Slut Shaming? Cultural Marxism and Radical Feminism are one and the same.

One of the major goals of world jewry, as outlined in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion and the Communist Manifesto, was to liberate the women of the West. What that really meant was not only to liberate them from their fathers and husbands, but to liberate them from their clothing and from any sense of decency and morality. In many cases, it has been a smashing succcess.

Here in this video we see the ultimate disgust: yet jewry celebrates the attitudes which this 13-year-old girl repeats so unabashedly, and the jewish media crams these attitudes down our throats daily. It calls them "freedom" and "liberty" when they are really perversion and corruption. This is what 100 years of a jewish-controlled media and entertainment industry, coupled with the Frankfort School-inspired destruction of our educational systems, have brought to America: the dominance of Cultural Marxism, the jewish antithesis to Christianity. It has created a race of whores, both male and female, which is exactly what we have become.

Sodom and Gomorrah were brought to the ancient world by the Canaanite ancestors of the jews. Today, with the dissemination of jewry throughout the world, we have Sodom and Gomorrah everywhere. Is it an accident that Tel Aviv and New York are the world's top "gay" cities, being the two cities which also have the most jews? Is it an accident, that the jewish-controlled entertainment industry spouts nothing but sex and filth and trash daily? Are all of these things not frontal attacks against Christian values, morals, and principles?

This video is heavily edited. The girl speaking hardly utters more than one sentence in any given clip. This leads us to believe that she is being coached by an adult. There should be an investigation for child abuse, but are there laws against talmudic brainwashing? Would you even want your children in school with this girl? Surely she spouts this mental sewage out to all of her "friends" daily. Her parents must be proud of her.

If the video disappears, download it here.

Society, Think About It.

Society. Think about it. Apes do.I saw this sign at the National Zoo in Washington this past Saturday, and just had to take a picture of it. It says: “Society. Think about it. Apes do.” This is more or less a slogan repeated in several other places at the zoo, so as I walked around looking at the animals – inside and outside of the cages – I did think about it.

The word ape is more or less an ambiguous term used to describe a wide assortment of critters, including orangutans, gorillas and chimpanzees, which are of the biological families Pongidae.or Hominidae. All of these have 48 chromosomes, and a few hybrids among them – often in captivity - have been known to exist. However, in “normal” ape society reproductive unions between these different species of ape hominids generally do not occur. The National Zoo - evidently not caring about compliance with equal opportunity housing standards - segregates its ape residents by species.

The Beasts that Dwell Among Us

Belatedly posted here, this was the Saxon Messenger editorial for the August 2011 issue, and was also the original introduction to our series of articles by the same title at the Saxon Messenger.

The Beasts that Dwell Among Us

David Cameron has attributed the cause of the recent London riots to a “slow motion moral collapse”. He then said “We have been too unwilling for too long to talk about what is right and what is wrong. We have too often avoided saying what needs to be said, about everything from marriage to welfare to common courtesy.” Other public officials “have spent the last few days blaming the riots on everything from racial inequality, to poverty, to cutbacks in governmental benefits and perceived failures in the delivery of benefits in the growing welfare State that is contemporary England” (Catholic Online).

Cameron recently pledged to "turn around" the lives of 120,000 of the "most troubled" families before the next election in Britain. As if the leopard could be made to change its spots. What Cameron really means, is that he will find a different way to once again expand the welfare state and to placate the aliens who we as a nation have allowed to possess our once-magnificent cities....

The Judas Goats

Download the audio file here.

by William Finck

While visiting with Clifton Emahiser earlier this month, I had the good pleasure of meeting some old and dear friends of his, a long-time Christian Israel family. Barely out of the van we were greeted by several children who had been playing on the lawn. One of them was ten-year old Rebecca, bright and smiling, “Hello William”, she beamed. Rebecca, to my surprise, already knew me through the many Christogenea recordings she had listened to with her uncles, and she had been anticipating my visit. The inquisitive young lady had lots of things to tell me, and she also had lots questions. Oh, did she have questions! Having once been a father of six, I know what a treasure such an inquisitive child can be, so I was more than happy to entertain her.

