TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 52: 65, Daniel 7 and the Two Beasts of Revelation Chapter 13

TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 52
Discussing our presentation of Proof 63 in our series, our interpretation of the little horn of Daniel chapter 7, we asserted as a fact that the emperor Justinian is that little horn. Now we shall correlate that prophecy with the prophecy of the two beasts found in Revelation chapter 13. As we have already hoped to have demonstrated here, once the identity of these empires and beasts found in these prophecies from Daniel and the Revelation are established, there should be no doubt that the White nations of Christian Europe are the descendants of the ancient Israelites, who were certainly also White.
65) Daniel 7 and the Two Beasts of Revelation 13
As we had done in proof # 63 in relation to Daniel chapter 7, here we will also begin to present this subject as it was discussed at length in a paper titled The “Little Horn” of Daniel chapter 7, a review of a paper by Clifton Emahiser, which was presented at Christogenea last November. But because of its length and the fact that the paper addresses other peripheral topics which are not pertinent here, we will only follow it for a few paragraphs. Doing this, we will continue to speak of that little horn of Daniel chapter 7, as it lays a firm foundation upon which we can interpret Revelation chapter 13.
So where we left off with that paper in Proof # 63, now we shall resume our summary, and:
Clifton continues to cite his old Watchman’s Teaching Letter, which in turn continues to cite [a book by] Howard Rand [titled Study in Revelation]:
“Then quoting on page 49 from this same book [under the subtitle]: ‘CHURCH OVER STATE: Pope Agapetus, in a dispute with Justinian the Emperor of the East, won his point and the Emperor yielded to the Pope. The head of the Church had triumphed over the head of the government. This was 536 A.D. A Church council assembled at Constantinople this same year and informed the government, as a servant of the Church, that an edict be issued ordering a decision of the council executed. This was done and thus Church and State became united. Persecutions followed, which the Church dictated and the State supported. One thousand two hundred and sixty years of cruel torture and destruction now followed, resulting in nearly a hundred million dying violent deaths’.”
Note the dates, that as a result of Justinian’s own laws, the pope first prevailed over him in 536 AD, exactly 1,260 years before Napoleon had arrested pope Pius VI. I responded to Clifton’s citation with the remark that:
Of course, not all of the popes were so evil, and at the same time the Roman Catholic Church did many things which we may consider to be beneficial to Christian society in Europe. But it never ruled according to the laws of God and the Gospel of Christ, and it never taught true apostolic Christianity. Rather, the Roman Catholic Church, and the portion which became known as the Greek Orthodox Church since the time of the great schism [1054 AD], had always been agents of the empire, and they were formed from a mixture of Christianity with the ancient pagan institutions and philosophies of the empire.
Now Clifton continues by expressing a formula:
538 A.D. TO 1798 A.D. = 1,260 YEARS, NOT 3½ YEARS
Let’s go back to our original Scripture of Daniel 7:24-25 and pick up the sentence concerning this period of time: “... and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.”
Now in our November, 2020 presentation of this paper I had responded to this formula and said:
That is, the “saints of the most high” would be given into the hand of this little horn for three-and-a-half times. In summary, Clifton is expressing the concept that the beginning of the papacy as we know it was circa 538 AD, and the temporal powers of the pope in Europe had ended with the French Revolution and the time of Napoleon and his actions against the pope circa 1798 AD, a period of 1260 years. So [now] Clifton replies and says:
This sentence is used by futurists as a basis for their postulation of a future three and one half year tribulation period, when a so-called Antichrist will set up his kingdom after a so-called rapture. Some futurists call for a seven year tribulation period. As I told you before, the futurist theory was dreamed up by a Spanish Jesuit priest by the name of Ribera, about 1580 A.D., and the teaching had never been heard of before that time. It has a long and sordid history, and I don’t have space here to go into much detail on the subject. But this portion of Scripture quoted immediately above is one of the basic passages they use, out-of-context, to support their theory. By showing you the true historical meaning of this passage, I hope to drive a nail into the coffin of this doctrine so it will stay dead for a long time. What could be more of a tribulation than 1,260 years and 100,000,000 violent deaths, mostly of our people? Some estimate as low as 60 million, but it is still a lot of people. This is the legacy of Justinian and his law code, along with the Universal Church.
