League of the South Activity

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The Fall of the Empire, with Dr. Michael Hill

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NOTE: The original file somehow became corrupted when it was uploaded. It has now been replaced. I apologize for the inconvenience. - WRF

This evening we shall hear from our dear friend and League of the South President Dr. Michael Hill, and we hope to discuss some of the League’s positions in regard to the recent significant developments in the strategic and economic affairs of the empire which is the so-called United States. These recent developments certainly forebode the decline of the American empire, and that should be a welcome event to all Southerners, but the road through it shall certainly be a challenging journey.

There is so much U.S. media propaganda on the Ukraine war that it is difficult to follow. The news is all fake and I don’t watch it because I never know what to believe. I appreciated the League of the South’s official position that we should not have a care for who wins this war, as that has also been my own view from the beginning. I see the Ukraine war as two groups of Jews fighting for control of gas sales to Europe while accusing one another of being “Nazis”.

But this war is about much more than Ukraine, as it is about a series of challenges to the American dominance of world economy and politics in ways that the mainstream media does not inform the general public. With the inevitable decline of the American Empire, as Southerners we must attend to the needs of our own people.

Here is a link to Dr. Michael Hill's brief article: The Fall of the Empire Spend a few minutes and consider the League of the South!

Most of William Finck's notes on subjects discussed here, including the war in Ukraine, the petrodollar, the U.S. biolabs and more, are found at the Christogenea Forum in an article titled True reasons for the war in Ukraine.

If our readers really need to see videos of Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelenskyy promoting sodomy, see the Christogenea Media site article, The Jewish Comedian is also a Sodomite

We did not make the video below, but we added the notes and links to the articles it features, as it shows a side of Vladmir Putin which White Nationalists everywhere should despise.Click the "read more" link for quotes and links.

The Widening Gulf and the Tolerance of Evil, with Dr. Michael Hill

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This essay was expanded and presented in full in December, 2022 here: The Widening Gulf and the Tolerance of Evil

The Widening Gulf and the Tolerance of Evil

The idea that a nation could be both great and immoral is primarily a Jewish conception which has been pushed upon us in the name of liberalism. But such a nation cannot endure. There cannot be a great society which fosters immorality. It will no longer be great but rather it shall destroy itself in its sin. Rome and Sodom, as well as Weimar Germany, all stand as signal historical examples of this very phenomenon. Immorality is satanic and it has destroyed every nation which has ever experimented with attempts to give it any legitimacy. When those enemies of our God want to destroy a nation, they begin by promoting immorality, and that is precisely what they have done in America. They are the historic purveyors of usury, gambling, prostitution, sodomy, miscegenation, pornography, other sorts of vain entertainment and every other sin on account of which we as a people have fallen.

Perhaps until only recently, the values of most Southerners had not changed. In an article titled The Great Divide Dr. Hill had contrasted American and Southern and expressed many of our sentiments here from a different perspective. One important point he had made is that so-called “American values” are not definable, so America really has no values of its own. We would wholeheartedly agree. Original American values are found in the constitutions and laws of the various States, which sometimes differed from one another in varying degrees. A government can only reflect the values of its people, and now there is such a disparity among the values of its people that it can not stand.

One of the several position papers which attracted me to the League of the South is titled The League and Theocracy. In that paper it is explained that: “By a theocracy, we do not mean a government run by pastors and priests… Rather, a theocracy is a government ruled by the… God of the Bible… More precisely, it is a government whose code of law is firmly grounded in the law of the Bible.” Then just as importantly, it is stated that “All law is ultimately ‘religious’ in nature. Some ultimate standard of morality and ethics is the basis of all law.” This is absolutely true. But sadly most people seem to be oblivious to this truth. They must ask themselves, if the laws of our nation or community are not the laws of our God, then whose laws are they? The laws of man are arbitrary, but the laws of God are eternal.

Filling the Void, with Dr. Michael Hill


Filling the Void, with Dr. Michael Hill

At one time any revelation of the slightest moral offense would cause a man to withdraw from public service, if he were guilty. For example, as recently as 1973 Spiro Agnew plead no contest and resigned as Nixon’s vice president for one charge of felony tax evasion, and although in 1980 he was still claiming his innocence, the claims are doubtful. Of course, Nixon himself resigned a year or so later, upon the revelation of offenses committed by his staff which he was accused of covering up. But more recently, nothing came of claims and evidence that the Obama administration had committed similar offenses against a political opponent, using false evidence as a pretense for a criminal investigation during the 2016 Trump campaign, and the media has been accused of willful blindness.