“William, are you a racist?” I realized that she must have already known the answer, and that perhaps she only wanted to hear it first-hand. I also forgave the Marxist terminology, which is difficult to avoid since it has saturated the entire society by way of both the media and the educational system, where alternatives are never offered. “Yes, Rebecca, I am a racist”. With smiling approbation she announced “Well, I'm a racist too.” Oh Rebecca, that is wonderful, since God created race and people who are racists love and seek to preserve God's creation! That is the first commandment in Genesis, repeated so many times, everything after its kind. Rebecca's proud proclamation must have been formulated through her having heard such things as I have repeated in many of my programs, which shows just how impressionable such young children are. 

The Perennial Struggle

The Perennial Struggle 

Every year around this time there is the same list of questions circulating among Identity Christians, and many of us have the same inward struggle. What should we do about  Christmas? For many of us it is not a struggle at all. Rather, we simply alienate our families and friends by shunning their pagan holiday. However while it is good never to compromise the truths of our faith, we are also told to love our brethren above all but God Himself. There certainly are places where we should never cross the line, and we should not violate the commandments of God even in spite of our brethren. But it may be advantageous to see Christmas as an occasion to witness to the truth, rather than as an opportunity to somehow prove that we ourselves are more holy than our kith and kin.

The Rabbit Hole

They peddle science fiction fantasy as news, build a worldview around their own lies, and then they have the gall to mock Christians!

Rabbit holes are man-made constructs which have an alluring power. They are typically built around some religious belief, pseudo-science, event, or even some combination of these, and they have ability to propel truth-seekers down paths of inquiry where nothing of substance is ever accomplished, acquired or learned even though something is always just out of reach.

For example, there certainly is truth in many so-called conspiracy theories, such as the fact that Oswald alone did not kill Kennedy or the fact that Israelis and certain government insiders were responsible for the events of a particular September 11th morning. However these things are readily observable from both the circumstances and the behavior of the parties involved and those who were within the periphery of the events themselves, if one can gain access to the hard data required to make such an observation.

But in order to distract people from finding the important rudimentary truths behind the causes of such events, a thousand books, articles or items in the electronic media quickly appear trumpeting a thousand different theories. In that manner, if anyone does navigate the labyrinth successfully, the one account which may reflect the truth of the matter is drowned out by a thousand lies.

There is no Pulse

Americans are mourning their Sodomites, but they should be lamenting their children!

How far deceased is the Body of Christ! If the body is, or perhaps, was, Christendom, then the latest apparent false flag event at a nightclub in Orlando is certainly ominous. One can plant a finger on its throat, and there is no Pulse.

Of course, we are not saying that nothing happened at the Pulse nightclub. However whatever did happen certainly did not happen in accordance with the way that it has been portrayed. We did a little investigating ourselves, of some of the online real estate records for the building. It is hard to imagine the reported 300 patrons crammed into a bar with perhaps 4,500 square feet of usable space, and a man able to walk a Colt AR-15 and multiple large clips into such a small and crowded club, which had only 10 or 12 parking spaces of its own, completely unnoticed in the midst of a hot summer’s night in southern Florida.

Oh, CNN reported that “The club is a vast, open space that was hosting more than 300 patrons” and “People inside the cavernous nightclub described a scene of panic....” But are they really describing the building which appears in the Orlando real estate records? Or are they reading from some concocted script? The building’s 4,500 usable square feet on two stories can hardly be described as “cavernous”.

We were subjected to interviews on the streets outside of the club, presumably taped in the dark of the night and only hours after the alleged shooting began. Here, “survivors” described a horrific event and gave detailed accounts of their own escape. But the accounts of the escapees crawling on the floor through dead and dying bodies were not accompanied with the appropriately expected images: there was no blood on any of these alleged survivors. When people have been shot all around you, we would expect to see you splattered with blood. When you crawl on the floor around bodies that have just been ripped apart by flesh-shredding 5.56 millimeter rounds, your clothing should not escape the stains from the expected puddles of blood. But there was no blood, perhaps because there was no Pulse.