To this I added that:
The 30 Years’ War after the time of the Reformation was a significant source of those deaths, where there were perhaps more than 8 million deaths in a war that was primarily instigated by the Jesuit Counter-Reformation and Roman Catholic desires to once again control Germany.
Now Clifton continues under another subtitle:
Now that we have covered this prophecy of Daniel 7, let’s take a look at some comments from The Bible Knowledge Commentary on this passage found in vol. 1, page 1355. While there are some positive contributions from this source, other positions are faulty, hampering understanding. As I quote an example here, compare it with the evidence:
“The amillenarian [or amillennial - WRF] view that the ‘little horn’ has already appeared sometime in the past (but since Christ’s First Advent) is wrong because: (a) no such ruler has attained worldwide status (7:23), (b) no such ruler has subdued 3 of 10 kings who were ruling at once (v. 24), (c) no such ruler has persecuted Israel (v. 21) for three and one-half years (v. 25), and (d) no such ruler has been destroyed forever (v. 26) by Christ’s return. Nor could this ‘little horn’ be the Roman Catholic papacy because: (a) the ‘little horn’ is a king, not a pope, (b) the papacy’s power has not been limited to three and one-half years, (c) the papacy has not concentrated on persecuting the nation Israel, and (d) the papacy has not been destroyed by the return of Christ to the earth.”
Now Clifton made another parenthetical remark:
This source hasn’t the least idea who true Israel is!
So I added and said:
This is the folly of interpreting prophecy through Church doctrine, as Church doctrine is based on Judaized teachings, false premises and false conclusions about Scripture.
The interpretation of the series of kingdoms described in Daniel chapter 2 is concrete, it cannot be honestly interpreted as anything but the succession of Babylon, Persia, Greece and Rome to world hegemony without being twisted into a pretzel, and so it is in Daniel chapter 7. We are told by Daniel himself that these beasts were kingdoms that would succeed one another, and the beasts are described as having features which can indeed be identified with the respective kingdoms with which they should be associated.
Then we are told by Daniel himself that this little horn would be a king that would arise after them who would make war against and prevail over the people of God until the coming of the Ancient of Days. So, interpreting Daniel chapters 2 and 7 together, we must look for a ruling authority that arose out of the head of that last of the four beasts, the Roman empire, and which prevailed over the same people who had caused that empire to fall, as they are described in Daniel chapter 2 as the people of the stone kingdom. Daniel chapters 2 and 7 cannot be independently interpreted in ways that force them to conflict with one another, as if the Word of God is not consistent. Therefore the Saints of the Most High must be another identifier for the people of the Stone Kingdom.
The Roman Catholic Church, having its authority encoded into the laws which came directly from Justinian, and Justinian also having fulfilled other aspects of the description of the little horn in his own lifetime, in that the identification of this authority is revealed in a manner which cannot be plausibly denied, and it also becomes evident that the modern Jews, who still deny Christ and whom Christ had told were not His sheep, they cannot possibly be identified as the Saints of the Most High. If we do not start with our own conclusion and try to force the Word of God to suit our doctrine, then the prophecy itself will lead us to a correct conclusion and we must admit that both the church doctrine and the Jews are all wrong.
Here we are going to depart from our review of Clifton’s paper, as he went on to refute the criticism of the amillennial view of Walvoord and Zuck. While we are certainly not amillenialists, all of their arguments against the amillennialists are false, and in summary they represent a false dichotomy. We do not deny the thousand-year reign of Christ as it is prophesied in Revelation chapter 20, but rather, we know that it has already occurred in history. But as Clifton had said, “This source hasn’t the least idea who true Israel is!” Walvoord and Zuck errantly take for granted that the modern Israeli state is the “Israel” that the little horn should persecute, but nothing could be further from the truth. The prophecies of Daniel chapters 2 and 7 clearly prove that the Germanic tribes are the children of Israel, and now with that as our foundation we shall move on to discuss:
Revelation chapter 13
Before beginning, I will quote just one more of my own comments from the earlier paper: “There were early Reformers who understood from Daniel and the Revelation that the papacy certainly was the beast which fulfilled those prophecies, and there is much artwork surviving from that time containing propaganda which depicts that very thing. They confused the beast for the Antichrist, which was an error, but the association of the papacy with the beast entity in these Scriptures is true.” However I had those things reference to the second beast of Revelation chapter 13. Now we shall read the portion of the chapter describing the first beast, from the Christogenea New Testament:
1 And I saw a beast ascending from out of the sea, having ten horns and seven heads and upon its horns ten diadems and upon its heads a name of blasphemy. 2 And the beast which I saw was like a leopard and its feet as a bear’s and its mouth as a lion’s mouth, and the dragon had given to it his power and his throne and great authority.
