Florida State League of the South Conference 2017

When we participated in the demonstrations in New Orleans several weeks ago, our good friend Michael Tubbs had invited me to present the opening and closing prayers at the annual conference of the Florida State League of the South on June 3rd. My wife Melissa recorded my time at the podium. We are grateful for his kindness, and for the opportunity he afforded us to introduce our message to such a wonderful group of people.

Conference speakers were Matthew Heimbach, League director Mark Thomey, and the president of the League, Dr. Michael Hill. Each of these three men presented excellent discussions, all of which were very amenable to our own Christian Identity truth. Since I consider myself more of a lecturer than a preacher or a conductor of prayers or ceremonies, it was my endeavor to wrap a Christian Identity lesson around a prayer of sorts, and this is the result. Click here for the text of my messages, and full-size versions of the videos.

New French Mural Announces the Fulfillment of an age-old Jewish Design

An earlier and equally foreboding mural than the one we discuss here, also by Cleon Patterson.

New French Mural Announces the Fulfillment of an age-old Jewish Design

After a struggle of perhaps two years, in August of 1791 the King of France, Louis XVI, was forced to accept a new constitution which ended the absolute monarchy and turned over political authority to the National Assembly. However whether complete political rights were going to be extended to particular groups, namely women and Jews, was still being argued by the Assembly as many Frenchmen continued to uphold traditional values. A month later, on September 27th, 1791, a French lawyer, Freemason, and member of the secret society of the Jacobins proposed a motion titled “Admission of Jews to Rights of Citizenship”.

In the motion, Adrien Duport made the assertion that the French had declared by their “Constitution how all peoples of the earth could become French citizens and how all French citizens could become active citizens.” This was not necessarily true, but rather the new Constitution offered active citizenship only to adult French males who were not servants and only extended passive citizenship to others, creating two permanent classes. Yet it did not stop the Jacobin lawyer from arguing that “… it be declared relative to the Jews that they will be able to become active citizens, like all the peoples of the world, by fulfilling the conditions prescribed by the Constitution. I believe that freedom of worship no longer permits any distinction to be made between the political rights of citizens on the basis of their beliefs and I believe equally that the Jews cannot be the only exceptions to the enjoyment of these rights, when pagans, Turks, Muslims, Chinese even, men of all the sects, in short, are admitted to these rights.”

White Nationalists, Do You Yet Feel Used?

So we hope Trump wins, if only to show White Nationalists how stupid they are for having any hope in such a man, or for having any hope in a man at all. - William Finck, The Kingdom of Heaven, or the Elections of Men? March 4th, 2016

Donald Trump might be good comedy, but that is all he is. He might be a little better than Hillary Clinton, but our feminized society deserves Hillary Clinton, the feminist hag. In the end, if Trump does win, he will leave White Nationalists looking either stupid or hopeless, and which one it is I cannot yet tell, but that would also serve our God because without Him, we are stupid and hopeless. - William Finck, Christian Expectations , March 12th, 2016

It is with very similar suspicions that we said over a year ago that Donald Trump exists only to make White Nationalists look stupid. Here we will qualify that remark. He will make White Nationalists look stupid if they place their hope for the future of White America in him, and they will deserve their fate. Donald Trump is no friend of Whites, as his record and the lives of his children prove doubly and triply. - William Finck, Political Devices, October 12th, 2016

Donald Trump IS the Swamp

All the News That's Fake to Print

This may also be "fake" news, but it is no more fake than what is on television.

Ever since the founding of the Federal Reserve System in the United States, it can be perceived that in essence, the major banks own the government and the nation, since they have total control of the money supply and the economy. These banks also control most international corporations, and those include media corporations. So how could Americans believe that media could function apart from the interests of the banks?

And while the media does indeed obey the will of the international corporations, the government is just another corporation, concealed behind the pretense of an official capacity. But political news is a little different, and the media complies with government in a different manner.

However Americans should have never imagined that the corporations the bankers own, the media which the bankers own, and the government which the bankers control, would not in one way or another be leveraged in the interests of the bankers themselves. That alone is incredibly naive.

The Greek New Testament on Wine

a bunch of grapes on the vineOf all the Greek words which describe wine or similar grape products, only οἶνος and γλεῦκος appear in the New Testament. Of these, οἶνος is the common Greek word for wine and was always used by Greeks to describe fermented products. The word γλεῦκος is only found in Acts 2:13. All other occurrences of the word "wine" in the New Testament are from οἶνος, or from compound words having οἶνος as their root.

Now γλεῦκος may refer to "grape juice", or to wine in the early stages of fermentation, called "new wine". There are a couple of other words for wine, which are not used in the New Testament, and they are included in the list below. There is one other Greek word which more explicitly describes "grape juice", and that is τρύξ.

If the apostles meant to describe "grape juice", they should always have used the word τρύξ. If perhaps the apostles had always used the word γλεῦκος, then religious teetotalers, or those who think that Christ and the apostles were teetotalers, might possibly hold an argument.

But since the apostles always - except on one occasion - used the word οἶνος, the argument by the teetotalers defies reality. 

Primarily, that is because by arguing that Jesus and the apostles did not drink wine, one is making the assumption that the apostles did not know the meanings of these basic Greek words. 

