A Presentation of Clifton Emahiser's Telegony, Fact or Fiction?
This is a presentation of Clifton Emahiser's paper, Telegony, Fact or Fiction?
The following resources were mentioned during the program:
An issue of Applied Trophology in PDF which is unrelated to the program material, but we wanted to show that the publication once existed. Standard Process Laboratories was the publisher, and the company is still in business. [Click here for their product information on protomorphogens.]
The Etiology of Racism in Europe, which is evidently not the edition that Clifton had quoted for his article, but the original website no longer has that article.
In relation to the discussion of microchimerism:
A Study from the January, 1996 issue of the journal Medical Sciences entitled Male fetal progenitor cells persist in maternal blood for as long as 27 years postpartum
Another study on microchimerism which was cited is found at the website Science Daily, and is titled Male DNA commonly found in women’s brains, likely from prior pregnancy with a male fetus