The Demise of Free Speech?
Too many Americans think that just because the European nations are “democracies”, that they have the same freedoms which are enjoyed in America. Nothing is further from the truth. For instance, earlier this year in Berlin a Canadian tourist was arrested and his camera's memory card confiscated, because his girlfriend took his picture while he gave the famous straight-armed salute that was popular with National Socialists last century. Several years ago in Köln (or Cologne) a Brit was arrested at the airport for doing that same thing. Cowed by Jewish supremicism, the German nation has outlawed not only fair and honest historical inquiry, but even harmless parody.
Sometimes the consequences of suppression are far more serious. British Catholic bishop Richard Williamson recently stood trial in Regensburg, Germany, simply for questioning the validity of accounts concerning Germany's use of gas chambers in its concentration camps in the 1940's. It does not matter, that anyone who looks at those accounts honestly and with an open and inquiring mind can plainly see that the accounts are absolutely implausible. It does not matter, because German law does not permit the questioning of Jewish claims concerning Germany during World War Two. The Jews are the victors of the Second World War, and the “holocaust” is a dogma of their new religion, which demonizes all criticism of jews, so therefore it cannot be questioned. If a Jew makes a claim concerning Germany and World War Two, no matter how farcically unreal, it must be treated as truth. Like medieval Roman Catholicism, the holocaust cannot be questioned without punishment. The Jews who have decried Christian authoritarianism have now replaced it with their own authoritarianism, and ever since the French Revolution have Christians fallen for the ploy.