A Critical Review of Bertrand Comparet's Who Is Your God?
A Critical Review of Bertrand Comparet's Who Is Your God?
In my daily conversation and Social Media activities I frequently encounter situations which remind me of the fact that many old-time Christian Identity people do not like me, and do not like Clifton Emahiser, and for that reason they do not communicate with me and actually shun our work. This is true, of course, of all of those who deny Two-Seedline and the racial message of the Scriptures. But sadly, to me, it is also true of many who do understand the issue of race in the context of Scripture, and who would rather cling to the personalities of the past rather than examine and refine or correct their errors. They would rather cling to "muh Swift" or "muh Comparet" and remain in their errors, and that is actually a more subtle form of idolatry. They despise us for daring to challenge their old-time British Israel / Christian Identity dogma rather than study and consider what we have written. But in spite of the contention and the obstacles, our ministry grows each year. We pray that we remain on this course. We are not going to succumb to any desire for popularity, but rather we hope to get more and more of our brethren to understand this message in the face of adversity.
So here is yet another critique of Bertrand Comparet. We do this not to tear down one of our own teachers, but to show our appreciation for him while at the same time seeking to improve on his work, correcting things which must be corrected and, if we can, edifying places where he had left room for edification. We are all men, and all of us have room for improvement, or mistakes that may be corrected now or in the future. This printing of Comparet's sermon was transcribed and edited by Clifton Emahiser, and therefore we shall also include Clifton's critical notes in this presentation this evening.
Who Is You Your God? by Bertrand L. Comparet
The whole Bible is the record of the age long war between our God, Yahweh and the rebel Satan, which is being carried on between their children. Are you surprised I speak of both Yahweh and Satan having children? I am not saying this as a figure of speech, I mean that both of them have literal children living in the world today, who are respectively the leaders of the human forces on the side of good and those on the side of evil. The theme of the entire Bible is stated in Genesis 3:15, spoken by Yahweh to Satan. “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her seed. It shall crush thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel.” The same Hebrew word zeh-ra, meaning seed or children, is used in both instances. Satan was to have just as literal children as Eve. Yahweh said that he would put enmity between Satan’s children and Eve’s children. It has been true throughout all the centuries since then and it is true today. Luke 3:38 tells us Adam was the son of Yahweh, so Eve’s children by Adam were therefore the children, or descendants of Yahweh. Can anyone be so completely blind as not to see this war is being carried on today between the children of Satan and the children of Yahweh? All of you are wondering when atom bombs will be dropped on us by the children of Satan.
All of this is true and good, but there is more to the story than this alone, and it is difficult to summarize in few words. But when Comparet makes statements such as this, people get the wrong impression that there are two races at odds with one another within the general population of the rest of the world. So they imagine, as Comparet also sometimes did, that there are other neutral races of so-called people here who were created by Yahweh and who are somehow “good”. Nothing is further from the truth. And we have proven in the past, for example, in a July, 2014 presentation titled Christian Identity Directions: Doctrines, Dogmas and Agendas, that Comparet himself was divided on this matter, and so was Wesley Swift.
But one cannot understand Genesis from the text of Genesis alone, as Christ had come to “utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world”, which He Himself informs us in Matthew chapter 13. Comparet himself had said, in his sermon titled Adam Was Not the First Man, that “Upon being sent away, Cain found many other people, for Genesis 4:17 records [that] Cain not only married a wife, but built a city. You don’t build a city for just two people. These were the pre-Adamic races, mentioned in the latter part of Genesis chapter 2.” With this we wholeheartedly disagree. While there were indeed other races here before Adam, they were not necessarily created by Yahweh, but may Other races are not mentioned at the end of Genesis chapter 2. The passages to which Comparet refers are actually an antithesis to the sin of the fallen angels which is described in the original Book of Enoch, which was to mix their seed with that of the animals.
Yahshua Christ informs us in the Revelation as to “that old serpent” who was the representative, even the head, of an entire third of the angels of God who were “cast out into the earth”. We would contend that all of these others, who corrupted both themselves and the Creation of God, were the “tree of the knowledge of good and evil” which “that old serpent” represented in Genesis chapter 3. Then where we read of the return of Christ at the end of the age in the parable of the sheep and the goats in Matthew chapter 25, we should understand that only Adamic Israelites are sheep, and all other nations and peoples are goats. The promise to Abraham being long ago fulfilled, his seed inherited the old Adamic world, and that is the prevalent ancestry of the Whites of today, who are – for the most part – from of the dispersed children of Israel who had come to dominate that world in ancient times. All of the other races are mixed, they do not have an origin in Genesis, and therefore, as Christ explains in that same parable, they share the same fate as the devil and his angels. Their fate betrays their origin: that they are all branches from that tree of the knowledge of good and evil. So Christ exclaimed that “Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up.”
