Still More Christogenea Podcasts Available on CD

Critiquing Comparet, Swift and EmahiserThis Christogenea CD contains a collection of Christogenea podcasts from 2015 and 2016 containing presentations and critical commentary by William Finck of selected sermons and papers of Bertrand Comparet, Wesley Swift and Clifton Emahiser.
Among the topics discussed:
Ruth was not a racial Moabite; Israel's Fingerprints and Israel's Migrations; Daniel's Fifth Kingdom; Emahiser on E. Raymond Capt's view of the Jews; A Faith for these Days, Let's Examine the Evidence, and Sickness, Healing and Death; Nine Covenants with the Adamic Man, the fiction of Telegony, Born Under Contract, and more...
Written notes for each of the dozen podcasts on this CD are included, as Open Office documents or in PDF format.
Click here to buy it now!

The Christogenea Commentary on Paul's Epistle to the Hebrews.

A single CD containing all of the podcasts in MP3 format and notes in Open Document Format of William Finck's Christogenea Internet Radio Commentary on Paul's Epistle to the Hebrews, broadcast over 18 programs from September 2016 through January of 2017.
Click here to buy it now!


Click HERE to see a single form for all available titles.

Watch for more information.

More Christogenea Podcasts Available on CD

Emahiser 2009
Audio presentations of the second 6 years of Clifton Emahiser's Watchman's Teaching Letters, 2004 through 2009, have just been made available on CD as six individual disks.
Click here to buy it now!

Assorted Podcasts from 2016
A collection of assorted Christogenea podcasts from 2016 has also just been made available on CD.
Click here to buy it now!


Click HERE to see a single form for all available titles.

Watch for more information.

The Saxon Messenger - Edition No. 45

Get your copy of the latest issue of The Saxon Messenger, an online PDF magazine and a project of Christogenea.

This issue of the Saxon Messenger features

Universalism by the Back Door, Scatterers and Gatherers, The Protocols of Satan - Part One and The Protocols of Satan - Part Two, all by William Finck; Don’t Look Back by Arthur Lee; The Big Chill on Free Speech Hits Britain by Francis Carr Begbie and The Myth of the Right-Wing Extremist by Andrew Joyce, Ph.D., both from The Occidental Observer; London: The Battle of the Pink Beret by Jez Turner, and more...

Click here to purchase this issue in print.

The Saxon Messenger - Edition No. 43

Get your copy of the latest issue of The Saxon Messenger, an online PDF magazine and a project of Christogenea.

This issue of the Saxon Messenger features

There is No Pulse and the second part of our series Addressing Feminism, by William Finck, Born Under Contract, by Clifton Emahiser and expanded by William Finck, Yahweh's Covenant with Abraham, by Arthur Lee, Britain's Bulldog Breed Take a Bite... by Michael Hoffman, She Turned Her Face Away, a poem by Michael Walsh, Theresa May — Friend of Israel, by Francis Carr Begbie for the Occidental Observer, Sold for Body Parts from The New Observer Online, Oil of Cloves – the Aromatic, Anti-Cancer Essential Oil by Marnie Clark, and more...

Click here to purchase this issue in print.

Christogenea Podcasts Newly Available on CD

Our three-part commentary on the Book of Esther, Esther: Fraud, or Fable?, and a select collection of topical podcasts from 2015 have just been made available on CD. Christogenea now has 28 titles available on CD, 25 multiple-podcast data CDs and 3 single-podcast Audio CDs. More CDs will be available in the near future. Watch for more information.

Click here to buy now!

Click HERE to see a single form for all available titles.

Now on CD: Christogenea Essays and Commentaries on the Settlement of Europe and Origin of European Peoples

This is a single CD containing all of the podcasts in MP3 format and notes in PDF Format of William Finck's essays on the settlement of Europe, including his German Origins series, and accounts of the identities of the ancient Phoenicians, Scythians, Trojan-Romans, and Dorian and Danaan Greeks and more. See for more information.

These historical essays discussing the settlement of Europe are all available freely for download, listening or reading here at Christogenea. However all of the texts and podcasts are included on this one CD, along with other books and resources in PDF format, making this an excellent witnessing tool for exhibiting the truth of our Christian Identity message.

The retail cost of this CD is under $5, and additional copies are $4 each, plus shipping. We hope to make many more of our podcasts available in this format in the near future.

Praise Yahweh!

Click HERE to see a single form for all available titles.

Christogenea podcasts now available as single-program audio CDs

Our recent podcasts Addressing "King-James Only" Christians and Addressing Feminism Part 1 and Part 2 have just been made available as audio CDs. Christogenea now has 26 CDs, which are mostly multi-podcast data CDs. More CDs will be available in the near future. Watch for more information.

Click here to buy now!

Click HERE to see a single form for all available titles.

More Christogenea Podcasts Available on CD

The Christogenea commentary on Paul's Second Epistle to the Corinthians is now available, as well as our commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians and the Epistle to the Ephesians. We have also recently made available on CD our commentary and presentation of Cajus Fabricius' Positivie Christianity in the Third Reich. and a collection of Assorted Christogenea Podcasts from 2014. More CDs will be available in the near future. Watch for more information.

Click here to buy now!

Click HERE to see a single form for all available titles.

The Saxon Messenger - Edition No. 41

Get your copy of the latest issue of The Saxon Messenger, an online PDF magazine and a project of Christogenea.

