The End of the World is Here - Again

The end of the world is here. Again. Tomorrow is the Rapture, at least according to some so-called Christians, and sadly, even some Identity Christians are caught up in the fervor over the expected alignment of certain of the planets. We have hurricanes, earthquakes, and fires in diverse places, and all of this is believed to presage the end of the world by millions of Christians who really have no idea what it was like “in the days of Noah”, because their pastors cannot teach them the truth.

The introductory comments to this program were a slightly updated version of our February 10th, 2010 article Disdaining the Culture of Fear. The closing segment was from a January 3rd, 2011 program titled Newspaper Eschatology

Relative to the content and context of this program are the articles Once-Predicted End Time Dates and Snakes in the Grass: Harold Camping and Family Radio, Niagara Falls Frozen, and the December 21st, 2012 podcast 12-21-2012 - Don't drink the sensationalist swill, because it's not the end of the world! Of course, it is still not the end of the world. Pastor Downey's website is found at Kinsman Redeemer Ministries.