So there is a greater struggle and an older struggle than the enmity of Genesis 3:15, in the rebellion of the devil and his angels against Yahweh which is described in Revelation chapter 12, and that is why a “tree of the knowledge of good and evil” as well as a “tree of life” are found in Genesis chapter 2 without further explanation of their origin or explicit mention of their creation. The Adamic race which Yahweh created is that Tree of Life, of which He Himself is Root and Branch, and all of the other races which Yahweh did not create are corruptions of His creation, perpetrated by the devil and his angels. For that reason they shall share the same fate in the end, being cast into the Lake of Fire. That is also why the ultimate purpose of Christ is not to condemn the race of Adam, but “that he might destroy the works of the devil”, as the apostle John explains in his first epistle.
Continuing with Comparet, we shall have some further but minor disagreement which we shall explain as we proceed. With this, we will split the only critical note which Clifton had made for this sermon into two parts, as each part corresponds to Comparet's next two paragraphs:
Satan was once an angel of very high rank, with great authority. Evidently he was then the governor of this planet earth, possibly much more also. Then he rebelled against Yahweh and was cast out of heaven and confined to this earth. We read about this in Isaiah 14:12-15. “How art thou fallen from heaven O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground which did weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of Yahweh. I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation in the sides of the north. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.” Revelation 12:7-9 states, “And there was war in heaven, Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed not; neither was their place found anymore in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out that ancient serpent called the Devil and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him.” In Luke 10:18 Yahshua says, “I beheld Satan, as lightning, fall from heaven.”
Critical note by Clifton A Emahiser: Early in this presentation, Comparet quoted Isaiah 14:12-15 thusly: “How art thou fallen from heaven O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground which did weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of Yahweh [an allegory for the children of Israel]. I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit ...” Many will contend that this passage is referring instead to the king of Babylon, which is true, however, here Satan, with his agenda, is compared to the king of Babylon.
As for the term Lucifer, which is from the Latin words for light-bearer, they apply here to the king of Babylon and are being used in Isaiah in a mocking sense. The ancient Hittite and Egyptian kings called themselves by titles such as “the sun on earth”, believing for themselves to be the true light-bearers and law-givers and rulers of their worlds. Ancient kings also imagined for themselves to be gods, and incarnations of gods. Many of them also had in common the symbol of the serpent as the symbol of rulership, so we can also see the nature of rebellion against Yahweh in that. The ancient pagan kings had elements of the truth, but they all wanted to exalt themselves to a position which belongs exclusively to Yahweh our God. So we see in many of the ancient pagan religions that the supreme deity was also the sun god. In the New Testament Christ claims this position for Himself, as the Light come into the World and the bright and Morning Star.
Comparet did well here to note concerning this Satan, the leader of the angels which sinned that are described in Revelation chapter 12, that “evidently he was then the governor of this planet earth”. We do not believe that Satan and his angels were cast out of the sky, but that rather, the “heaven” which they were expelled from was indeed a pre-Adamic and Godly society. However the passage he cites from Isaiah chapter 14 is a direct address to the king of Babylon even before the king of Babylon became lord of the Adamic world, which did not happen for perhaps 120 years after Isaiah wrote. Comparet had quoted only as far as verse 15, but after that we read “16 They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms; 17 That made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners?” So we see Yahweh is addressing a man, and not some spirit-Satan in heaven or some ancient fallen angel.
Clifton did a little better, to acknowledge that this is a comparison to the king of Babylon, but neither is that quite right. Here Yahweh addresses the king of Babylon himself. But it is evident from the language employed, that the address to the king of Babylon is a type, or a shadow, suggesting to us some of the aspects of that original rebellion of the fallen angels. So we can say that this may be a comparison of the king of Babylon to Satan, which is basically what a type is, an allegorical resemblance of one person or event to the representation or nature of another person or event. But we must not fall into the trap that Isaiah 14 is speaking directly to Satan, when indeed it is speaking explicitly of the king of Babylon, and many other kings have fit the same description both before and after this one. To this we can also compare the lamentation of the prince of Tyre in Ezekiel chapter 28.
Continuing with Comparet:
However, some of Satan’s power seems to have been left to him for a period of time. Yahshua speaks of Satan three different times as the prince of this world order, in John 12:31; 14:30; 16:11. Then in II Corinthians 4:4, the apostle Paul also speaks of Satan saying, “The god of this age (aion) hath blinded the minds of them that believe not”. Still rebels, although now earthbound, Satan and his angels wanted men to worship them as gods. Many of the pagan gods of Asia and Africa can be clearly traced to and identified as devils, Satan and his rebel followers. The Bible also refers to this fact in Leviticus 17:7. “And they shall no more offer their sacrifices unto devils, after whom they have gone a whoring.” Deuteronomy 32:17 states, “They sacrificed unto devils, not to Yahweh, to gods whom they knew not.” Again in II Chronicles 11:15, “And Jeroboam ordained him priests for the high places and for the devils and for the calves which he had made.” In the New Testament, Paul warns against this in I Corinthians 10:20 saying, “But I say that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils and not to Yahweh: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils.”
