TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 3: 7, Hebrew Word Adam means Ruddy or Rosy; 8, Christ Sent Only to the Lost Sheep; 9, Which Race Spread the Gospel?; 10, Bible Prophesied New Language for Israel

TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 3
This evening William Finck and TruthVids discuss points 7 through 10 of his 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White:
7) The Hebrew word ADAM means ruddy, rosy, to show blood or blush in the face.
8 ) Christ sent the Apostles to the lost Sheep of Israel and nobody else.
9) Which race of people has spread the Gospel?
10) The Bible prophesied Israel would have a new language.
Below are some of William Finck's notes, written specifically for this program:
Something which often causes confusion is that many people do not take the time to understand how James Strong had constructed his Concordance, including his Greek and Hebrew Lexicons. In Strong’s #’s 119 through 122, or actually, through # 124, there is a list of words all spelled exactly the same in ancient Hebrew, Aleph-Dalet-Mem, but which are distinguished from one another by the Masoretic vowel points, which did not exist when the Bible was originally written. The vowel points are an attempt by the rabbis to distinguish the different uses of a word or its parts of speech, and Strong followed that system in his Concordance. So adam # 119 is the verb, to show blood in the face, adam # 120 is the noun referring to members of the race or the race as a whole, adam # 121 is Adam as a proper name, referring to the patriarch, adam # 122 is the adjective, meaning red, rosy or ruddy, adam # 123 is Edom, the designation given to Esau, which is the same word, and adam # 124 is a ruby, garnet or sardius, or some other red gemstone so named for its redness.
I want to take a moment to explain why adam means ruddy, because I do not think I ever really did that sufficiently in a podcast, or in writing, thus far.
First, Hebrew words most often have a greater depth of meaning than we perceive, or that words in other languages typically have. While I do not usually like to speak of primordial Hebrew, as we are constantly obstructed by Jewish disinformation and poor resources, I will speak of it here. Each Hebrew letter was originally a pictograph with its own meaning as well as its own sound, and different pictographs which by themselves had represented different concepts were bundled together to form rudimentary words. While the development of the early Hebrew language is arguable, two or three pictographs, or in fewer cases, even four, were employed to form a root word that described an action or an object. So the root words of the Hebrew language consist of two, or in most cases three, and sometimes four letters.
Basically, adam means ruddy because dam means blood. To be able to see the blood through the skin, a feature that Whites have above and beyond all other races, is why Whites can be described as ruddy. The underlying tones of blood and blue veins, along with the effects of the sun, give White skin a depth of color that the other races generally do not have.
The Hebrew word for dam is formed from two letters, the dalet and the mem. The pictograph for the letter dalet represents a door, and the pictograph for the letter mem represents water, and by itself sometimes also blood. Blood is the water of life, representing the door through which one enters the world: the matrix and the water of the womb. So together, dalet and mem mean blood, and the word which they form is translated as blood throughout the Bible. Christ referred to the necessity of having to be born of both water and the spirit in order to enter the kingdom of heaven. He was not referring to baptism. Rather, He was referring to physical birth, and contrasting those born physically with those who also have the spirit of God, having been born from above.
Now add to blood the aleph, which is the first letter in adam. The aleph is a pictograph of an ox, and it represents power and authority. Unto Adam, when he was created, was given power and dominion over all the rest of the creation. So when we add authority to blood, it describes the blood which comes with the authority of God, and that is the race of Adam. But adam does not mean man, which is a lie and a Jewish deception. Other Hebrew words mean man, which are ish and, primarily, enosh. The words ish and enosh may be applied to any adult male hominid, but adam is a particular race of man.
So Adam is “born from above” not only because he was given the spirit of God, but also because the power and authority of God on the earth was given to him: his is the blood of authority, and his very name and the word used to describe his race are formed from that very concept. But not all men are from Adam, as the Bible informs us in Genesis chapters 4, 6, and quite often elsewhere throughout Scripture.
Another word like adam which begins with the letter aleph is el, which is god and is formed from the pictographs aleph and lamedh, our letter L, which means arm. So el means “arm of power”, which is how God was perceived. The word am is a people in the sense of a nation and that is formed from the letters aleph and mem, which together can mean authority of the blood, as blood alone can make you a member of a people or nation. Understanding all of these things, while it is possible to get carried away with meanings so that we must be careful, we can nevertheless understand the meanings of our Old Testament with far more clarity and precision.
[Some commentators believe the lamedh, or L, represented a shepherd’s staff, which is fine. The principle would apply in the same manner, and el would mean “staff of power”.]
There are claims that the word adam was derived from a longer word, adamah, which describes earth in the sense of soil, but particularly red or reddish earth. The people who claim this usually have an agenda, to somehow prove that the original Adam was brown or red, like we call Indians “redskins”, rather than White. But this is not at all true. In language, it is demonstrable that short words do not develop from longer words, unless they are slang, which is common in modern times, but rather, longer words always develop from shorter ones. If adamah means reddish earth, why does it have that meaning? To find out, one can only resort to its components, which are adam and then dam, and there is no other explanation. So that alone proves that adamah is reddish earth because adam means ruddy,or reddish, and that the term adam could not have come from adamah.
While adam by itself as an adjective, Strong’s # 122, can mean rosy or ruddy, there is another compound word which is from adam that means ruddy, and that is admoniy, Strong’s # 132. This word is used to describe David as ruddy in 1 Samuel chapters 16 and 17.
In chapter 5 of the Song of Solomon, his wife is portrayed as describing Solomon himself, and we will add some comments where we read: “10 My beloved is white and ruddy [#122, adam], the chiefest among ten thousand. 11 His head is as the most fine gold [tanned from the sun], his locks are bushy [the meaning of the word for bushy actually refers to a cluster of dates and in this context is interpreted as wavy], and black as a raven [Solomon had black hair, as did Hector of Troy]. 12 His eyes are as the eyes of doves by the rivers of waters, washed with milk, and fitly set. 13 His cheeks are as a bed of spices, as sweet flowers [reinforcing our concept of ruddy]: his lips like lilies, dropping sweet smelling myrrh. 14 His hands are as gold rings set with the beryl [sun-tanned with blue veins showing through]: his belly is as bright ivory overlaid with sapphires [which is also white and showing blue veins through the skin]. 15 His legs are as pillars of marble, set upon sockets of fine gold [white legs with veins showing through set upon sun-tanned feet]: his countenance is as Lebanon, excellent as the cedars.
The concept of being of a ruddy is a White construct, and so is the concept of a fair complexion. Other races do not have these qualities. But this White quality is expressed throughout the Bible. The concept of being swarthy or black or blue either emotionally or spiritually are also White constructs which the other races do not have, and they are also expressed throughout the Bible. However we cannot think to imagine that such descriptions refer to skin color where such an interpretation forces one passage to conflict with other passages in the same books.
For example, near the beginning of the first chapter of the Song of Solomon we read in words attributed to Solomon himself: “5 I am black, but comely, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, as the tents of Kedar, as the curtains of Solomon.” A lot of people might stop reading right there, imagining that one verse alone to be a proof that Solomon was a nigger. But in the very next verse, we see that he declared for himself to be black, or swarthy, only because he was tanned by the sun: “6 Look not upon me, because I am black, because the sun hath looked upon me: my mother's children were angry with me; they made me the keeper of the vineyards; but mine own vineyard have I not kept.” Now we see he describes himself as being tanned by the sun because he was made to go outside and keep vineyards. But what is more important, is that he felt it was a reproach to him, to be swarthy, and he was embarrassed by the reproach and didn’t even want the women to look at him for that reason. So it is obvious, that not only was Solomon actually White, like the rest of the book describes, but it was also a disgrace to be a nigger. For the fools who imagine Solomon was black because of one short statement in verse 5, they should also be disgraced.
Another example is in Lamentations where we read: “7 Her Nazarites were purer than snow, they were whiter than milk, they were more ruddy in body than rubies, their polishing was of sapphire: 8 Their visage is blacker than a coal; they are not known in the streets: their skin cleaveth to their bones; it is withered, it is become like a stick.” The Nazarites were not black-skinned, but only “black” in appearance because of the suffering they went through when Jerusalem was destroyed, and because of the poor estate to which they sunk as a result of that. The text clearly states that they were White-skinned, “whiter than milk” and “ruddy in body” before they were shamed in their defeat by the Babylonians.
Now let us go to an apocryphal description of Noah found in the Genesis Apocryphon of the Dead Sea Scrolls, and also in the Book of Noah found in the Ethiopic Enoch, chapter 6: “And after some days my son Methuselah took a wife for his son Lamech, and she became pregnant by him and bore a son. And his body was white as snow and red as the blooming of a rose, and the hair of his head and his long locks were white as wool, and his eyes beautiful.” In this book, Noah was described as being so white that even his parents were astounded. Of course, we do not think that this work is original to the time of Noah, or that it is to be considered as Scripture. But what it does is reflect how the authors of the work had interpreted Genesis 6 where it says that “9… Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.” Noah was White, and he was perfectly White.
From here we should discuss the fact that since Adam was White, and Noah was White, that Shem, Ham and Japheth also must have all been white. So we will briefly discuss the nations of Genesis chapter 10….
For more see my essays, The Race of Genesis 10, and the English is from Hebrew section at Christogenea.