A Conversation with David from Canada

Today we are going to have a conversation with a man named David, whom I only know from the few dozen posts and comments he has made on the Christogenea Forum, which he joined about 8 or 9 months ago. David lives in North America, but his parents came from Serbia and he was raised traditionally in the Serbian Orthodox Church.
It should be quite interesting to hear how and why David has forsaken the Orthodox profession, and has come to understand Christian Identity, and what motivated him to do so in the first place. We would also like to hear of some of his experiences in his community since doing so, since we have heard that he has confronted other community members with his new understanding.
Over the past few years, many Nationalists have mistakenly come to think that by joining the Orthodox Church they are returning to some original form of Christianity, which may then cure the woes of White people. To us, that is not at all true since the path taken by the Orthodox as well as the Catholic Churches from the 5th century is what is responsible for our dilemma in the first place.