Remnants of White North Africa

Of course, most Berbers today are what we would consider to be arabs - darker people of mixed race. However the existence of such Whites in the native Berber populations, along with the testimony of the Classical Greek and Roman writers that the Berbers were indeed White, and often blonde, shows that the original Berbers - before the more recent open mixing of the populations - were indeed a White people.

The Beasts that Dwell Among Us

Belatedly posted here, this was the Saxon Messenger editorial for the August 2011 issue, and was also the original introduction to our series of articles by the same title at the Saxon Messenger.

The Beasts that Dwell Among Us

David Cameron has attributed the cause of the recent London riots to a “slow motion moral collapse”. He then said “We have been too unwilling for too long to talk about what is right and what is wrong. We have too often avoided saying what needs to be said, about everything from marriage to welfare to common courtesy.” Other public officials “have spent the last few days blaming the riots on everything from racial inequality, to poverty, to cutbacks in governmental benefits and perceived failures in the delivery of benefits in the growing welfare State that is contemporary England” (Catholic Online).

Cameron recently pledged to "turn around" the lives of 120,000 of the "most troubled" families before the next election in Britain. As if the leopard could be made to change its spots. What Cameron really means, is that he will find a different way to once again expand the welfare state and to placate the aliens who we as a nation have allowed to possess our once-magnificent cities....

The Disillusioned Youth of CPAC

How are they "conservative", spitting in the face of their heritage? The youth of CPAC have been brain-washed with those same jewish ideals of race-mixing and perversity which have long ruined the "Progressives" and "Liberals" as well. Therefore the "Conservatives" are no longer about conserving anything!

Here are two videos. In the first, White Nationalist Jamie Kelso (who is much closer to true Conservatism than the youth at CPAC may ever be) is virtually run out of CPAC. Never, ever have I seen a DUMBER group of White people than these fools at CPAC! In the second video, Ryan Sorba justly scolds CPAC for coddling sexual deviants.

Anders Breivik: The Right Far and Faux

Download the podcast here.

The Right Far and Faux

by William Finck

Originally written for The Saxon Messenger 

There is the far Right and there is the faux Right. True White nationalists do not kill their White brethren. Not even when they disagree with them politically or religiously do true nationalists kill their White brethren. This is because true nationalists are nationalists because they love their brethren above all else, and that love for their brethren is what led them to become nationalists. The real far Right is nationalist. And real Christianity insists that Christians love their brethren above all but God Himself.

Divorce in the Bible

Many so-called Bible scholars attempt to draw a distinction between the phrase “put away” and the word “divorce”, to assert that these two words mean something different, when in reality they are both often used in relation to the act of a man divorcing a wife. And by making a distinction between these two terms, many of these men even take it so far as to justify divorce, as if it were an acceptable practice. At the same time, those same men also often misconstrue the relationship of marriage, divorce, and remarriage that Yahweh has with his people Israel in the Old and New Covenants.


Independence Hall, as it appears below to the right, is a lot like America itself. The top third having long ago fallen apart, all that is left is covered with a facade, while the bottom two-thirds is totally exposed and crumbling. 


Independence Hall

Why pick on Philadelphia? Because it is the cultural center of the founding of this nation. Of the nation's original great cities, while they all had a role in creating our heritage, none are so worthy as Philadelphia to be considered the birthplace of these United States. But today Philadelphia is also a good representative of what has now become of our once-great heritage: we have given it away to aliens who neither appreciate nor even understand it, and they never will be able to understand it. We have done this at the expense of our own children, or at least, of the children we may have had if it were not for the burdensome taxes of the welfare state. Yet it is not wholly our own people who have given it away, but those among us - those who from the beginning have always been contrary to us, who have seduced us into giving it away. Today it is their monuments which are quickly coming to dominate Philadelphia, and they are rewriting our history in order for them to make it even easier to corrupt and destroy our nation. The proof lies open for all of those with eyes to see.

Liberalism is both Racist and Hypocritical

Not that we even accept the false Liberal vs. Conservative as paradigm – for both ideologies as they are practiced in the West today are severely flawed - however here we shall comment upon the blatant hypocrisy of Liberalism when it comes to the issue of race. It is the Liberal who insists upon programs – in the United States anyway – such as so-called equal opportunity and affirmative action, unlimited third-world immigration into traditionally White nations and massive relief and aid campaigns for the people who remain behind in those third-world nations, especially whenever there is some sort of natural disaster. We have, in the past, compared these actions and attitudes to the relative indifference towards White areas hit by equal calamity.

The True Story of Haym Salomon


The True Story of Haym Salomon: Revolutionary Money Lender




Although little known in most circles,1Haym Salomon is frequently promoted as a famous Jewish American patriot. Known in propaganda as "the financier of the American Revolution," he is said to have been twice arrested for his activities in connection with the Sons of Liberty and was imprisoned by the British. It is claimed that he helped American and French prisoners escape and encouraged British soldiers to desert to the American forces. In 1778, about to be arrested as a spy, the New Yorker escaped to Philadelphia. But what were the real achievements of the “patriot broker of the revolution”? Have they been exaggerated?



Visit to the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology

These pages discuss our recent visit to the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology - which thankfully calls itself the Penn Museum for short.

This section is still under construction, so please be patient with our appearance and the incomplete content! This construction notice will disappear when we are finished with our commentary.

Touring the Penn Museum, one thing is immediately obvious: it is stale. The exhibits on display are the same artifacts we have seen in the pages of archaeology-related books and journals which have been published now for fifty years or better. The only new exhibit, the Silk Road exhibit, was borrowed from China and it was abruptly terminated for evidently political reasons. Evidently, in Philadelphia all new money for museums and education seems to be going to the causes of jews, negroes, chinamen, and other assorted aliens, to the detriment of the people who actually built this great civilization. It is a destructive policy which must be reversed if civilization is to survive. See our commentary about Philthadelphia for more in that regard.

Snakes in the Grass: Harold Camping and Family Radio

Harold Camping judgment day billboard
Harold Camping judgment day billboard

Hal Lindsey, Eli James [Mr. 2012], and now Harold Camping. They all think they're prophets, and they are all fools. Fools unless it is true that their purpose is actually to discredit Christianity. They all have their own personal end-of-the-world dates set in the name of Christianity, but none of these men actually speak for Christ Himself!