Continuing the critical note by Clifton A Emahiser: We must remember Daniel’s prophecy that the Babylonian system would pass seven times over the stump at Daniel 4:16: “Let his heart be changed from man’s, and let a beast’s heart be given unto him; and let seven times pass over him.” A Bible time equals 360 calendar years. Here “seven times” represent 2520 calendar years, which brings us up to our present time. Satan’s Babylon agenda is financial, political, religious and racial in nature, and we are witnessing it coming to an apex. Before one concludes that Isaiah is speaking only of the king of Babylon [there is] need to examine Christ’s description of Satan at Luke 10:18... Is not this Lucifer (Latin for morning-star [actually, for light-bearer]) the counterfeit day star compared to the true Christ at 2 Pet. 1:19 [where Peter refers to Christ as the day-star which may arise in the hearts of his readers]? Truly, we are living in a day when 99.9999% of the world’s population is following and worshiping the agenda of the counterfeit day star, Satan!
As we have said, the words in Isaiah are explicitly descriptive of the king of Babylon, but they are also an allegory for the fall of the angels and the nature of the original rebellion. So in that sense, the king of Babylon is a type for the prehistoric Satan. Clifton did well to describe Mystery Babylon in the context of the power of Satan on earth, and where Comparet said that the war between Yahweh and Satan is being executed through each of their collective descendants, that is also true. But the other non-White races are the goat nations, and the flood from the mouth of the serpent who also originated in the rebellion against Yahweh. Mystery Babylon is connected to world trade in Revelation chapter 18, and the Jews have forever been the leading international merchants of the world.
Comparet also did well to describe the pagan religions as the worship of devils, and Paul of Tarsus even described it as the worship of angels, where he ostensibly meant fallen angels, in Colossians chapter 2. But we can also see in Scripture that the other races not only worshiped devils, they were the children of devils. As Malachi said in relation to Judah's Canaanite wife, she was the “daughter of a strange god”, and not a child of Yahweh. Other races worship devils because they are the children of devils.
Proceeding with Comparet, he slowly progresses towards the subject of his sermon:
Remember, our religion was crystallized in the form we now have in the Bible at the time when the children of Israel were in the exodus, on their way to their new home in the promised land. They were about to move into a land where they would be surrounded by devil worshiping pagans. There was great danger they would gradually absorb the customs of the pagans around them and would learn to call the pagan idols gods and be led into idol worship. To avoid this, Yahweh repeatedly gave the children of Israel stern warnings against such integration with the pagans, forbidding even the mention of the names of the pagan gods.
In Exodus 23:15 we read, “And in all things that I have said unto you, be circumspect and make no mention of the name of other gods, neither let it be heard out of thy mouth”. In Joshua 23:7 Israel was told, “Come not among these nations, these that remain among you, neither make mention of the name of their gods, nor cause to swear by them”. In Psalms 16:3-4, King David’s words are so well expressed in Smith and Goodspeed’s translation of the Bible. “As to the gods who are in the land and the lofty ones, I have no pleasure in them. Their images are many, others praise them, but I will not pour out their libations of blood, nor will I take their names upon my lips.”
Anyone, whether man or god, is identified by his name. If I wanted to recommend to you an especially skillful doctor, how could I do it if I didn’t know his name? If I told you the wrong name, I would certainly be sending you astray, for you would go to the man that bore that name. It was necessary that the pagan gods be forgotten, no worship was to be given to them, any worship in their names was necessarily to them. It is clearly important that we know the true name of our God. It has been important to Satan to keep us in ignorance of it. For 2,500 years, Satan has largely succeeded in keeping us ignorant of the name of our God. It would surprise you to find to whom you have been addressing your prayers these many years. Of course, you meant well and in your heart you understood that you were praying to the one true God. But, the great probability is that you said something else, as we shall see.
It is my opinion that where Comparet says “Satan” here, that he is referring to the Jews as a collective Satan, and not to a singular spiritual being.
Comparet in his sermons usually used the titles God and Lord, as we can easily tell by listening to the recordings. Ostensibly, he did this so as to reach Christians who had not yet heard the identity message. So to this day, sometimes it is necessary to use those titles, when we deal with worldly people. However nothing is more important for us to know that our God is Yahweh, the same God as the Old Testament God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and that Jesus, or Yahshua Christ, is that same God, Yahweh, incarnate in the body of a man.

