Come Out From Among Them

Come Out From Among Them

Two of my favorite passages from the ancient Greek Tragic Poets, both of whom wrote in the 5th century BC, express eternal truths: “The bastard is always regarded as an enemy to the true-born” (Euripides, Hippolytus, 962-963) and “Stain clear water with mud and you will never find sweet drink” (Aeschylus, Eumenides, 694-695). The citation from Euripides is indeed about relationships between people. Cain and Abel are the first historical manifestation of that in Scripture. But the second citation, from Aeschylus, is actually in relation to law. Citing the Loeb Classical Library edition of Aeschylus translated by Herbert Weir Smyth, in Eumenides the Apollo character is depicted as recalling “the first trial ever held for bloodshed” in Athens, and an appeal for its judges to judge justly. So in a poetical allegory we read “Reverence, indwelling in my burghers, and her kinsman Fear, shall withhold them from doing wrong by day and night alike, so be it they do not themselves pollute the laws with evil influences; stain clear water with mud and thou shalt never find sweet drink.”

It should not surprise us to find Christian principles imbued in certain ancient Greek literature, as we have often discussed the similarities in the ancient Greek and Hebrew cultures in other contexts. It certainly is a Christian principle, that Christians should never seek to pervert, undermine, corrupt or transgress the commandments of the law out of fear of God. So we read, for example, in Deuteronomy chapter 6: “2 That thou mightest fear the LORD thy God, to keep all his statutes and his commandments, which I command thee, thou, and thy son, and thy son's son, all the days of thy life; and that thy days may be prolonged.” A little further on in the chapter we read: “24 And the LORD commanded us to do all these statutes, to fear the LORD our God, for our good always, that he might preserve us alive, as it is at this day. 25 And it shall be our righteousness, if we observe to do all these commandments before the LORD our God, as he hath commanded us.” In both Deuteronomy chapters 4 and 12 there are commandments neither to add nor to remove anything from the books of the law.

The Widening Gulf and the Tolerance of Evil (UPDATE)

This evening I have a presentation which I was scheduled to give at the upcoming Florida League of the South State Conference, but due to circumstances beyond my control, I will not be able to attend. While I am saddened by that situation, men cannot be entirely confident what the future may bring, and for that reason we can never be certain of what we may be able to do tomorrow, even when we truly desire to keep our commitments. Because the format for this presentation has changed, I lengthened it somewhat as it was originally meant for about 45 or 50 minutes. I have not added anything to the theme, but only elaborated on some of the explanations. This subject was also the theme of a conversation which I had with Dr. Michael Hill some months ago, but of course in that circumstance I was not able to present this in its entirety. Hoping to do that in January, but having a necessity to change my plans, I will present it here and now. I pray that members of the Florida League of the South also listen to it here instead, as I believe they should hear it, and I pray that they consider what is said.

We all want to separate ourselves from the evil American empire. We all want to see the fall of what the Christian scriptures describe as Mystery Babylon. But there are righteous causes for secession, and there are unrighteous causes. We can only hope to be worthy of Christian liberty when we follow Christ and keep His commandments. So long as we continue on any other path, we are only deserving of tyranny, and we shall never secede. Then even if the American Empire crumbles, so long as our State is infested with sin, and we accept it, it will only fall subject to even worse tyranny. God will not be mocked. He will grant us deliverance from tyranny only upon our collective repentance, and even repentance is a gift from God, so we had better pray for it [Acts 5:30-31, 2 Timothy 2:24-26]. Do not be deceived: we shall never somehow bypass our God and vote our own way to freedom. These are not just words; this is truth, and you have no other choice but utter failure.

The Covid Vaccine, Fornication and the Mark of the Beast

The Covid Vaccine, Fornication and the Mark of the Beast

This podcast is something that I promised a good friend perhaps two or even three months ago, as we discussed the fact that the concept represented in the title was the subject of many discussions elsewhere, even in denominational churches. I apologize for being a couple of months late. If you are a denominational Christian who happened upon this podcast because of the title, that is good and we hope that you listen through to the end. But you should prepare now, because you certainly shall be offended. However we would assert that we are rightly dividing the Word of Truth.