This beast which John saw here has the combined attributes of three of the four beasts in Daniel’s vision of the series of four empires described in Daniel chapter 7, the bear, the leopard and the lion. The fourth attribute which is missing here is that of the man, however this beast is clearly an institution of men. These similarities are more than sufficient to associate these two visions and to interpret them as describing the same series of beast empires. Continuing with the chapter:
3 And one from among its heads as if having been slaughtered unto death, yet the wound of its death had been healed. And the whole earth marveled after the beast 4 and they worshipped the dragon, because he had given authority to the beast, and they worshipped the beast, saying: “Who is like the beast, and who is able to make war with it?”
The wound in the head represents the fall of Rome, and we shall discuss that further where it is mentioned in connection with the second beast later in this chapter. Here we also have a further revelation, that it is the dragon which had given its power to these beasts, and the dragon elsewhere in Scripture represents the powers of evil which is found in the enemies of God. If we studied the dragon, it could be made evident that it is the mercantile power of the Edomite Jew, and the enemies of God who would attempt to destroy the Christ child, a role in history fulfilled by the Edomite Jew Herod, is identified as a dragon in Revelation chapter 12. Continuing with the Revelation chapter 13:
5 And there had been given to it a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies and there had been given to it authority to act for forty and two months. 6 And it opened its mouth in blasphemies towards Yahweh to blaspheme His Name and His tabernacle, those dwelling in heaven.
The 42 months is equivalent to 1,260 days, and we would assert that they represent 1,260 years for which this first beast would rule over at least most of the Adamic world. There are other prophecies, such as in the books of Numbers and Ezekiel, that inform us that a day represents a prophetic year. So in Ezekiel chapter 4 the prophet was told to accomplish a certain task for a fixed period of days, and Yahweh said “I have appointed thee each day for a year.”
While the calendar of God is more perfect than the calendars of men, if we count 476 AD as the fall of Rome, going back 1,260 years we arrive at around 785 BC. At this time Adad-Nirari III was king of Assyria, and it was he who was the first foreign emperor who had begun to oppress the ancient kingdom of Israel, even placing Israel under tribute during the rule of Jehoash the son of Jehoahaz son of Jehu (not to be confused with Jehoash the son of Amaziah king of Judah). But if we count 536 AD as the beginning of the little horn of Daniel chapter 7, going back 1,260 years we arrive at 724 BC, very close to the date of the fall of Samaria to Sargon II. But if this first beast represents Rome alone, as being a composite, yet surpassing all of the empires which had preceded it, then 724 BC approaches the legendary founding of the city which was popularly esteemed to be around 750 BC. So reckoning this beast we see that it ruled for a period very close to the prophesied 42 months, in the estimation of men. That it blasphemed Yahweh the God of Israel is a subject of Paul of Tarsus’ epistle to the Romans, in Romans chapter 1.
Continuing with Revelation chapter 13 and the description of this first beast:
7 And there had been given to it to make war with the saints and to overcome them, and authority had been given to it over every tribe and people and tongue and nation.
Here we see that this first beast is also the beast of four empires in the vision of Daniel chapter 2, since only one series of empires ever ruled “wheresoever the children of men dwell” in ancient history. Just as the world was limited to the White world of antiquity in Daniel, so it is in Revelation since this beast only ruled over White nations, or nations on the fringes of society that were formerly White and that were already in the process of becoming non-White, such as Ethiopia and Egypt. So continuing once again:
8 And all those dwelling upon the earth worshipped it, of whom their names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb who had been slaughtered from the foundation of Society. 9 If one has an ear, he must hear! 10 If one is for captivity, into captivity he goes. If one is to be slain by the sword, he is to be slain by the sword. Thus is the patience and the faith of the saints.