There are many nationalist Christians who despise us for using Anglicized versions of these original Hebrew names. They should be ashamed of themselves. If the Greek translators took the Hebrew Tetragrammaton and rendered it as Κύριος, or Lord, then it is entirely fitting for us to read Κύριος and render it in English with an Anglicized representation of the Tetragrammaton, which is Yahweh, and no man can say that this is wrong. Indeed, it is the scoffers who are wrong. The Tetragrammaton is attested in the Greek versions of the Dead Sea Scrolls as well as the Hebrew, and in ancient inscriptions predating the fall of Jerusalem to the Babylonians in the 6th century BC. Continuing with Comparet:
In Exodus chapter 3 you will remember that after Moses had fled from Egypt, Yahweh met him later in the desert, where Yahweh spoke to Moses out of the bush which burned with fire, yet [the bush] was not consumed. Yahweh told Moses [that] He had seen the affliction of the people of Israel in Egypt and knew their sorrows, so He would deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians and bring them into a land of their own. Then He told Moses, “Come now therefore and I will send thee unto Pharaoh, that thou mayest bring forth My people, the children of Israel, out of Egypt.”
But Moses knew what kind of a character this Pharaoh was and he also knew that the children of Israel had grown bitter and skeptical under their afflictions and might not believe Moses when he told them that he had come to lead them out of Egypt. They knew well enough that no man had power enough, of his own, to successfully take from Pharaoh’s army a group of unarmed slaves, untrained and undisciplined for war. No, this could only be done with the power of God, but which God? They lived among the Egyptians who worshipped many gods and if it were one of these, would an Egyptian god help them against the Egyptians who built the temples and furnished his priests? How was Moses to rally the people behind him so that they would believe and follow him when he led the way out of Egypt? So we read in Exodus 3:13, “And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you and they shall say unto me, What is His name?, what shall I say unto them?” [This is] A very important question indeed.
When people in the world refer to God, those who hear them may indeed picture some strange god in their own minds, especially in our present multi-racial society. When we refer to Yahweh we refer explicitly to the Creator God of the Old Testament, and Heavenly Father of our Scriptures, and there can be no confusion. And more importantly, neither can there be any silent acceptance of some alien idol hidden behind a reference to a generic “god”. As Christians we can have no agreement with whatever it is that aliens consider as “god”. Continuing with Comparet:
Yahweh told Moses to tell them who had sent him. But you can’t find out who it was in your King James Bible, because the ancient records had been corrupted by the Jewish scribes and the translators of the King James Bible didn’t know it. However, some of the modern English translations give it correctly. Smith and Goodspeed’s American Translation and Rotherham’s Emphasized Bible, are correct. Exodus 3:13-15 is curiously garbled in the King James Bible. “And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel and shall say unto them, the God of your fathers hath sent me unto you and they shall say unto me, What is his name?, what shall I say unto them? And God said unto Moses I am that I am, thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you. Moreover, God said unto Moses, thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, The God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you. This is My name forever and this is My memorial unto all generations.” However, this actually concealed the name of Yahweh.
Actually, the Tetragrammaton does appear in the Hebrew manuscripts, but the King James translators followed the teachings of the Jews who claim that it is unlawful to utter the name. Of course, it is anathema to the Jews, but the name of Yahweh our God should never be anathema to Christians. Yahweh is the God of White Europeans, and He is the eternal enemy of the Jews. Continuing again with Comparet:
Now let’s read it correctly translated in Rotherham’s translation. “And Moses said unto God, Lo! as surely as I go into the sons of Israel and say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you, so surely will they say unto me, What is his name?, what shall I say unto them? and God said unto Moses, I will become whatever I please and He said, thus shalt thou say unto the sons of Israel: Yahweh, God of your fathers, God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob hath sent me unto you. This is my name to times age abiding and this is My memorial to generation after generation.” Here the name of Yahweh is given for the first time. Note how correct translation clears this up. The meaningless I am what I am becomes I will become whatever I please, [which is] literally I will become what I will become. I will become the Redeemer of My people and the Savior of all who come to Me as such. I will become the Lamb of God on the cross of Calvary and the King of Kings when I come again.
Comparet is making examples of some of the things which Yahweh would become. Others include the pillar of smoke, the pillar of fire, the rock in the desert, and Yahshua Christ Himself. He continues:
The personal name of God, Yahweh, is revealed for the first time, for in Exodus 6:2-3 as correctly translated by Rotherham we read, “And God spoke unto Moses and said unto him: I am Yahweh! I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac and unto Jacob as God Almighty (El Elyon), although by My name Yahweh was I not made known to them.” [This does not preclude the notion that the name was known to others of their more distant ancestors. - WRF] Yahweh was very insistent [that] His people should know His name, [and that they] should know who it was they worshipped as their God. But His name has been consistently edited out of the Bible, so that the people should not know it. Let us read some of these passages, putting His name back into them where the scribes and translators have falsified the book by taking His name out of it. Isaiah 52:5 says, “Now therefore, what have I here, saith Yahweh: and My name continually every day is blasphemed. Therefore, My people shall know My name: therefore, they shall know in that day that I am He that doth speak; behold it is I.” Ezekiel 39:7 states, “So will I make My holy name known in the midst of My people Israel, and I will not let them pollute My holy name any more and the [nations] shall know that I am Yahweh, the Holy One of Israel.”
