An Index of Papers Demonstrating the True Nature of Events Portrayed in Genesis Chapter 3
Genesis 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
We do not really like the term, "Two-Seedline", and many bad actors have soiled it over the years, which was probably intentional. However speaking to other Identity Christians, especially those who are not properly educated concerning our profession, we have no better term which we may use to summarily describe our view of the phenomenon of race in Scripture within the context of the true meaning of Genesis chapter 3.
Christian Identity is not a new persuasion, and we did not invent it. Rather, it is a truth which was realized by 19th century British historians, archaeologists and theologians, who at that time had all been educated in the Classics, as the relatively new vocation of achaeology expanded into territories in the Near East to which European academics had only recently acquired access, with the expanding British empire. Perhaps twenty years ago, Clifton Emahiser described this phenomenon in a short essay titled Who are the Hunters?, a reference to Jeremiah 16:16.
From the academic knowledge of the past which had been acquired by these archaeologists, and which we cite and discuss very frequently in our own articles and commentaries, the so-called British-Israel movement arose. But that movement had several major faults, as it sought to glorify the now-gone British Empire in ways that were actually contrary to Scripture, and it never opened its eyes to the true nature of Jewry, which is actually a co-opting of the history and identity of Israel by Antichrists. [This we demonstrate in three essays here in our Overview: A Concise Explanation of the Creation of the Jewish People, The Anti-Christ for Dummies and Exactly Why Jesus Christ is NOT a Jew.]
From the British-Israel movement and the limited understanding which it possessed, arose other large sects, such as Herbert Armstrong's World-Wide Church of God, Arnold Murray's Shepherd's Chapel, Howard Rand's Destiny Publishers, and many more. But not all who studied this perspective remained in the errors of British Israel, which were necessarily adapted after the disintegration of the British Empire in the period following the Second World War.
Another branch of Biblical inquiry had developed, probably before the 1920's, and men such as William J. Cameron began to publish writings which reflected a deeper understanding of Scripture. Cameron had written a Christian Identity book called The Covenant People, but he was also the editor, and probably often also the writer, of Henry Ford's paper The Dearborn Independent, and its wonderfully insightful series of essays titled The International Jew.
Eventually, from this same school of thought, came men such as Wesley Swift, Bertrand Comparet, and many others too numerous to mention here. This is where our own learning began. However we did not use the works of these men as the basis for our understanding, but only as a guide for our initial studies. A Christians should see his teachers as guides, not as gods, and search the Scriptures on his own to find what is Truth.
So that being said, the term, "Two-Seedline", also helps to distinguish our point of view from those of many Identity Christians who have only the partial truths which have been taught by British Israel and other sects which the understanding of our history has spawned. In regard to some of those other sects, we have offered criticisms, for example, of Charles Weisman and Ted Weiland.
However not all of our "Two-Seedline" understanding is new. There are printed editions of the King James Version Bible which, at one time, had center-references which demonstrated the synthesis between Genesis 3:15 and the related teachings of Christ which are expressed in certain passages of the New Testament. So perhaps the most rudimentary presentation we have which explains that is a brief paper by Clifton Emahiser titled A King James Version Bible with a Good Center Reference Teaches and Proves Two Seedline. William Finck discussed this paper in two parts, presented here on May 24th and May 31st, 2013.
[I actually have a Thomas Nelson KJV published in 2004 which employed the old World Publishing center-reference system to which Clifton refers, although it too is no longer printed. Perhaps one day I will take photographs.]
The first version of this Index of Papers Demonstrating the True Nature of Events Portrayed in Genesis Chapter 3 was published here at Christogenea in November of 2009. Now, 15 years later, we have many more such papers, and I cannot possibly find them all and list them all here. So this began as a rudimentary list, and I will only add what are probably our most significant offerings. For many of Clifton's original papers, I have since elaborated on in podcasts, most of which also include his original text, and my additions. So I will offer those here instead.
A now-complete 60-part Commentary on Genesis by William Finck, presented in 2023-2024
Shemitic Idioms and Genesis Chapter Three, Revisited a 2024 update of a 2007 essay by William Finck
Explaining Two-Seedline: Pragmatic Genesis, a 28-part series by William Finck. The earlier segments were discussions with Sword Brethren.
Identifying the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil by William Finck
Paul of Tarsus Taught Two-Seedline:
Paul’s Second Epistle to the Thessalonians, Part 2: Satan Revealed part of William Finck's 120-part commentary on the Epistles of Paul, in many other places Paul had expressed what we professed here, again in 2 Thessalonians chapter 3, and especially in Romans chapters 9 and 16.
Addressing our Critics:
Twenty-Four Special Notices to All Who Deny Two-Seedline by Clifton Emahiser, critiqued and expanded by William Finck
Addressing Charles Weisman’s What About the Seedline Doctrine? A 24-part series by William Finck, presented with Truthvids.
Proofs that elements of "Two-Seedline" had been taught by early Christians:
Early Celtic Church Taught The Physical Seduction Of Eve by Clifton Emahiser
Early Church Era On Two Seedline by Clifton Emahiser
Early Two-Seedline essay by William Finck, podcast with Sven Longshanks
Early Two-Seedline Reiterated essay by William Finck, podcast with Sven Longshanks
Other papers:
The Seed Of Inheritance (a two-part essay by William Finck)
The Mystery Of Good And Evil (Bertrand Comparet)
We may continue to expand this listing in the future...