The Insane Doctrine of Personal Salvation, Part 1 - 08-23-2013
William Finck and Clifton Emahiser present and discuss Clifton's paper, The Insane Doctrine of Personal Salvation, Part 1, among other things
William Finck and Clifton Emahiser present and discuss Clifton's paper, The Insane Doctrine of Personal Salvation, Part 1, among other things
This presentation is based on Clifton's 2012 essy What’s Behind The Edomite-jewish Agenda? One article discussed in the podcast can be found Here: Showboat - the Broadway Play that Captured America
Some question whether such a play as The Melting Pot even existed. For evidence that it certainly did, see the article Zangwill's "The Melting Pot": Ethnic Tensions on Stage by Neil Larry Shumsky American Quarterly Vol. 27, No. 1 (Mar., 1975), pp. 29-41 Published by: The Johns Hopkins University Press
Article URL:
Clifton Emahiser and William Finck, this program is based on Clifton's April, 2007 article, The Problem with Genesis 4:1
Clifton Emahiser and William Finck, this program is based on Clifton's article, The Great Two Seedline Controversy War In Identity
The original Talkshoe audio recording of this program was of a very poor quality. This recording has now been replaced with one we made ourselves, except for the first 6 minutes and 23 seconds, which are from the original because our recording was started late. After the 6:23 mark, the audio quality is fine. If you are one of the first 59 people who downloaded this podcast, we apologize for the inconvenience and encourage you to download it again.
Thank you, and praise Yahweh!
William Finck
Clifton Emahiser and William Finck discuss one of Clifton's latest essays: The Battle for the Priesthood
The pictures and captions are courtesy of Wikipedia from their article, Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz
With Clifton Emahiser - See Clifton's series on the topic at There were no real notes for this segment, however citations were taken from 2 Peter chapter 2, Jude, and the paper found here titled The Problem With Genesis 6:1-4
Here is one citation referenced for this program:
Dialogue of Justin, Philosopher and Martyr, with Trypho
Chapter IV.—The Soul of Itself Cannot See God.
“‘Is there then, ’says he, ‘such and so great power in our mind? Or can a man not perceive by sense sooner? Will the mind of man see God at any time, if it is uninstructed by the Holy Spirit? ’
“‘Plato indeed says, ’replied I, ‘that the mind’s eye is of such a nature, and has been given for this end, that we may see that very Being when the mind is pure itself, who is the cause of all discerned by the mind, having no colour, no form, no greatness—nothing, indeed, which the bodily eye looks upon; but It is something of this sort, he goes on to say, that is beyond all essence, unutterable and inexplicable, but alone honourable and good, coming suddenly into souls well-dispositioned, on account of their affinity to and desire of seeing Him.’
“‘What affinity, then, ’replied he, ‘is there between us and God? Is the soul also divine and immortal, and a part of that very regal mind? And even as that sees God, so also is it attainable by us to conceive of the Deity in our mind, and thence to become happy? ’
“‘Assuredly, ’I said.
“‘And do all the souls of all living beings comprehend Him? ’he asked; ‘or are the souls of men of one kind and the souls of horses and of asses of another kind? ’
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