In the original Hebrew, this personal name of Yahweh is used 5,410 times in the Old Testament, yet the King James Bible never uses it and uses the corrupted substitute of Jehovah only 4 times! Yahweh was most insistent that His people should know His name for the good reason that they should know whom to worship. For example read Leviticus chapters 19 & 20,where every commandment given is emphasized by the statement of authority on which it is given. “I am Yahweh your God.” There was also a rarely used shorter form, Yah. For example Psalm 68:4, “Sing unto God, sing praises to His name, extol him that rideth upon the heavens by His name Yah and rejoice before Him.”
We would also assert that Yahweh as a name is also a title, as every Hebrew name is really a title with a meaning of its own. Yet Yahweh was indeed a title used by God Himself as His Own personal name. We can also be confident that the name should be pronounced as Yahweh, at least approximately, because of the manner in which it was described by Josephus and others in early times. This we have in a paper at Christogenea which was compiled by Clifton Emahiser titled Which Is It, "Lord", or "Yahweh"?
The Jews had restricted the use of the Name of Yahweh some time before the birth of Christ. Flavius Josephus, speaking of the very incident where the Name of Yahweh was revealed to Moses, said this, in Antiquities, Book 2: “275 Moses having now seen and heard these wonders that assured him of the truth of these promises of God, had no room left to disbelieve them: he entreated him to grant him that power when he should be in Egypt; and besought God to vouchsafe him the knowledge of his own name; and, since he had heard and seen him, that he would also tell him his name, that when he offered sacrifice he might invoke him by his name in his oblations. 276 Whereupon God declared to him his holy name, which had never been revealed to men before; concerning which it is not lawful for me to say any more.” Evidently, this may have happened around the same time when Judaea also became a multiracial political entity, so that inclusiveness and diversity would not be offended. But the scribes of the Dead Sea Scrolls, who abhorred the administration of the authorities in Jerusalem, continued to use the Tetragrammaton even in their Greek manuscripts. Now returning to Comparet:
Since Yahweh so often commanded [that] His people should know His name and in the Old Testament it was used 5,410 times, how could it have been so successfully concealed thereafter? For the answer to this, we must go back a bit. Genesis 3:15 gives the theme of the entire Bible, for there Yahweh says to Satan, “I will put enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her seed”. Satan’s children, and I do mean real living people, not a mere figure of speech, have been fighting against Yahweh’s people from that day to this. We have seen they have often tried to exterminate us by direct violence and have always failed because Yahweh has come to our rescue. Then the crafty Satan has seen that his only hope of complete victory must come through another way. He must corrupt our religion, until we become pagans or atheists so we will not have the right to call upon Yahweh for help. Therefore Satan has repeatedly resorted to the methods of infiltration and corruption of our centers of religion.
Remember, when the kingdom was divided and Jeroboam set up the independent kingdom of Israel among the 10 northern tribes, the new nation quickly fell into pagan idolatry. I Kings 12:31 tells us that King Jeroboam, “Made priests of the lowest of people, which were not the sons of Levi”. Corruption of the religion into loathsome idolatry speedily followed as the natural corruption of the priesthood. Remember how the evil Queen Jezebel brought in the 450 priests of Baal, who debased the land into the grossest idolatry until the courageous prophet Elijah killed them, as we read in I Kings chapter 18.
In the southern kingdom of Judah, the same infiltration and corruption of the priesthood by the sons of Satan, also led that nation into idolatry. II Kings chapter 21 tells how this wickedness came to such a climax under King Manasseh in Jerusalem, about 698 B.C., that it brought Yahweh’s final decision to send the kingdom into the Babylonian captivity. Jeremiah 7:17-18 quotes Yahweh’s indignant statement. “Seeth thou not what they do in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem? The children gather wood and the fathers kindle the fire and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke Me to anger.”
That this was due to the infiltration of the children of Satan is clear for Isaiah 3:9 says, “The show of their countenance doth witness against them and they declare their sin as Sodom and hide it not”. [Jeremiah chapter 2 and Ezekiel chapter 16 also make this attestation. - WRF] All of the ancient monuments which picture Israelites, show a people with straight noses, a typical Anglo-Saxon face. If these evil leaders were Israelites, there would be nothing about their faces to identify them as wicked. They were identified by their big hooked noses as Canaanites, who later were called Jews, the show of their countenance doth witness against them, as Isaiah says. These Canaanites had infiltrated into the priesthood and were corrupting the religion of the Israelites, until they brought about the terrible Babylonian captivity. Indeed both Ezra 2:61-63 and Nehemiah 7:61-65 show [that] this infiltration of the priesthood by these aliens was still going on after the return from Babylon. So Jeremiah 5:26 says, “Among My people are found wicked men, they lay wait, as he that setteth snares. They set a trap, they catch men”. Now we are reaching the heart of the ancient conspiracy which took the name of Yahweh out of the Bible and concealed it from His people for 25 centuries.