Today, in comparison, we also have Hillary’s email scandal, Hunter Biden’s laptop scandal, and the glaring violations of law are suppressed or ignored solely for political reasons. Unless you are the opposition. So Donald Trump’s house got raided and the FBI carted off all of his papers, which is unprecedented, and now in a speech delivered yesterday, Joe Biden bordered on declaring as criminals and enemies of the State millions of so-called “MAGA Republicans”, as he called them. Even the liberal progressive news agency NPR reported this morning that "Biden’s speech walks a fine line in its attack on MAGA Republicans".

The gulf between left and right continues to widen, and the political center certainly seems to be deteriorating. Like Rome in its last centuries or the papacy in the years before the Reformation, America is being run by gangs competing for power and looking for ways to hold onto it at the expense of all rivals. This is a time when political dissidents and the disaffected should be looking for tried and true leadership, and not the latest YouTube fad.

A Conversation with Michael Tubbs of the League of the South

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This evening we have a conversation with Michael Tubbs, the Chief of Staff and Florida State Chairman of the League of the South. We have been honored to work with Michael these past five years, and this is our first opportunity to speak to him here at Christogenea.

Here Michael tells us about how he had first joined the League of the South, his discovery of Christian Identity, his experience at Charlottesville and several other  related subjects. 

The SCOTUS decision which I could not remember during the discussion, in which anti-Sodomy laws were struck down, is Lawrence v. Texas, which was in 2003, and even more recent than I had thought. Until 1961, every American State had anti-Sodomy laws.

The 1967 SCOTUS decision which struck down anti-race-mixing laws throughout the South is Loving v. Virginia. Other States had already repealed such laws. 

At left is a picture of Michael Tubbs and I taken at Lee Circle in New Orleans in May of 2017.

The Widening Gulf and the Tolerance of Evil

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This evening I have a presentation which I was scheduled to give at the upcoming Florida League of the South State Conference, but due to circumstances beyond my control, I will not be able to attend. While I am saddened by that situation, men cannot be entirely confident what the future may bring, and for that reason we can never be certain of what we may be able to do tomorrow, even when we truly desire to keep our commitments. Because the format for this presentation has changed, I lengthened it somewhat as it was originally meant for about 45 or 50 minutes. I have not added anything to the theme, but only elaborated on some of the explanations. This subject was also the theme of a conversation which I had with Dr. Michael Hill some months ago, but of course in that circumstance I was not able to present this in its entirety. Hoping to do that in January, but having a necessity to change my plans, I will present it here and now. I pray that members of the Florida League of the South also listen to it here instead, as I believe they should hear it, and I pray that they consider what is said.

We all want to separate ourselves from the evil American empire. We all want to see the fall of what the Christian scriptures describe as Mystery Babylon. But there are righteous causes for secession, and there are unrighteous causes. We can only hope to be worthy of Christian liberty when we follow Christ and keep His commandments. So long as we continue on any other path, we are only deserving of tyranny, and we shall never secede. Then even if the American Empire crumbles, so long as our State is infested with sin, and we accept it, it will only fall subject to even worse tyranny. God will not be mocked. He will grant us deliverance from tyranny only upon our collective repentance, and even repentance is a gift from God, so we had better pray for it [Acts 5:30-31, 2 Timothy 2:24-26]. Do not be deceived: we shall never somehow bypass our God and vote our own way to freedom. These are not just words; this is truth, and you have no other choice but utter failure.

The Widening Gulf and the Tolerance of Evil

Modern Americans are now so far detached from their colonial roots that most of them would not even understand some of the things which we shall say here, mostly because they have no basis in any knowledge that such understanding requires. Modern Americans are now so far detached from their Christian past, and so much imbued with Jewish so-called “pop culture”, which is even spread in their churches, that they would be offended by some of the things which we shall say here.

Only 250 years ago, Thomas Paine’s Common Sense was the most popular publication in America. It was read in churches, taverns and meeting halls throughout the thirteen States, and it was certainly the document most responsible for garnering support in the cause of secession from Britain. But that cause was very much a moral cause, triggered by the perceived injustices of a nobility which was above the law. Only in that limited sense did Thomas Jefferson state that all men are created equal, but he failed to express it fully enough at a particularly crucial moment in history, and modern misconceptions haunt us today. Jefferson clarified himself in later writings, but it was too late and perhaps he could not have foreseen how the abbreviated statement would be abused in future generations.
