TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 51: 64, The Little Horn of Daniel Chapter 7, continued

TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 51
In our last presentation we discussed Nebuchadnezzar’s vision in Daniel chapter 2 and the series of world empires of which it prophecies, ending with Rome. This prophecy proves once again that the Germanic tribes are the true people of Yahweh God as it was they who had destroyed and supplanted those empires, ultimately establishing Christian kingdoms in their place. Then we moved on to a very similar vision which Daniel himself had and which was described in Daniel chapter 7. But while the explanation of the vision of the four beasts clearly describes the same series of four empires, it is broader in scope and portrays in greater detail some of the things which would happen after the passing of those four empires. So here we are in the middle of that discussion, and when it is completed, we must conclude once again that the only valid interpretation of the character of the little horn of Daniel chapter 7 also proves that the Germanic tribes are the Israelites of the Old Testament Scriptures.
64) The Little Horn of Daniel Chapter 7, continued
Before we begin I have a clarification to make, as I admitted recently that I could not remember whether the Franks were Christian or not before the fall of Rome. But in Book 5 of his History of the Wars of Justinian, in chapter 5, Procopius described a letter written by Justinian appealing for Frankish support in the war against the Goths based on the commonality of their orthodox Christian faith. So apparently the Franks were Christian by that time, and they were Catholic Christians, while the Goths were Arian Christians. This I found in my notes on Procopius while preparing for today’s presentation. Bede, in Book 5, chapter 10 of his Ecclesiastical History, had described missions of Christians in Britain and Ireland to convert to Christianity the Franks and Saxons on the Continent, many of which seemed to be successful.
In Daniel chapter 7 we read in Daniel’s explanation of a vision which he had of four beasts that “17 These great beasts, which are four, are four kings, which shall arise out of the earth. 18 But the saints of the most High shall take the kingdom, and possess the kingdom for ever, even for ever and ever.” So here we see parallels with Daniel chapter 2 which are sufficient to conclude that these are two different visions of the same future history, future from Daniel’s time but long past our own. Then after describing the fourth of those beasts, which was the Roman empire, Daniel says a little further on: “20 And of the ten horns that were in his head, and of the other which came up, and before whom three fell; even of that horn that had eyes, and a mouth that spake very great things, whose look was more stout than his fellows. 21 I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them; 22 Until the Ancient of days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom.”
The prophet had described an eleventh horn which represents a king that would arise after the demise of the fourth beast, and the things which he prophesied that the horn would do compels us to identify it as being representative of Justinian, and then the office of the Papacy which Justinian had created when he wrote his own laws. So where the prophecy continues we read: “23 Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces. 24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings. 25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. 26 But the judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and to destroy it unto the end.”
Therefore this little horn must represent a person or entity which arises soon after the fall of the fourth beast, which was the Roman empire, and the things which it is prophesied to do can only be identified with Justinian and the establishment of the popes of Rome over the empire, as those popes would also come to control all of its former lands, while the people of God, the Germanic tribes, were the vehicle by which the popes maintained that control for the three-and-a-half times, or 1,260 years, throughout which Daniel had said that it would have dominion. The temporal power of the popes derived from Justinian’s laws did indeed last from about 538 AD to about 1789 AD when the French Revolution began. In 1796 Napoleon arrested the pope known as Pius VI, and he died in prison in France in 1799. The 1,000-year duration of the Holy Roman Empire ended by 1806 AD. So the saints of the Most High certainly were given into the hands of this little horn for the time which Daniel had specified.
Explaining these things, we have been following our presentation of a paper titled The “Little Horn” of Daniel chapter 7, a review of a paper by Clifton Emahiser. Clifton had evidently written that paper in October of 2010, and we presented it here with our own criticisms and additions in November, 2020. So now we shall continue where we had left off in our last presentation, with some of my additions to Clifton’s remarks. I had just presented and explained the laws which Justinian made establishing the bishop of Rome as head of all of the churches in the Empire, and how that concept was evidently new in the 4th century, which is when it apparently surfaced, according to the Church historian Eusebius, as it is certainly not Christian. Then my remarks took a turn where I wrote that:
Putting Daniel side-by-side with the Revelation and with Roman and medieval history, the truths of these interpretations are fully ascertained even if there are some minor details of which various interpretations may still be debated. Yet few denominational Christians have even realized the need for such an undertaking, never mind actually venturing to make such an endeavor. They would prefer to interpret prophecy according to their peculiar sectarian doctrines, rather than according to history.