About a generation before the beginning of the Babylonian captivity, this infiltrated and corrupted priesthood started a new tradition that the name of Yahweh was too holy to be uttered. This idea had never been recognized before about 650 B.C. The name had been used in common speech, but of course with respect.
I must interject, that I have no idea upon what basis Comparet makes this claim, except perhaps for a few obscure statements in the prophets. The people at an early time forgot the name of Yahweh for Baal, which Comparet shall explain later. But the excuse that the name is “too holy to be uttered” certainly seems to be a much later contrivance of the Jews. Josephus stated of the name Yahweh that “it is not lawful for me to say any more”, as if perhaps at one time in his own lifetime, or in the not-too-distant past, he would have been permitted to say it. But to the contrary, Yahweh attested throughout the prophets that the Israelites were profaning His Name, which they could not profane unless they still used it. Comparet continues in this error where he says:
Archaeologists have discovered many ancient letters in the ruins of such cities as Lachish which usually began with the formal salutation, “May Yahweh cause my lord to hear tidings of good”. But about 650 B.C., these priests whose countenance was a witness against them, started this tradition that the name of Yahweh must never be used. In fact they carried it to such an extreme that the Talmud commands that no one but the high priest can ever speak it and he only in a whisper once a year.
But the Old Testament scriptures contain the name 5,410 times, what could they do about this? If they made complete forgeries of the new manuscripts as they were written, there were always enough old manuscripts in existence to prove that the new ones had been altered. So they instructed the people that wherever they found the word Yahweh in the scriptures, they must not pronounce it as Yahweh. Whom should they say in its place and why?
Actually the Lachish Ostraca are from the period between the siege of Jerusalem under Hezekiah and its final fall a hundred and fifteen or so years later, and the name Yahweh is represented down through the literature of the temple of Zerubbabel and the books of Ezra, Nehemiah, Zechariah, Haggai and Malachi. Again, it seems not to have been forbidden until at least the second century BC. Returning to Comparet:
Satan had already caused the pagans of all western Asia to worship him, under the name of Lord. Usually this was the Hebrew word Baal, meaning master or lord. You know how many times in the Bible you find references to the pagan worship of Baal. If the hook nosed priests had told the people to say Baal wherever they read Yahweh, the fraud would have been too transparent. The people would have realized they were being led into idolatry and devil worship, they would not have accepted it. But the Hebrew has another word for master or lord, aw-done and derived from it is ad-o-nay, meaning my lord.
The corrupt priests could not have misled the people into saying Baal where they read Yahweh, but they accomplished the same result when they told the people that the name of God was so sacred that it must never be uttered and instead the people should say my lord, Adonay. The people did not notice that this was really just another way of saying Baal, so this custom was adopted.
Comparet is operating under an assumption here, in the difference between adon and baal, as while they both mean lord, he cannot establish his claims with actual historical evidence. Nevertheless, the word adon is with all certainty the origin of both Adonis and Odin. But adon was also used in a positive sense, such as in the 110th Psalm where David is represented as having said “The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.” There it should be “Yahweh said unto my lord”, which is the term adon, a form of which is adonay. The fourth son of David was named Adonijah, which means “my lord is Yahweh”. Continuing with Comparet:
Actually, the ancient Hebrew language was written in a different alphabet than that which we know today, the old Hebrew alphabet is often called Phoenician. Upon the return from Babylon, they brought with them a new form of writing, using the same letters which are used today to write the Hebrew language. This second form of Hebrew was written, like some of the present day shorthand systems, using only the consonant letters. Thus, for Los Angeles, you would only write L-S-N-G-L-S, and these consonant letters were written on the line and from right to left. Eventually, they had to develop vowel letters also, because consonants alone sometimes caused difficulty. For example, if you write only b-t, do you mean bat, bet, beat, bit, boat, or but? There was no room to insert the vowel letters on the line so, when the use of vowels began, they were written beneath the line. This was a handy device for the new tradition that you should never say Yahweh, but always substitute for it Adonay. The name Yahweh was written using the Hebrew letters which correspond to our English letters Y-H-W-H. The corrupt Canaanite Jew priests caused the vowel letters of the word Adonay to be written under the line wherever Yahweh was written on the line, not to produce an altered form of Yahweh, but a reminder to whoever read the manuscript aloud to say Adonay instead of Yahweh.