This month's Saxon Messenger features The Camp of the Saints Revisited by William Finck, Drowning in Altruism: Thoughts on White Pathology and the Invasion of Europe by Andrew Joyce, Several brief but excellent articles and summaries on the alien invasion of Europe from The New Observer, Breach of The Oath of The Chancellor, Why Merkel Has to Step Down by Major General Schultze-Rhonhof, Dissident Racism Part 2: Above the Fruited Plain by Pastor Mark Downey, The Fallacy of Evolutionary Theory by Brett Light, Why does David Duke insist on upholding Jewish lies about the Bible? by William Finck, Faurisson’s Exposure of the Holocaust Hoax, from Lasha Darkmoon based on commentary by Luca K, and more.

Click here to purchase this issue in print.

Clifton A. Emahiser’s Non-Universal Teaching Ministries - July-August, 2015

Clifton A. Emahiser’s Non-Universal Teaching Ministries

Announcing my most recent Watchman’s Teaching Letters #’s 207 and 208

At least many of the Identity Christians whom we have met believe that certain circumstances or events in their lives left an impression upon them that made them receptive to Biblical truths which confronted them later on in life. Clifton Emahiser understands that as well, and has decided to write about those aspects of his own life. He says: "At this juncture, I have decided to ... give the reader some of the background of my personal life ... It is my desire here to witness to how my eyes became opened to the message of Christian Israelite Identity." This endeavor will, of course, take several months for Clifton to complete.

Watchman's Teaching Letter #207   Watchman's Teaching Letter #208

Clifton continues to present his life story and his awakening to his Israelite identity as he discusses the end of the War and his short career in the US Navy, some odd jobs and false starts, the beginning of his long career as a barber, his courtship and marriage, and all of the events and thoughts that came to mind later that helped him to accept the Biblical truth of God and Race.

The Saxon Messenger - Edition No. 40

Get your copy of the latest issue of The Saxon Messenger, an online PDF magazine and a project of Christogenea.

The Saxon Messenger website is scheduled to be updated and will not be revised. Click the PDF icon to download the magazine. Share it with everyone that you can!

This month's Saxon Messenger features Unity and Divisions, White Nationalist Cognitive Dissonance and The Prophecy of Amos, Part 10, all by William Finck, White Genocide Part 1: The Ultimate Curse and Part 2: No Silver Bullet, both by Pastor Mark Downey, three parts of the Greville Janner saga: The Silence of Greville Janner, a Greville Janner Update, and finally, Greville Janner Goes to Court all by F Carr Begbie for The Occidental Observer, the Jez Turner review of Dr Nicholas Kollestrom's Breaking the Spell – The Holocaust: Myth and Reality, The Polio Vaccine: A Global Scourge by R. Gale and Dr. G. Null, and more.

Click here to purchase this issue in print.

Clifton A. Emahiser’s Non-Universal Teaching Ministries - May-June, 2015

Clifton A. Emahiser’s Non-Universal Teaching Ministries

Announcing my most recent Watchman’s Teaching Letters #’s 203 through 206

At least many of the Identity Christians whom we have met believe that certain circumstances or events in their lives left an impression upon them that made them receptive to Biblical truths which confronted them later on in life. Clifton Emahiser understands that as well, and has decided to write about those aspects of his own life. He says: "At this juncture, I have decided to ... give the reader some of the background of my personal life ... It is my desire here to witness to how my eyes became opened to the message of Christian Israelite Identity." This endeavor will, of course, take several months for Clifton to complete.

Watchman's Teaching Letter #203   Watchman's Teaching Letter #204

Clifton discusses his childhood years and especially his experience with the public school system.

Watchman's Teaching Letter #205   Watchman's Teaching Letter #206

Clifton discusses his years as a young man in the US Navy towards the close of the Second World War.

You will also not want to miss my latest articles:

A Critical Review of E. Raymond Capt’s “Israel Judah and Jew”, in two parts:

Part 1 and Part 2

We all must appreciate E. Raymond Capt for the good work which he had done, and we all owe him a debt of gratitude for that. However there are places where he was simply mistaken, and must be corrected because his books are still available and may lead some people astray on the identity of the Jews with Judah, a mistaken identity indeed!

Dawn Magazine, December 22nd, 1923 Issue

We found this old copy of Dawn magazine, a Ku Klux Klan magazine published by Dawn Publishing Co. and based in Chicago, for $20 in an antique store in Blue Ridge, Georgia. Originally it sold for ten cents an issue. It is dated December 22nd, 1923. We have scanned it in and have posted it here in a gallery at Christogenea. Each image in the gallery contains a link beneath it to a higher-resolution (600 dpi) image.

The magazine's slogan was "The Herald of a New and Better Day", and evidently those were better days in many ways. The magazine's many advertisers show that back then people were not afraid of being labeled with evil terms merely for having the desire to build and maintain a better society.

Even More Christogenea Podcasts Available on CD

Luke Disk 1
Our 2012 Christogenea commentary on The Gospel of Luke has just been made available on CD in a two-disk set.
Click here to buy it now!

Emahiser 1998
Audio presentations of the first 6 years of Clifton Emahiser's Watchman's Teaching Letters have also just been made available on CD as six individual disks.
Click here to buy it now!

Click HERE to see a single form for all available titles.

Watch for more information.