So now Clifton discusses what they [the denominational Churches] have done here in this chapter of Daniel:
The Biblical passage that nearly everyone takes out-of-context is Daniel 7:24-25, which we will read at this time:
“24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings. 25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.”
Clifton now responds to their interpretation of the passage:
This is one of the key passages “futurists” use to prove a future so-called Antichrist and a three and one half year period of tribulation, along with the so-called mark of the beast. If our people understood history, they wouldn’t be falling for such nonsense. All that futurist bunk was dreamed up by a Spanish Jesuit by the name of Ribera about 1580 A.D., and no one before that time ever heard of such a doctrine.
The important thing to notice with this passage is that we are looking for a king of a kingdom who subdued three other kingdoms of our people [meaning the Germanic tribes of the Assyrian captivity] during his reign. You will also notice we are looking for a king who, during his reign, had a very strong impact upon writing and managing laws. You will notice Justinian fits both of these qualifications. As we go along, the picture of the fulfillment of this passage will start to come into focus.
At this point I made the following comment:
Not only did Justinian subdue three kingdoms which emerged in the toes of the old Roman empire, but he also fulfills the role of being the eleventh king of his [own] kingdom. The Western and Eastern, or Byzantine, portions of the old Roman empire became permanently divided upon the death of Theodosius I in 395 AD. After him was his son Arcadius king over the Eastern portion alone, and he was succeeded by Theodosius II, Pulcheria, Marcian, Leo I, Leo II, Zeno, Basilicus, Anastasius I Dicorus, Justin, and then Justinian. So once we add to that the fact that he was also a notable codifier of laws, Laws which had governed Europe into modern times, the association is absolutely certain….
Continuing with Clifton:
I will now quote from The World Book Encyclopedia, volume 11, page 168, to get further insight on this subject:
“JUSTINIAN I, jus TIN ih un (A.D. 482-565), was the Byzantine (East Roman) emperor from A.D. 527 until his death. He collected Roman laws under one code, the Corpus Juris Civilis (Body of Civil Law). This code, also known as the Justinian Code, is the basis of the legal systems in many nations today ... Justinian was called The Great. He recaptured many parts of what had been the West Roman Empire from barbarians. He built fortresses, harbors, monasteries, and the famous church of Saint Sophia in what is now Istanbul, Turkey.
“Justinian was born in a part of Macedonia that is now in Yugoslavia. His uncle, Emperor Justin I, made him co-ruler in 527. Justin died a few months later, and Justinian became sole emperor. During Justinian’s reign, his wife, Theodora, tried to influence his politics ... Justinian was an orthodox Christian, and tried to unify his empire under one Christian faith. He persecuted Christian heretics (those who opposed church teachings), Jews, and pagans (non-Christians). In 529, he closed the schools of philosophy in Athens, Greece, because he felt they taught paganism.
Now I offered a short digression, but it shows that Justinian was related to the Trojans:
According to the Greek historian Procopius, who was also a member of Justinian’s court, Justinian had come from of the tribe of the Dardanians in Macedonia, which also places him among the descendants of that tribe which founded ancient Troy.
Returning to Clifton Emahiser [what follows repeats some things which we had explained last week, but not without error]:
“In the early 530’s, Justinian began a series of wars against the Vandals, Ostrogoths, and Visigoths, who had conquered most of the West Roman Empire in the 400’s. By the mid-550’s his armies had taken northern Africa, Italy, and parts of Spain … [And to that I must add Dalmatia - WRF]
“JUSTINIAN CODE. Justinian I, ruler of the eastern Roman Empire from 527 to 565, commanded 10 of the wisest men in his realm to draw up a collection of the Roman laws. This collection is known as the Corpus Juris Civilis, which means Body of Civil Law. Also called the Justinian Code, this body of law is recognized as one of the greatest Roman contributions to civilization. It was a compilation of early Roman laws and legal principles, illustrated by cases, and combined with an explanation of new laws, and future legislation. The code clarified the laws of those times, and has since been a basis for law codes of many countries.