Now Comparet's explanation here seems rather confounded. First, while it is unclear as to exactly when the square Hebrew alphabet was developed and replaced the original, apparently it was borrowed from Aramaic writers and existed before the second century BC. Both alphabets appear among the Dead Sea Scrolls. But the original Hebrew characters did not have vowels as we know them, excepting the Aleph and the three other consonant-vowels, which are He, Vav [or Waw] and Yodh. These are the three letters that make the Tetragrammaton. Contrary to what Comparet said here, the earlier Masoretes did not develop vowels. Rather, they developed a pointing system of marks around the letters that stand for vowels. According to Philip Schaff, a Lutheran Christian language scholar, the later Masoretes, those of perhaps the 12th or 13th century, began using Latin alphabet vowels with the Tetragrammaton to represent the word known to us as Jehovah.
So what Comparet is about to say is not quite accurate, but it is close:
It was well known, up into the middle ages, that where the letters YHWH were written on the line and the vowel letters of Adonay were written beneath them, this did not indicate one word, but two and it was a reminder to use one of them Adonay, in place of the other. The mistake of trying to combine into one composite word was not made until the year 1520 A.D., when a stupid and ignorant monk named Galatinus mistook this for one word and caused all the manuscripts copied in the monastery where he lived, to be written with this as one word, Jehovah. This is not and never was the name of God. In the modern English translations, Rotherham correctly uses the name Yahweh throughout the Old Testament. Smith and Goodspeed’s American Translation uses it in only a few places, but in the preface the translators state they know the correct name to be Yahweh. In Chapter III of the introduction to Moffatt’s translation, it shows that the author knew the name Yahweh was the true name, but thought that his work would be more popular if he didn’t use it.
The infiltrated and corrupted priesthood taught the people never to use the name of Yahweh in their worship, but always to say Adonay which was just a synonym for Baal. Once the people were led to say that they worshipped the Lord, it was not long until this became true in fact. Idolatry with all its corruption set in as most of the people neglected to worship at the temple. For those who did, the services degenerated into paganism. The nation was swiftly sliding into destruction, because they worshipped the Lord Baal, instead of the only true God, Yahweh.
The truth seems to be that Medieval church officials were more interested in accommodating the Jews who despised the name of Yahweh. When the generic titles god and lord are employed, the world is safe for ecumenism. Continuing with Comparet:
Haven’t you sometimes been puzzled by those many verses in which Yahweh says He will not allow the people to blaspheme His name? For example Isaiah 52:5 where He says: “My name continually every day is blasphemed”. In Ezekiel 39:7 He says, “I will not let them pollute My holy name anymore”. What [name] was He talking about? The fact [is] that the people were being taught to say that they worshipped the Lord, Adonay, which was only a synonym for Baal. Thus in Jeremiah 23:26-27, Yahweh says “How long shall this be in the heart of the prophets that prophesy lies? Yea, they are prophets of the deceit of their own heart, which think to cause My people to forget My name by their dreams, which they tell every man to his neighbor, as their fathers have forgotten My name for Baal”. When the people said that Adonay was God, this was practically the same as if they had said that Baal was God. Thus the name of Yahweh was blasphemed by the people, as He said.
The name of Yahweh was to be removed from the mouths of the people of Judah, i.e. Jeremiah 44:26, so that it no longer be blasphemed, as Comparet quotes Ezekiel 39:7 where Yahweh says “I will not let them pollute My holy name anymore”.
In the early translations, this change by the scribes was followed. Thus, in the Septuagint, which was a translation of the Old Testament into Greek, made at Alexandria, Egypt about the year 300 B.C., the translators did not reproduce either the original name Yahweh or the name with the vowel letters of Adonay written beneath it, but boldly substituted the Greek word for lord, kurios. Jerome’s translation into Latin, commonly called the Vulgate, took the Old Testament from the Septuagint, so it did not use the name of God but substituted the Latin word Dominus, meaning lord.
In truth, we do not know what the original Septuagint translators did with the Tetragrammaton because the earliest manuscripts which we have are from the fourth century AD, aside from fragments of Origen's Hexapla and the Dead Sea Scrolls, which do contain the Tetragrammaton. The Latin fragments of Origen have “IAUE”, or Yahweh. In at least some places, where the Greek has Kurios, or Lord. So early manuscripts were clearly divided in this aspect.
As we have said, among the Dead Sea Scrolls were Greek copies of Scripture containing the Tetragrammaton where we would see the Greek word κύριος in our modern Septuagints. But Comparet is certainly correct in his assessment:
This change was wrong, both in the Old and New Testaments.
