Longshanks was given a two-and-a-half year prison sentence yesterday in a Welsh courtroom, for expressing unpopular but truthful opinions in as many as ten different podcasts which were published on the internet at least several years ago. The government’s claim was that Sven was attempting to “incite racial hatred”, something which is only treated as a crime when the accusation may be made against people who oppose certain government policies which are openly hostile to White Europeans. From his initial arrest, Sven was forbidden to speak about the case, so we do not even know precisely which podcasts it was for which he had been charged, however so far as we know, none of them were from Christogenea. The supposedly offensive podcasts were all from Sven’s Radio Albion website. 


There is no “freedom of speech” in the United Kingdom, or anywhere in Europe, so a man can go to prison merely for expressing thoughts or opinions about history or society with which the government may disagree, without any consideration as to whether those thoughts or opinions have any actual basis in fact. In this respect, Sven’s case is a perfect example of how the government treats White Europeans who disagree with the diversity agenda far worse than non-White immigrants who commit actual crimes. The judge in Sven’s case, whose name is Huw Rees [which can probably be Anglicized to Hugh Reese], is himself a personification of that fact.

The Demise of Free Speech?

Too many Americans think that just because the European nations are “democracies”, that they have the same freedoms which are enjoyed in America. Nothing is further from the truth. For instance, earlier this year in Berlin a Canadian tourist was arrested and his camera's memory card confiscated, because his girlfriend took his picture while he gave the famous straight-armed salute that was popular with National Socialists last century. Several years ago in Köln (or Cologne) a Brit was arrested at the airport for doing that same thing. Cowed by Jewish supremicism, the German nation has outlawed not only fair and honest historical inquiry, but even harmless parody. 

Sometimes the consequences of suppression are far more serious. British Catholic bishop Richard Williamson recently stood trial in Regensburg, Germany, simply for questioning the validity of accounts concerning Germany's use of gas chambers in its concentration camps in the 1940's. It does not matter, that anyone who looks at those accounts honestly and with an open and inquiring mind can plainly see that the accounts are absolutely implausible. It does not matter, because German law does not permit the questioning of Jewish claims concerning Germany during World War Two. The Jews are the victors of the Second World War, and the “holocaust” is a dogma of their new religion, which demonizes all criticism of jews, so therefore it cannot be questioned. If a Jew makes a claim concerning Germany and World War Two, no matter how farcically unreal, it must be treated as truth. Like medieval Roman Catholicism, the holocaust cannot be questioned without punishment. The Jews who have decried Christian authoritarianism have now replaced it with their own authoritarianism, and ever since the French Revolution have Christians fallen for the ploy.

The Disillusioned Youth of CPAC

How are they "conservative", spitting in the face of their heritage? The youth of CPAC have been brain-washed with those same jewish ideals of race-mixing and perversity which have long ruined the "Progressives" and "Liberals" as well. Therefore the "Conservatives" are no longer about conserving anything!

Here are two videos. In the first, White Nationalist Jamie Kelso (who is much closer to true Conservatism than the youth at CPAC may ever be) is virtually run out of CPAC. Never, ever have I seen a DUMBER group of White people than these fools at CPAC! In the second video, Ryan Sorba justly scolds CPAC for coddling sexual deviants.

The Racist Right

p> Painting: Dad snaps photo of kids watching television, perhaps circa early 1960's..

Then along came Jewish racial and political agitation, and a century-long campaign to integrate non-Whites into the White populations of all White nations, thereby destroying White racial homogeneity everywhere. This has been no secret, it is a plan announced openly by the Jews long before it happened, that they would do this to the White race. Examples are readily found in Israel Zangwill's The Melting Pot, a play which opened at the Columbia Theater in Washington, D.C. On October 5th, 1908, or Edna Ferber's Showboat, which debuted as a play on Broadway in New York City in 1927.

Vladimir Putin Supports Israel. Are White Nationalists Still in Denial?

Vladimir Putin Supports Israel, and even the recent invasion of Gaza. Are White Nationalists Still in Denial?

[Updated for the Saxon Messenger July 21st, 2014]

How many times must Vladimir Putin embrace world Jewry before western White Nationalists realize that he is just another politician in the pocket of the beast? How many laws banning "holocaust" revisionism? How many laws banning real Russian nationalism? Now there are reports that Putin is even supporting the rogue Israeli state's recent terror in Gaza (as has been reported by and by Arutz Sheva, an Israeli news outlet, as well as other organizations).

Among the Gaza conflict and other things discussed at a recent meeting (the pictures above and at right are from with a group of rabbis, Arutz Sheva reported that “Rabbi Lau, former Ashkenazic Chief Rabbi and current Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv, spoke in the meeting about his remarkable personal story as a survivor of the Holocaust who later became the chief rabbi of Israel. In this context, Putin consulted with the rabbis on means of dealing with anti-Semitism, Holocaust deniers and preventing historical revisionism.”

Who is your god?

The Saxon and Keltic peoples who colonized the North American continent in the 17th and 18th centuries were self-reliant Christian men and women, who for the most part were moral and faithful, whose God was the God of the Bible and whose guiding light was Yahshua (or Jesus) Christ. As Christians everywhere should do, they looked to their God for His inspiration of their own ability and initiative to solve all of their problems and to meet all of their challenges. From these ideals alone came the founding documents of this nation – some of the greatest political documents Man has ever devised – and in short time the greatest, most ingenious and productive nation which the world has ever known emerged upon that sure foundation: for these United States are the only nation (properly a federation of nation states) in the history of Man which was ever founded wholly upon Christian principles.

Worshipping the Image of the Beast

The Bible tells us that Yahweh (simply “God” to most people) created Adam. The creation of Adam is first described in Genesis 1:26-27. The word translated “man” in this passage is indeed the same word, and refers to the same being, described in more detail in the next part of Genesis, which begins at 2:4. Many years ago these were separate scrolls and separate accounts – albeit about much the same thing – later consolidated into a single “book” by men. The third part of Genesis begins at 5:1, and in another way the story of the creation of “adam” man is again related. It turns out, however, that the Hebrew meaning of “adam” isn’t quite the same as the modern meaning of the word “man”, which nowadays is basically used to describe any full-grown male anthropoid. In fact, “adam” signifies only those full-grown anthropoids of which the blood can be seen through the skin. This condition is called ruddiness, and is peculiar to the (true) White race. This is also evident further on in the Bible, to anyone who actually knows history. A thorough examination of the families of Genesis chapter 10 reveals that many of these nations can be identified in history and archaeology, and that they were all originally White nations. Many of them eventually became “arab” (a Hebrew word which means “mixed”), or even negroid, through a process known as miscegenation, but originally they were all White.