Post-Election Ponderings, 2016

We are still not enamored with Donald Trump, or with any other politician. But we do realize that last night the nation was saved from whatever further treachery Hillary Clinton may have had planned for it. The Clinton crime family needs to be investigated and prosecuted. In fact, If there were any justice in the world, Hillary Clinton's next concession would be given at her upcoming arraignment in federal court.

Furthermore, if Hillary is not indicted for her crimes, then we must know that Donald Trump is complicit in letting her get away with her crimes. There is no way for him to escape soiled hands if she is not indicted.

Election Reflections

My wife and I have just completed a three-week road trip which brought us through parts of nine states from the Florida panhandle to Detroit, Michigan. While admittedly most of the area we covered in our travels was rather White and rural, and most of our time was spent in small towns, even passing through some large urban areas we never spotted a single bumper sticker supporting Hillary Clinton. We did see one Bernie Sanders sticker on Interstate 75 in Kentucky. But except for some paid advertising billboards, we saw only one sign supporting Hillary along the entire route. That was seen on the outskirts of Fostoria, Ohio, on a lawn in a neighborhood where several other houses had Trump lawn signs on display.

The observations of others in these same areas may of course differ, but here we can only report on what we have seen with our own eyes.

Political Devices

The next Saxon Messenger editorial, Political Devices, is really only an introduction to the rest of the issue. Hopefully it will be posted here in a week or so.

With the U.S. presidential election only days away, we decided to publish this Saxon Messenger only days in advance, and do something a little different. With the exception of a few related items, this issue is a collection of articles written by myself over the past several years, all of which are aimed at illustrating the futility of the concept that our White race and what is left of a Christian society can survive the challenges which it faces in these last days through political means. There is no political solution, we professed that many years ago, and we continue to stand by that profession today.

But we are not trying to dissuade anyone from fighting for what it is right in the public arena. And on the surface, it seems that a Trump presidency may be better for Whites than seeing that Bolshevik Hag, the Wicked Witch whose name we will not print here, sit in the White House for four or eight years longer than she already has. This is especially true since it may well be that Donald Trump is the last apparently White man who may ever have a chance of winning the American presidency. But on the other hand, we remember the hope that people had in another liberal-turned-conservative Republican, Ronald Reagan, who greatly magnified the imperial American armies, and among other things had opened up the trade spigots with China, thereby flushing American manufacturing into the Yellow River. So the Great Conservative was, as it turned out, only great for the objectives of World Jewry.

CNN Caught in Blatant Lie - What Else Do They Lie About?

Here CNN is caught in a blatant lie, which they purposely broadcast. The network used creative editing to filter out the words of a rabid negress.The original rant given by Sherelle Smith urged negros not to bring violence to their own neighborhood, but rather to bring their violence to the suburbs. Sherelle Smith is the sister of the thug who was recently killed by a negro cop after pointing a gun at him. The incident was caught on tape, and there is no doubt the shooting was legally justifiable. CNN clipped out a few seconds of the video and tossed the rest, in order to portray the criminal as a peacemaker. How can CNN ever be trusted? What else do they so readily lie about? How many American lives are affected every day by CNN lies?

appears to have apologized. Their 'apology' means nothing because it did not admit the nature of their dishonest act. The original act was not merely an omission, but a deceitful lie and purposeful mischaracterization of what was said, for the purpose of distorting news in the advancement of the network's own political agenda. Their 'apology' is sort of like robbing and killing someone, and apologizing for misplacing their wallet.

The only acceptable apology CNN could make in an instance such as this, is to fire everyone involved, and now - after two weeks - to fire their bosses for not firing them in the first place.

There is no Pulse

Americans are mourning their Sodomites, but they should be lamenting their children!

How far deceased is the Body of Christ! If the body is, or perhaps, was, Christendom, then the latest apparent false flag event at a nightclub in Orlando is certainly ominous. One can plant a finger on its throat, and there is no Pulse.

Of course, we are not saying that nothing happened at the Pulse nightclub. However whatever did happen certainly did not happen in accordance with the way that it has been portrayed. We did a little investigating ourselves, of some of the online real estate records for the building. It is hard to imagine the reported 300 patrons crammed into a bar with perhaps 4,500 square feet of usable space, and a man able to walk a Colt AR-15 and multiple large clips into such a small and crowded club, which had only 10 or 12 parking spaces of its own, completely unnoticed in the midst of a hot summer’s night in southern Florida.

Oh, CNN reported that “The club is a vast, open space that was hosting more than 300 patrons” and “People inside the cavernous nightclub described a scene of panic....” But are they really describing the building which appears in the Orlando real estate records? Or are they reading from some concocted script? The building’s 4,500 usable square feet on two stories can hardly be described as “cavernous”.

We were subjected to interviews on the streets outside of the club, presumably taped in the dark of the night and only hours after the alleged shooting began. Here, “survivors” described a horrific event and gave detailed accounts of their own escape. But the accounts of the escapees crawling on the floor through dead and dying bodies were not accompanied with the appropriately expected images: there was no blood on any of these alleged survivors. When people have been shot all around you, we would expect to see you splattered with blood. When you crawl on the floor around bodies that have just been ripped apart by flesh-shredding 5.56 millimeter rounds, your clothing should not escape the stains from the expected puddles of blood. But there was no blood, perhaps because there was no Pulse.