However the words of Christ are clear, that He told the apostles: “The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat: 3 All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do; but do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not.” So we find no early instances of Greek New Testament manuscripts using the Tetragrammaton. Apparently, the apostles used the Greek term κύριος. However we are not under the scribes and Pharisees any longer, so we need not do what they say. Again continuing with Comparet:
In fact, Jeremiah denounced it so hotly, I think the translators garbled it deliberately. In the King James Bible read Jeremiah 8:8,“How can you say, We are wise and the law of Yahweh is with us? Lo, certainly in vain made he it, the pen of the scribes is vain”. As thus mistranslated, this is the silliest thing ever put into print. If it means anything at all, it must mean that Yahweh made His laws in vain, poor weak Yahweh, just couldn’t make it stick! You know Yahweh didn’t inspire anything so silly! Correctly translated from the Hebrew it reads thus; “How can you say, We are wise and the law of Yahweh is with us? when lo, the lying pen of the scribes has turned it into a lie.” You will find this correct translation in Rotherham, Moffatt, Smith and Goodspeed, Young’s literal translation and even in the Septuagint. But it was too hot for the translators of the King James Bible. Truly as Isaiah 43:27 says, “Thine interpreters have transgressed against Me.”
If you are still wondering what difference does it make, the difference is that Satan was defined by the pagans as the lord, in Hebrew usually the word Baal. Now think it over, when you repeat the words of the 23rd Psalm, do you really want to say, “Baal is my shepherd, I shall not want”? Or in the 27th Psalm, “Baal is my light and my salvation”? Yet this is what the lying pen of the scribes has caused you to do. Yes, Yahweh has been patient with you, because He can read your most secret thoughts and He knows your intentions are good. You didn’t know the Bible you have in your library had been tampered with by these hook nosed priests of Satan. Yahweh knows that you really believe in and worship Him, even when you are making the mistake of using the word Lord, the English equivalent of Baal.
We are getting very close to the end of this age in which no such mistakes can be made or can be tolerated. Only the willfully blind can fail to see the signs of the times. Crises are developing both internationally and within the nations, a situation which is plainly leading up to such catastrophes that, as our Redeemer said in Matthew 24:22 and Mark 13:20, “Except those days should be shortened, there should not any flesh be saved”.
We have already reached the time when we should make every effort to live according to the will of Yahweh. There are scriptures which surely speak expressly to our own time on this subject. Consider Hosea 2:16, “And it shall be at that day saith Yahweh, that thou shalt call Me Ishi (my husband) and shalt call me no more Baal (my lord).” Sooner or later we must face the fact that we have been using the name or title of a pagan god which is really Satan. This must be cleansed, that we may worship Yahweh in His own true name. This is what He is speaking of in Ezekiel 39:7, where He says “So will I make My holy name known in the midst of My people Israel and I will not let them pollute My holy name anymore; and the [nations] shall know that I am Yahweh, the Holy One in Israel.” In the early times, His people Israel did know His name and used it in their worship. Then came the corruption by the lying pen of the scribes, which suppressed the use of His name and finally even the knowledge of it and substituted the Lord. This cannot continue forever for Yahweh says, “So will I make My holy name known in the midst of My people Israel and I will not let them pollute My holy name anymore.”
With this understanding, we can see how important this Christian Israel Identity message truly is. This is the message of Elijah to come, which is to “turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers...” Yahweh is our God and our heritage, and He is the eternal enemy of the satanic Jews and all of their non-White cousins. Thus Comparet concludes:
Don’t you think it is time we began this reform? Micah 6:9 says, “Yahweh’s voice crieth to the city and the man of wisdom shall see Thy name.” If we are to be men of wisdom, it is time that we change. Even with good intentions in its use, Lord is not the name of an individual, but a title like the word governor. If you needed the help of the governor of your own state, wouldn’t it make a great difference which governor you appealed to?
The whole book of the prophet Joel deals with tremendous events which close this end time. It is the day of Yahweh, when our God comes to put an end to the wicked and all their customs and institutions. We know from the writings of the other prophets who deal with this, the next world war is the beginning of this final conflict between good and evil, between Yahweh and Satan. We know how terrible this universal war will be and how desperately we will need Yahweh’s help to survive it. Joel 2:32 tells us , “in that day, it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of Yahweh shall be delivered.” Hadn’t you better start forming new habits of speech, learning to know and to use the correct name of God? You don’t want to find yourself under the terrible strain and excitement of those days saying, “Baal help me!”. Yahweh has told us what His name is and no translation into another language can change that. In this end of the age, there is no longer time to have any doubt as to who your God is.
We still face the question put by Elijah to the people of Israel, “How long hold ye between two opinions. If Yahweh be God, follow Him, but if Baal, follow him.” Or as Joshua told the people, “Choose you this day whom ye will serve, but for me and my house, we will serve Yahweh”. Let us also boldly say, AS FOR ME AND MY HOUSE, WE WILL SERVE YAHWEH.
For his conclusions and his conviction, we can love Bertrand Comparet while at the same time we must refine and correct his message and any errors which he may have made. As for his eschatology, we may have also thought in his day that the last great war was imminent. But we now believe that it was already being fought, and we pray to soon see the end of it. When our people awaken to the fact that they are already destroyed, they are already stripped bare and naked, and pray to Yahweh their God for His salvation, perhaps we may be delivered.