European Fellowship Forum, December 2024

The scope of the purpose of Christ for Israel and also in regard to the wider Adamic race. Some discussion of Mongols, Turks and Arabs and the destruction of Byzantine Europe. The myth of Mansa Musa as a negro. Historical revisionism in pop culture seeks to portray historical figures as negros to facilitate the elevation of negros in society today. Politics in America, the failure of Conservatives to understand the men they vote to lead them. Jews in rural American society. Jewish gaslighting of Christians for 1,800 years, value of the authority of the so-called Church Fathers, Plato and the Church Fathers. Jews as leaders of White nationalist or right-wing dissident groups. Feminism is older than we think, as it can be found even among 16th British Puritans.

Trump backing off on campaign promises, no mass deportations of illegal immigrants. The Magdeburg Christmas Market incident and German sentiments in its aftermath. The role of Yahweh God in the lives and trials of men. European phenotypes and some of the folly of Nordicists among White nationalists. True love in the eyes of God, and the happiness which it brings to those who follow it. The invisible costs of black crime and how Whites always pay for it. The safest States are the Whitest States. The acceptance of fornicators and other sinners even within one’s own family, and the divisions which sin causes among Christians and their families. Dealing with “normies”, those Whites who remain blind in the face of modern trials an current events, is a subject throughout the discussion.

And more! Thanks to all who participated.

European Fellowship Forum, September 2024

Among the topics discussed:

· The recent AfD successes in German national elections · Arab-Islamic crime in Germany · The CIA, Mossad, the potential for war in Iran · The death of cursive writing, and the slide rule. · Replacement theology · Dearth of Greek manuscripts of Scripture in Medieval Europe · Education then and now, how children have been educated throughout the centuries · Hurricanes and other inclement weather · Demographics in Germany · Historical climate change and a much warmer Scandinavian past. See: Melting Ice and a High Altitude Dig Reveal Viking Secrets in Norway and The Big Melt

· Negro crime in America · Oppression of “Holocaust” truth seekers in Germany · School shootings and Jewish kids on psychotropic drugs · Abortion and Sodomy in the modern Israeli State · Phoenicians, and the Antikythera mechanism · Britain, the Glastonbury accounts, and related tales promoted by British Israel · We thought to discuss the rejection of mass immigration by the people of Ireland, but the opportunity was missed See: Ireland is Full

· Ohio Gov. DeWine’s deep connections to Haiti inform response to Springfield controversy (no wonder Ohio is being loaded with Haitians!) · “Doctor” Chuck Baldwin, who calls himself “America’s Patriot Pastor”, and his love for niggers · Jews openly colonize every White area they can get into · Islam and the so-called “White Sharia” movement · Divisions and dividers in Christian Identity, and more!

European Fellowship Forum, June 2024

Why Hitler and National Socialist Germany lost the war, the political situation in modern Germany, National Socialism, Marxist Socialism, Bolshevism and Communism, the situation in Ukraine, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the growth of Christian Identity, and more ... (not necessarily in that order.)

Thank you to the many of our European and American friends who participated!

European Fellowship Forum, December 2023

Among the topics discussed:

  • The immigrant flood into Britain and elsewhere and the prophetic implications. Bolshevik use of Latvian and Chinese mercenaries to launch their revolution.
  • Whether to go to war for ones government if one is conscripted.
  • The plight of Christians dependent upon worldly employment and forced to do things which they would not normally do.
  • Non-Adamic “people” and the relationship to sin.
  • Concentration of wealth in corporations.
  • The differences between instruction and study, reading and research.
  • Stress, worry, and learning instead to trust in God.
  • Obesity, diet, and sin.
  • Tuna and scales, is tuna unclean? Are mushrooms unclean?
  • The word Gott in Germany is consistently understood to be a reference to the God of the Bible, except among a small minority of neo-pagans.
  • Brief discussion of National Socialism and Christianity.
  • Online sources for Classical literature, i.e. Perseus Digital Library, Project Gutenberg. Project Gutenberg is banned in Germany on account of copyright laws.
  • Challenges of publishing books for truth-tellers or dissidents.
  • Verifying Christian Identity truths.
  • Nutrition and sickness, choosing the medical industry when one is sick, or trusting in God.
  • Number of mosques in Germany, degree of integration of White nations with other races.
  • Blatantly open crimes such as shoplifting, or looting, are unknowingly subsidized by Whites who do business with the same corporations and their insurance companies. This is a back door to Communism.
  • Willingness of most Whites to accept and integrate with other races, jewish humanist brainwashing of White Society.
  • Scofield Bible and jewish claims that they are all twelve tribes of Israel.
  • Solar generators are not as efficient as advertised. Many more panels and batteries are need than what is typically advertised.
  • Why Hitler declared war on America, Roosevelt’s undeclared war on Germany from 1938, America’s current proxy war with Russia.
  • Chinese and Russian presence in America, train derailments and food processing plant burnings are very possibly acts of sabotage, muslims in America.
  • Changing demographics in the American South, a new Yankee invasion.
  • Elohim City, Church of Israel in Missouri (Dan Gayman), antipathy towards and differences with Christogenea.
  • Mocking the holocaust myth.
  • Negro riots in the mid-1960’s.

