Explaining Two-Seedline, Part 1: Pragmatic Genesis

The material for this program was not put into writing, however here are some of the notes and scripture references employed.

One Adam, multiple grammatical forms

In the following examples from Scripture, we will see instances where the word Adam appears in four forms. ADAM, the generic noun, HA-ADAM, the noun accompanied with a definite article, and ETH-HA-ADAM, the article and noun further accompanied with the Hebrew word eth, which by itself is often used as a preposition, and also AL-HA-ADAM, another preposition with the article and noun.

This word eth, according to Strong's Concordance, has other meanings, but when it is used as a prefix to a noun it is “generally used to point out more definitely the object of a verb or preposition” Strong goes on to explain that for this reason it is unrepresented in English when used in this manner. Likewise, the Enhanced Strong's that is built into the BibleWorks software says that it is “an untranslatable mark of the accusative case”, which in the language of grammarians is precisely what the original Strong's says with different terms. It is a feature of grammar which has nothing to do with the nature of the object itself.

Explaining Two-Seedline, Part 2: Pragmatic Genesis

Explaining Two-Seedline, Part 2: Pragmatic Genesis, Genesis Chapter 1 - [rather incomplete] Program Notes

To summarize last week's program, if one is going to distinguish between Adam, eth-ha-Adam, and ha-Adam in the creation account of Genesis, assuming that these grammatical terms represent different creations of Adam, then those distinctions must hold up throughout all Scripture. However with all certainty, they do not hold up at all. They do not even hold up so far as Genesis chapter 5! In truth, they are only grammatical differences, and all references to Adam represent the same Adamic man, as Paul of Tarsus said, “the first man Adam was made a living soul”, telling us that the one and only Adam of Genesis was the FIRST MAN. While it is fully apparent that there were other hominids on earth before Adam, our mistake from the beginning was in considering them to be man.

Explaining Two-Seedline, Part 3: Pragmatic Genesis

Explaining Two-Seedline, Part 3: Pragmatic Genesis, Genesis Chapter 2 - Program Notes

KJV Genesis 2:1 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. 2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. 3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.

Here we have the end of what I would term the First Scroll of Genesis. In ancient times, they did not have books as we know them today. Rather, papyrus was cut and glued in order to form a long scroll which was then used for writing. The scrolls could be rolled up and tied to keep them together. The original writing of Moses was most likely a collection of these scrolls which, once books were developed, were later concatenated into a single volume. However it cannot be ruled out that Moses may have originally used clay tablets rather than scrolls. Clay tablets were used for writing in Mesopotamia all throughout this period, and some of them contained rather long stories. The first books made on a large scale came much later, and were made of vellum which is made from animal skins, which was cut uniformly and bound at one end. There are archaeological discoveries of small books made in part from metal sheets, and also scrolls made from metal sheets, however these were neither practical nor was their use widespread.

Explaining Two-Seedline, Part 9: Pragmatic Genesis

There was an interruption due to a technical problem with Talkshoe and one minute was cut from the tape at 137:01. I never did answer the question which Sword Brethren posed, asking if Nimrod had opposed himself to God by the establishment of his empire. I would answer in the affirmative.

Christogenea resources cited for this program:

The Race of Genesis 10

Patriarchal Chronology