“The scholars who compiled the Justinian Code divided it into four parts. The Institutes served as a textbook in law for students and lawyers. The Digest was a casebook covering many trials and decisions. The Codex was a collection of statutes and principles. The Novels contained proposed new laws.”
After Clifton responds to the encyclopedia article, a little further on he says:
Justinian was corrupting the church and the state with his law code, so we will not completely understand this passage unless we look further….
Then even further on he continued, and this and what follows is part of a citation he made from Howard Rand. Rand had followed, and also added to the interpretation of William Fowler whom Clifton had cited earlier. Fowler’s interpretation of Daniel chapters 2 and 7 was mostly very good, but Rand also repeated some of Fowler’s mistakes. I could not recommend Rand’s writings today, as he also followed many of the errors of British Israel, and especially because he maintained the belief that the Jews are Judah, which his absolutely ludicrous. For that reason, many years ago when I read Rand’s Study in Revelation for myself, I never got past the first couple of chapters. However the following observation is also good, where Rand wrote that:
In the eyes and the mouth that appear in this little horn we have a new power associated with the rule of the little horn. In fact, this power became the eyes and mouth of the civil and economic activities of the government represented in the little horn. Justinian, as head of the civil government, and the Pope, as the head of the Church, united their interest and Church and State became one. Finally the Pope became the director of both Church and State and ruled as a great politico-ecclesiastical potentate. One needs but read the utterances of past Popes to recognize the fulfillment of speaking ‘great words against the most High’ as prophesied by Daniel.”
Now Clifton, after making a few comments, is going to cite another portion of Howard Rand on this same subject. Doing this, he was in turn citing something he had written even earlier, in his Watchman’s Teaching Letter # 12 of April, 1999. First, he remarks that:
What we are talking about here is an ecclesiastical-political power with the combination of Justinian and the Pope. That is why this new ecclesiastical-political beast is diverse from all the beasts that were before it, Daniel 7:7.
To this I must add a qualifying statement. While Rome also controlled the religion of its citizens, that was not the Christian religion. The popes of Rome and the development of Roman Catholicism actually continued most aspects and beliefs of Roman paganism, but in the name of Christianity. The pagan rites became Christian sacraments, the pagan priests became Catholic priests, the Roman gods became Christian saints, the Roman temples became Christian churches, and many of the Roman civil offices became ecclesiastical offices. Now continuing with Clifton once again:
I will now quote from Howard B. Rand’s book, Study In Revelation, page 44:
“Upon the ruins of the ancient Roman Empire there arose, gradually, a new and different type of Empire, which became all the more powerful because it claimed control over the souls of men as well as their bodies, and extended its dominion beyond this life into the grave. History has amply verified these facts and that the Popes claimed the right to temporal power, taking the place of the Caesars, while the Eternal City under pagan Rome became the Eternal City under Papal control. How apt is the description of her supporter as named by John, Hell. This is Hades or the abode of the dead, for through the doctrine of Purgatory, the church was able to hold supremacy and exercise tremendous power over her followers not only in this life, but beyond through the fear of future suffering in Purgatory.” [emphasis mine]
This is also a false doctrine, as Purgatory is found nowhere in Scripture. To this I had responded and said:
While we may not totally agree with some of Rand’s allegories, his remarks were certainly appropriate. While ancient emperors, including the emperors of the Greeks and Romans, often sought to homogenize the religions of their subjects for the sake of peace and government compliance within their respective states, now rather than appealing to some idol in a temple, the pope could claim the authority of the God of Heaven, the one true God of our Bibles, while ruling as a tyrant over God’s people. The little horn would rule over and wear down the “saints of the most high”.
There is no other history which fulfills these prophecies found in Daniel chapters 2 and 7, and once history is understood, the fulfillment of these prophecies in the Germanic tribes of Europe is clearly evident. The Israelites were White, and if we are White Europeans, then we are the Israelites.