And more…

European Fellowship Forum, August 2023

At the beginning of the program I thought this Euro Forum was a couple of weeks late, but it really has been overdue since June. I apologize to our European friends for my forgetfulness!

This Sunday afternoon we were joined by some of our friends in Europe, Britain, Australia and elsewhere for topical discussions and fellowship. Among the subjects discussed:

A recent appearance by Joe from the Christogenea Forum on a podcast called the "Godcast", where he defended our Christian Identity profession  . Since they are tied into the jew Mike Enoch's TRS network, and since they are highly critical of our profession, we would rather refer to them as The Dogcast, which is much more appropriate. 

Some of the political circumstances in Germany, As well as some of the cultural conditions among Europeans in Germany and Britain. Are Europeans as depraved as they appear to be in social media? Of course, many Americans are no less depraved. Here we contrasted some of the more civil cultural habits remembered from our youth.

Of course there was more...

Listen to Joe on the July 1st episode of the Dogcast here. They claim this is the "raw" recording but we have reports that it was edited.

I had connection issues during the course of the program. The recording here was made on the server. For my local recording, see the link below or click here.

European Fellowship Forum, March 2023

Like the others, this European Fellowship Forum was off to a slow start, and picked up as the day progressed.

Among the topics discussed: Marriage and adultery in the modern world; Questions from Job chapters 40 & 41 on the use of the term leviathan; the term "orthodoxy" (see ὄρθος, δόξα, ὀρθόδοξος), the meaning of the term and how the modern orthodox are really what we had termed loxidox (see λοξός, λοξίας), or skeliodox (see σκολιός); handling the accusations of being "racist" from family and friends, and why such accusations are even an issue; a discussion of Biblical verse and chapter divisions; the issue of race in the first century Christian work called The Shepherd of Hermas; the eternal spirit instilled in the Adamic man and the Holy Spirit of Yahweh God; examples of the importance of studying ancient manuscripts and other witnesses, such as the Dead Sea Scrolls; the Old Testament is Christian and Judaism is in the Talmud; Justin Martyr's accusation of Jews removing passages from Scripture; passages missing in the Masoretic Text but found in other sources; the promises of Adamic resurrection; loyalty to State or to some system rather than loyalty to God a phenomenon of ancient and modern times, in Judaea and in the nations of today; the opinion that centuries are necessary to breed a race or nation out of existence. Prospects of Christian Identity fellowship within local communities; consumerism in Germany compared to America; the context of the statement "His blood be on us and our children" found in the mouths of the Jews in Matthew chapter 27 (around 2:24:30); admonitions against fellowship with aliens or those who reject Christ, the necessity of having to deal with sinners; errors of older Christian Identity teachers which must be corrected before agreement among Identity Christians is possible, and more...

European Fellowship Forum, December 2022

This European Fellowship Forum ran for nearly four hours, during which we discussed a host of subjects. Among them, but not necessarily in this order:

  • The challenges with understanding the Bible from the perspective of its original historical context
  • The war in Ukraine and the concept of Greater Khazaria
  • The recent arrests in Germany of Reichsbürger advocates, an Imperial Burger vs. Imperial Citizen
  • The government as "god", libertarian freedom vs. freedom from sin
  • Feminism and polygamy in a world after the fall of Mystery Babylon
  • Brittney Griner, male or female? The image I saw last night turned out to be false.
  • Female sports and male participation therein
  • Ruth
  • The meaning of the concept of a name in the ancient world
  • The meaning of John 21:23 in relation to the apostle himself
  • The Christian expectation of suffering, and not necessarily prosperity
  • The life of Christ as an example for men

... and more.   