There has been much speculation concerning the Covid vaccine and the Mark of the Beast which is described in the Revelation of Yahshua Christ. Here we are going to do a brief survey of the passages where the Mark of the Beast is mentioned, and discuss them from our historical perspective of the Revelation. But first I must provide some background, briefly and loosely summarizing some of the things which I had in my interpretation of the Revelation presented here ten years ago.

The first eight chapters of the Revelation mostly concern the rise and fall of the Roman Empire, with an interlude in chapter 7 for the sealing of the 144,000 and the innumerable multitude of other Israelites who would wash their garments in the blood of the Lamb. Then chapters 9 through 11 prophecy aspects of history in the aftermath of the fall of Rome, namely the plague of Islam and the Reformation.

The Coronavirus Pandemic from a Christian Nationalist Perspective, with Dr. Michael Hill

The Coronavirus Pandemic from a Christian Nationalist Perspective.

Here I will offer a summary of what I think are the important aspects of the so-called coronavirus pandemic, and how it had evolved into a scare which has put millions of Americans out of work, and closed hundreds of thousands of small businesses, many of which may indeed be closed forever. Perhaps it did not evolve as a scare, but had been planned that way. I undertook this venture because I am disappointed by the reactions to this supposed pandemic by many so-called Nationalists, who seem to have swallowed the entire mainstream paradigm hook, line and sinker. While the information I offer here shouldn’t be new to anyone who has kept themselves apprised of the situation, perhaps I can offer a different perspective which is more relevant to Christian Nationalists. After making my presentation, we will have Dr. Michael Hill, President of the League of the South, to discuss the what we think should be the proper Christian, Southern Nationalist reaction to this pandemic. I apologize in advance for the poor connection during our hour-long conversation.

I have already also written on this subject from a different perspective here: Free Florida Now!

I was watching some of the early coronavirus reports in news media, and back in perhaps mid-February, I also saw the early videos coming out of China showing people who allegedly had the virus dropping dead in the streets. Today, I sincerely believe that those videos were released as purposeful propaganda to instill fear of the virus even into Social Media denizens and dissidents in the West. As soon as coronavirus was said to have exploded in the West, reports of any further spread of the disease from China and most of Asia had completely dissipated, and the Communist model of governance was made to look like a veritable utopia compared to the comparative freedoms (or actually, privileges) which Westerners enjoy. But we cannot trust anything which comes out of China, and we cannot imagine the Chinese to ever be telling us the truth. However as soon as the disease reached our shores, our governments in the West had almost immediately followed the Communist Chinese model of containment.

What is a Church? with Dr. Michael Hill

What is a “church”?

If you are a nationalist, what should you think about “church”? If you recognize that the world is corrupt, and all of the Christian churches of any denomination are guilty of magnifying, perpetuating, or enabling the corruption, how could you take part in any such church? As either a Christian or a nationalist, how could you contribute to the corruption? If you attend these churches, how could you not be guilty of the sins which they have come to accept?

The Roman Catholic Church might take a public stance against Sodomy, but for centuries it has turned a blind eye to the Sodomy and pedophilia which have been practiced by its own priests. The Orthodox Church is not free of this dilemma, as its priests have also frequently been caught in the same behavior, not only in America but in Europe and elsewhere. The Protestant churches all have these same problems and perhaps to a greater degree. There are records of cases which can be found on the Internet, many sourced from the church organizations themselves, showing that the corruption of Sodomy, pedophilia, adultery and other types of sexual transgression is just as prevalent in these churches as it is in the secular world. For example, churches belonging to the Southern Baptist Convention have suffered 700 documented cases of child sexual abuse in 20 years, as reported this past February by the Houston Chronicle.

