Still More Christogenea Podcasts Available on CD
This Christogenea CD contains a collection of Christogenea podcasts from 2015 and 2016 containing presentations and critical commentary by William Finck of selected sermons and papers of Bertrand Comparet, Wesley Swift and Clifton Emahiser.
Among the topics discussed:
Ruth was not a racial Moabite; Israel's Fingerprints and Israel's Migrations; Daniel's Fifth Kingdom; Emahiser on E. Raymond Capt's view of the Jews; A Faith for these Days, Let's Examine the Evidence, and Sickness, Healing and Death; Nine Covenants with the Adamic Man, the fiction of Telegony, Born Under Contract, and more...
Written notes for each of the dozen podcasts on this CD are included, as Open Office documents or in PDF format.
The Christogenea Commentary on Paul's Epistle to the Hebrews.
A single CD containing all of the podcasts in MP3 format and notes in Open Document Format of William Finck's Christogenea Internet Radio Commentary on Paul's Epistle to the Hebrews, broadcast over 18 programs from September 2016 through January of 2017.
Click HERE to see a single form for all available titles.
Watch for more information.
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