Genealogy, or Geography? with Clifton Emahiser - July 18th 2010

Genealogy, or Geography?

There has long been a tendency among the people of our race to draw their allegiances along geographical lines, often to the detriment of the more natural genetic allegiances. When we move into a land, and multiply and spread ourselves throughout it, we tend to adopt regional names for ourselves. Thus we have Norsemen and Franks, Englishmen and Germans, Yankees and Rednecks, and Buckeyes and Tarheels, and yet they all came from the same place. After years of separation, we then have situations where the aliens in a land, eventually accepted to one degree or another, and for one reason or another, are esteemed to be closer in relationship to us than our own cousins from other lands. And so a crowd of Americans – in spite of their own English descent – may be seen cheering on a negro against an English boxer in a game, simply because the negro is wearing an American insignia. That is just one modern example. More dreadfully, a tribe of Benjamintes would go to war against the surrounding related tribes to defend crimes perpetrated by men of dubious background, and for that the entire tribe was at one time reduced to merely a few hundred, nearly being decimated entirely. 

That is how old this phenomenon truly is: as old as the Book of Judges in the Bible, and probably much older than that. In Judges Chapters 19 and 20, we see related an account where the entire tribe of Benjamin stood up to defend a town, Gibeah, which would not turn some murderers and rapists over to judgement. The criminals were called sons of Belial from the beginning of the account, and it is evident that they were not Benjaminites. The word Belial, as can be proven from an examination of the Hebrew language, refers to the state of being mixed. In 1 Samuel 10:26, much later, we see that these same children of Belial were still in this same town, and they were still causing problems for the Israelites!

The British Israel World Federation (BIWF), the jews, Judah, and DNA - 04-10-2010

Program notes, Yahweh’s Covenant People, April 10th, 2010

Topic: The British Israel World Federation (BIWF), the jews, Judah, and DNA.

This program addresses the BIWF paper found at

William Finck’s notes:

First, the language of DNA researchers has been built from the ground up by evolutionists who have many preconceived notions that lead to false assumptions. They define certain features of DNA as “mutations” (although they have never really witnessed as much) and they define a series of differences as “genetic drift” (although they have never actually seen genes drift).  Scientists guess that these “mutations” occurred 15, 25, or as long as 60 thousand years ago.  So reading any articles which discuss DNA, one must be careful not to fall into the language-trap that has been devised into making the false theory of evolution sound as if it is inevitable.

Also, genetic research assumes that the people in areas today, excluding Europeans, have always inhabited those areas.  So therefore arabs and jews are wrongly labelled “Semites”, and the mixed-race peoples found today in the Caucasus Mountain regions are considered Caucasians, a term formerly used of White people exclusively.

Revelation Chapter 20 - 10-18-09

Revelation Chapter 20 - October 18th Voice of Christian Israel Program Notes - William Finck with Clifton Emahiser

XX 1 And I saw a messenger descending from out of heaven1 having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. 2 And he held fast the dragon, that serpent of old, who2 is the False Accuser and the Adversary 3, and he bound him for a thousand years 3 and cast him into the bottomless pit, and barred4 and set a seal upon it, that he may no longer5 deceive the Nations, until the thousand years should be completed. After6 these it is necessary for him to be released for a short time. [Genesis 3 Serpent, Revelation 12 Dragon & Serpent = Canaanite-Edomite Jews.]

4 And I saw thrones, and they who sat upon them, and judgment had been given to them, and the souls of those having been beheaded on account of the testimony of Yahshua and on account of the Word of Yahweh and who did not worship the beast nor his image and did not receive the inscribed mark upon their7 foreheads and upon their hands. And they lived and ruled with Christ8 for a thousand years. [The jews attempted to destroy Christianity, and used the Romans to persecute them. But the testimony of the Christian martyrs prevailed over the jews! Once Christianity became the religion of Europe, the jew was more or less ejected from mainstream society, had no power over Christians, was forced to live in ghettoes, and Christian law became dominant.]

Women of the Genealogy of Christ - 06-21-09

The Women of the Genealogy of Christ, with Clifton Emahiser

Click here for the program notes. A discussion and full vindication of Tamar the mother of Pharez and Zarah, Rachab "the harlot", Ruth "the Moabite", and David's wife Bathsheba and her first husband Uriah "the Hittite".

The Ephraim-Scepter Heresy, Part 5

December 17th, 2009:  Those who believe that Yahshua Christ descended through the tribe of Ephraim are liars and fools, and followers of the Talmud.   I have recently challenged some of them to disprove the conclusions of this paper that I wrote in 2003, and they cannot do so.  Russell Walker's incompetent response is found as an addendum at the bottom of this article.


 This is the fifth in a series on this subject, and you might not fully understand this paper unless you have read the first four. The proponents of this theory claim that the entire Tribe of Judah are corrupted with satanic seed and that the Messiah came from the Tribe of Ephraim. They manipulate many Biblical passages entirely out-of-context to contrive such an end. With this paper, we are going to address one passage they use in their malevolent agenda. That passage is Revelation 5:5, and William Finck has the following to say on the topic: