End Times Update 11, February 2020

It has been many months since our last End Times Update in October of 2018. Now, finally, we are here once again, and today we are going to discuss all the rumors and reports of State secession from the Union, and counties or cities which have threatened or expressed a desire to secede from their respective States, and how that phenomenon, as it is mentioned more and more frequently in the media, reflects the trend towards ideological and political balkanization in America.

In the initial part of this discussion, William Finck presented A Brief and Incomplete History of Secession in the United States, an article written for the Dixie Project at Christogenea.

During the discussion we also mentioned the Marxist indoctrination of Christians in the schools. The image below is a good example.

End Times Update 6, June 2018

Another End Times Update. Tonight we begin a discussion of Ezekiel chapters 38 & 39, which are separate visions of the same event prophesied to befall the Camp of the Saints in Revelation chapter 20. Of course, none of these prophecies describe what the mainstream denominational Christians or the satanic antichrist Jews claim that they describe.

End Times Update 5, May 2018

This evening we discuss the history of immigration in America, the historic attitudes towards immigration, and how the sudden change in policy in 1965 led to the fulfillment of prophecy we are currently witnessing as all of the world's non-White peoples are being led by Satan against the Camp of the Saints.

We also discuss national average IQ and how it can lead to the anticipated Fall of Babylon as immigration results in White minorities throughout the West.

Below: Lyndon Johnson's remarks as he signed the Immigration Act in 1965

End Times Update 4, April 2018

April 2018 End Times Update: the Trump Presidency and the futility of political solutions as a counter to Jewish Supremacism and Global Zionism, the Alt-Right Shills who promote Trump and deceive White Nationalists, the real reasons behind the war in Syria, and more.

See below for a link to a better amplified version of Wesley Clark's remarks at PNAC concerning the planned destabilization of the Middle East, which was a Neocon Jewish agenda from the beginning, once the names he names are considered.

End Times Update, April 2018. William Finck's introduction and notes: 

Just over a year ago, last April 7th, I made a post at Christogenea thumping my chest just a little and listing a few of the comments I made about Donald Trump long before he was elected. 

End Times Update 3, March 2018

Tonight: Another End Times Update. Tonight we continue to discuss the retail meltdown which has been ongoing since last year, and changes in the retail food industry which are responses to the innovations of Amazon.com. We believe that these changes will impact food quality as well as availability. Finally, we discuss how we look at food itself, and the unhealthy nature of many things which are sold as food.

Another End Times Update

An End Times Update: William Finck surveys the prospects for the anticipated Fall of Babylon, review some of the relevant Scriptures, and discuss the changes in circumstances and attitudes on the political, economic and social landscape in America since the topic was covered in depth here in the Beginnings and Ends series last June.

The End of the World is Here - Again

The end of the world is here. Again. Tomorrow is the Rapture, at least according to some so-called Christians, and sadly, even some Identity Christians are caught up in the fervor over the expected alignment of certain of the planets. We have hurricanes, earthquakes, and fires in diverse places, and all of this is believed to presage the end of the world by millions of Christians who really have no idea what it was like “in the days of Noah”, because their pastors cannot teach them the truth.

The introductory comments to this program were a slightly updated version of our February 10th, 2010 article Disdaining the Culture of Fear. The closing segment was from a January 3rd, 2011 program titled Newspaper Eschatology

Relative to the content and context of this program are the articles Once-Predicted End Time Dates and Snakes in the Grass: Harold Camping and Family Radio, Niagara Falls Frozen, and the December 21st, 2012 podcast 12-21-2012 - Don't drink the sensationalist swill, because it's not the end of the world! Of course, it is still not the end of the world. Pastor Downey's website is found at Kinsman Redeemer Ministries.

12-21-2012 - Don't drink the sensationalist swill, because it's not the end of the world!

What, no rapture yet? Hey Hal Lindsey, When is it Now? No Nibiru, no Mayan calendar predictions, and we will still be here on December 22nd, 2012, to host an all-night event making fun of all the followers of clowns like Eli James, Zechariah Sitchin and all the other 12/21/2012 Doomsdayers!

Originally billed as "An All Night Internet Radio Marathon", because Talkshoe has begun enforcing a two-hour program limit, this program will not run more than two hours. Therefore we have adjusted the time to 11:00 PM, as if to usher out the supposed "end times" date of December 21st, 2012, and to usher in the date that according to many should not have happened on earthly calendars, December 22nd, 2012. 

For the lengthy audio clip played in the first hour of this program see the John844.org article: Nibiru, Crop Circles and Eli James

Don't drink the sensationalist swill, because it's not the end of the world!