The Justice in Mercy with Pastor Mark Downey

One of the biggest challenges we have in our ministry is getting even Identity Christians to accerpt that the Scripture is true, that "all Israel" means all Israel, and they all shall indeed be saved. We have explained this in many places, for example in Unity and Divisions, Scatterers and Gatherers, and our commentary on Romans chapter 5: Salvation is a Racial Phenomenon. Those who do not understand this vital point of Scripture are missing the larger picture of the purpose of God. We cannot begin to love our brethren, heal our race, or please our God without this understanding. 

Here Pastor Mark Downey of Kinsman Redeemer Ministries joins William Finck for a presentation and discussion of his latest sermon, The Justice in Mercy, where he begins to explore the subject of the mercy of God in the overall plan for the children of Israel.