While we will not comment on other aspects of this prophecy here, all of this certainly also describes the Roman empire. Furthermore, there is no legitimate interpretation of this prophecy which is not Eurocentric, a term which in ancient times should include the Levant and Mesopotamia, which once again proves that the Israelites are White. We cannot imagine at this point, in the words of Christ, that Jews would be called “saints of the Most High”, as they had completely rejected Him and He denied them that status, telling them that they rejected Him because they were not His sheep, and that they were not of God, so for those reasons, as it is described in the Gospel accounts, He had fully expected them to reject Him.
Now proceeding with the chapter, we see John describe a second beast which emerges from the head of the first:
11 And I saw another beast ascending from out of the earth, and it had two horns like a lamb and spoke as a dragon. 12 And all the authority of the first beast it practices in his presence. And it makes the earth and those dwelling in it that they shall worship the first beast, who had been healed from the wound of its death.
While the number is not quite as low as I remembered it in an extemporaneous digression here recently, after the Goths had taken Rome, according to the contemporary historian Procopius, the city was left practically deserted once it had fallen, and “among the common people… only five hundred men had been left throughout the whole city… For all the rest of the population were gone…” But later, even many of these were slain (History of the Wars, 7.20.19 ff.). So Rome at this time certainly did appear to be dead, and this is certainly the wounding of one of the ten heads, which, much like the toes of the beast of Daniel chapter 2, or the ten horns of Daniel chapter 7, we may interpret as representing the kingdoms which emerged after the empire fell apart. Once more returning to continue Revelation chapter 13:
13 And he shall make a great sign, that even fire would be made from heaven to descend to earth before men, 14 and he would deceive those dwelling upon the earth through the signs which have been given to him to make in the presence of the beast, saying to those dwelling upon the earth to make an image for the beast, who has the wound of the sword and has lived.
The Papacy, which ruled Europe for 1,260 years after the fall of the Roman Empire, certainly is this second beast of Revelation chapter 13, and it is described in much the same way that the little horn of Daniel chapter 7 is described. For example, speaking like a dragon with the mouth of a lamb, Daniel had said that the little horn “shall speak great words against the most High”. But the popes spoke their own blasphemies under the pretense of being the representatives of Christ the Lamb. The little horn also had all of the authority which the ancient emperors had, and it practiced that authority to keep the people of Europe in complete subjection to the Church of Rome. They made fire come down upon the earth by making war against the saints, and the image of the beast is all the pomp and majesty and regal appearance of the papacy, which the people worshipped just as their forebears had worshipped the pomp and majesty of the emperors of ancient Rome. Continuing with Revelation 13:
15 And there had been given to him to give a spirit to the image of the beast, in order that the image of the beast may also speak and may make it that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be slain.
The popes certainly did have many so-called “heretics” and many of their own enemies slain, sometimes in horrible ways. The popes often created wars, using one European kingdom against another when certain kingdoms would not comply with their demands.
Now to finish reading the chapter:
16 And it makes all, those who are small and those who are great and those who are wealthy and those who are poor and those who are free and those who are slaves, that they have given to them an engraved mark upon their right hand or upon their forehead, 17 and in order that one would not be able to buy or to sell if he has not the mark: the name of the beast or the number of his name.
The “mark of the beast” is not necessarily a physical mark. Rather, it should be compared to what Yahweh had told the children of Israel in relation to the commandments of the law, in Deuteronomy chapter 6: “8 And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes.” Similar things were said to them of the events of the Exodus in Exodus chapter 13, and then of the law again in Deuteronomy chapter 11: “18 Therefore shall ye lay up these my words in your heart and in your soul, and bind them for a sign upon your hand, that they may be as frontlets between your eyes.” Frontlets between the eyes are upon the forehead.
Under the power of the interdict, the popes were even able to isolate kings and entire kingdoms as sinners so that they could neither buy nor sell, and were left hopeless until they conceded to the authority of the popes. So obedience to the pope was the mark of the beast, and men had no choice but to accept it or face certain poverty, and even death. Local bishops had the power to place their own citizens under interdict, so that they could not by or sell or engage in the social and ecclesiastical affairs of their own communities.
So we read in the very last verse of the chapter:
18 Thus is wisdom: he having a mind must calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is six hundred sixty-six.
And of course in the Latin alphanumeric system, the letters of the words Vicarius Filius Dei, which was a title that the popes had used meaning “Vicar of the Son of God”, add up to six hundred and sixty six.