My thanks to all of our friends who participated, even if they did not all necessarily speak. Praise Christ!

European Fellowship Forum, September 2022

Another discussion with our European friends and others.

Here we bantered about how to keep the Israelite feast days, how, why and a little about when; free will and sin; the recent experiences of some people falling ill with fatigue, and several other subjects. We also spoke of judgment, the law of God, and preservation, and had a brief report from a friend in the Donbas region.  

Can the ways of man be the Way of God? Can man understand the ways of God? Yes, according to the Scripture, by being obedient to the commandments of the law. 1 Kings 8:57-58; Isaiah 55:7-9; 63:16-17; 66:3; Ezekiel 18:24-32. This is why Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life, although I did not mention that verse in the discussion.

European Fellowship Forum, June 2022

This morning we hosted an open forum scheduled at a time so that friends in Both Europe and America can participate, as well as from Australia.

Among the topics discussed:

  • The recent Dobbs v. Jackson decision, which would overturn Roe v. Wadeand the possible repercussions the case may have in the U.S.
  • The negative aspects of a recent SCOTUS decision which seems to support the 2nd Amendment in the Bill of Rights.
  • The attitudes towards Christianity in Europe.
  • Some European attitudes towards the war in Ukraine.
  • The need for fellowship and the difficulty for Identity Christians to find it as most of them are isolated.
  • Necessity and difficulty of keeping Biblical food laws.
  • The destructive consequences of diversity.
  • Why godless governments require tyranny to sustain them.

Some connection issues were a nuisance in the later half of the first hour.

European Forum Call, Freedom of Association - 2012-03-15

From the Oxford Dictionary of Politics: freedom of association

The freedom of individuals to associate as an end in itself or with a view to pursuing common projects, e.g. through churches, trade unions, political parties, and sporting clubs. Freedom of association is widely seen by liberal political philosophers as a core personal liberty, warranting strict protection by the state, though the exact contours of the freedom, and how it is appropriately balanced against other values, are a matter of considerable and continuing dispute. John Stuart Mill, in On Liberty, argues that citizens should have ‘freedom to unite for any purpose not involving harm to others’, a formulation which leaves open the question of what counts as sufficient harm to others to justify state interference. John Rawls (1921-2002), in Political Liberalism (1993), argues that freedom of association is a ‘basic liberty’ because, and to the extent that, it is an extension of liberty of conscience. [An excellent assessment, and conscience must include religious conscience. – WRF]

European Forum Call, The Parable of the Trees of the Forest, The Story of Jephthah - 2012-02-16

When men wanted earthly kings, it was only natural that the scum of the earth would rise up to rule over them. The daughter of Jephthah was not necessarily sacrificed in the literal sense of the word. Also with discussion of a couple of other topics.

The text is found here with the ten-minute excerpt: The Parable of the Trees of the Forest

European Forum Call, Euro Debt and Socialism - 2011-12-01

This article, from Seeking Alpha, helps to demonstrate the bankers' control of Germany. Here are the first two paragraphs:

Germany got a wake up call last week when an auction of 10 year government bonds failed to get bids for 35% of the bonds offered. While German bond auction failures are not as infrequent as one might imagine – six of the last eight auctions received fewer bids than the maximum amount of bonds offered – this one, coming in the midst of the European debt crisis, was perceived to be more ominous. If the strongest economy in Europe can’t sell all of its bonds, what chance does Italy or Greece have? Some have opined that this failure means the euro crisis has entered a new phase and that Germany itself – the one government in Europe thought capable of ending the crisis – is now at risk. It was more likely a power play by Europe’s bankers intended to send a message to Merkel and Schaeuble. And it appears the message was received.

Schaeuble has been at the forefront in Germany demanding that banks share losses in any sovereign bailouts that come via the European Stability Mechanism to be established next year (moved up from 2013). The failed German bund auction last week was the banks reply and Schaeuble almost immediately backed down. Friday, Schaeuble told reporters that “(i)f we now manage to move toward a stability union, we’ll see how one might possibly adjust the treaty”. Bankers 1, Schaeuble 0. It would appear the bankers are firmly in charge of Europe now and have no intention of playing the patsy. The banks were given an incentive to buy sovereign debt under the Basel committee rules that essentially made all European sovereign debt risk free. Banks could own European sovereign debt – no matter the country of issuance – without having to reserve for potential defaults. Europe’s governments, having fixed the rules to ensure a market for the bonds to fund their welfare states, now want to renege – and the bankers are having none of it.