Those who commit or who overlook such sins cannot possibly continue to stand against sin. According to the words of Paul of Tarsus in Romans chapter 1, those who accept such sinners are just as guilty of the sins committed by the sinners as the sinners themselves, and he was speaking specifically in reference to Sodomy. While in 2012 the Southern Baptist Convention took a firm stance against Sodomy, it nevertheless resolved to take a “stand against any form of gay-bashing, whether disrespectful attitudes, hateful rhetoric, or hate-incited actions toward persons who engage in acts of homosexuality”, a vague position which could be construed as discouraging, or even condemning any admonishment of Sodomites. Then, by 2014 the Convention was officially neglecting to condemn “gay-tolerant” churches, even church pastors who had begun to proclaim that Sodomy is not a sin, when it certainly is.

Exactly Why Jesus Christ is NOT a Jew

This recording has been appended to the Christogenea Saturdays program for January 27th, 2018. It merits this separate posting.

What if Jesus were descended from the Israelite tribe of Judah, as the Scripture says that He is? Well, of course He is, because the Scriptures do not lie. But what if the people known as Jews today were NOT of the tribe of Judah? Nor even of Benjamin or Levi? Then how could Jesus possibly be a Jew? The answer is easy, Jesus is not a Jew because the people known as Jews today are not of Judah. The Bible itself tells us this.

For this reason Jesus Himself told the church at Smyrna, in Revelation 2:9: "I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."

Just in case that is not understood, Jesus also said to the church at Philadelphia, in Revelation 3:9: "Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee."

So according to Jesus Himself, the people calling themselves Jews at this time are not "real" Jews, meaning that they are not actually of the tribe of Judah. But how can that be? First, we will see that Paul of Tarsus agrees with Jesus, and the events which Luke recorded in Acts chapter 26 had actually transpired about 35 years before John recorded the Revelation.

Libertarianism Cannot be Christian

Libertarianism cannot be Christian, updated October 31st, 2015

Before I begin, I want to define Libertarianism. So for that I will simply employ the default definition which appears on the Google search page for the term:

Libertarianism (Latin: liber, "free") is a political philosophy that upholds liberty as its principal objective. Libertarians seek to maximize autonomy and freedom of choice, emphasizing political freedom, voluntary association, and the primacy of individual judgment.

I was inspired to make this presentation tonight in part because here in the United States the long and arduous political season is upon us once again, in part we are constantly confronted with so-called Christian Libertarians in social media, and in part because a few weeks ago I saw a three-part series of articles on the internet from a website which calls itself The Libertarian Republic, which are titled Why Christians Make Great Libertarians. The articles were quite repulsive, as they reflect an absolute lack of true Christian understanding. So we are going to proceed by presenting part of the first in that series of articles, small portions of the others, and offering some criticism. The first article opens by saying that:

In 1932, the Christian apologist G.K. Chesterton expressed concern that many people were according the government with a trust and reverence that ought to be reserved only for God. Chesterton’s admonition was not only prophetic, but rooted in the deepest mainspring of Christianity’s past; he was echoing words spoken by the prophet Samuel nearly three thousand years ago.

Judaea, Judah and Jew, Christogenea Europe, July 5th, 2015

Understanding that Judaea in the Roman period was a multi-cultural province of Canaanites and Edomites as well as Israelites of the tribe of Judah is the first step in understanding why Jesus was certainly not a "Jew". Today's Jews descend from Edomites and Canaanites. While a few may have partially descended from Judah, they are bastards and do not count as Israel.

Christianity is Nationalism (True White Nationalism) - December 15th, 2012

Some of the materials presented in this program:

Christianity is Nationalism the June, 2012 Saxon Messenger editorial by William Finck.

The 25-point Program of the NSDAP

Click here for an archive file containing facsimile pages of Social Welfare in Germany by Werner Reher, 1938, published by the Terramare Office, in Berlin and republished by Liberty Bell Publications.

Tertullian's De Spectaculis, with some comments - April 17th 2010

A reading of Tertullian's De Spectaculis, with some comments.

In the 2nd century AD Tertullian wrote a thesis against Christian attendance at the spectacles, the theaters, sporting events, and other entertainments of old Rome. It still has meaning today.