Valley Forgery

Last July we wrote in Philthadelphia about the corrupted revising of American history in order to wrongly give credit for the making of this society to those groups who have as of late come to dominate the city, especially Negros and Jews. We said that “Today it is their monuments which are quickly coming to dominate Philadelphia, and they are rewriting our history in order for them to make it even easier to corrupt and destroy our nation.” A display of this same phenomenon was made in our February Saxon Messenger editorial, Worshipping the Beast, where it was explained that at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia, American History up to the Civil War is portrayed as little more than a debate over the issue of slavery and the plight of Negros, when in fact that debate was only an incidental part of both the history of that era and the causes of the war itself. We also attempted to illustrate how other facets of American history, such as the nature of the American air forces in World War Two Europe, were being distorted by those same groups for that very same purpose.

On another recent trip to the Philadelphia area, we now notice that the same people are up to the same shenanigans, and that they are forging history at Valley Forge. Amidst the monuments commemorating those White men who left the comfort of their homes and farms and kin in order to fight for a cause they believed in, there is now at least one large monument - relatively new compared to the others, and also quite different from all of the others - which clearly has no part with the others. While most of the roadside monuments encircling the Valley Forge grounds have the names of real men, mostly of the rankof Colonel, who had been among the officers of the regiments which camped through that historic winter during the Revolution, this one large granite monument has emblazoned in bronze on its front “Patriots of African Descent”, below a large relief of a male Negro in the regular military dress of the period. Actually, his uniform looks fairly rich compared to the accounts of the tattered condition of the troops who actually lived through that winter encampment.

Who Painted the Wise Man Black? Who made the Magus a Negro?

 A question we are frequently confronted with goes something like “So if Christian Identity is true, why is one of the Magi a black man?” But of course, none of the Magi, or “wise men”, were black, and originally Christians would not even have conceived of such a notion.

The ancient Parthians, Persians and Medes were all originally and predominantly White people, while the occupants of Mesopotamia and the Near East today are basically comprised of mixed-race arabs, even if they do not consider themselves to be arabs. Parthian Soldier circa 2nd c. BC
A Parthian Soldier circa 2nd c. BC.
The people of these regions became genetic arabs after they were conquered by the Islamic hordes in the 7th century and forcibly converted to the Mohammedan religion, whereafter they were amalgamated with both the arabic and Turkic races, among others.
But in earlier times, wherever they were portrayed by the ancient Greek and Roman writers and artists, they were clearly depicted as being White, and from these came the Magi who visited the Christ child. The story of the Magi is related in the Gospel of Matthew, in chapter 2, where the King James Version has "wise men" for the plural form of the Greek word μάγος, or magus. According to the earliest of Greek historicans, Herodotus, the Magi were originally a priesthood among the Medes and Persians, and they were mentioned on the Behistun inscription of the Persian emperor, Darius the Great.

Worshipping the Beast

Black History Month? The manner in which American history is being taught today, one may think that every month of American history has been Black History Month. Wherever one looks, negroes are being foisted upon the public consciousness. Wherever one looks, imagined negro achievements are exalted and trumpeted while actual and tangible White accomplishments and White history are being diminished and ridiculed, and even criminalized.

Framing our history within the context of negro slavery is a very narrow and biased way to look at the founding of this great nation. Taken by the author last year at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia.

For instance, walking through the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia, there is nothing at all of any real substance on display about the American Constitution itself. And you certainly will not find the actual text of the Constitution. Rather, there is talk about negro slavery, freedom, and civil rights at every turn. The only other topic treated at length is woman's suffrage, wherever the Center has exhibitions for the period following the Civil War. The entire purpose of the National Constitution Center seems to be the exaltation of negroes in American society, and secondarily the exaltation of women, all while White culture is denigrated and White men are marked off as hypocrites. Absolutely forgotten is the inconvenient truth, that the American Constitution was a document created by and for White men, and for those White people whom the men that created it were representing. Explicitly stated in its preamble is the declaration that it was written to “secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity”, which means the descendants of those very same White people. It was never the plan of the founders of this nation to include anyone but Whites in its polity. Negroes were never intended to be considered as equals, as citizens, or as the recipients of this great White heritage. In taking them into the fold, so to speak, Whites have spit in the face of their ancestors, who actually had cared about them as their posterity that they left them a document whereby they could preserve their freedom and their independence - if only they'd have actually read that document.