The Gospel of Luke, Chapter 6

The Gospel of Luke, Chapter 6 – June 29th, 2012

Last week discussing Luke chapter 5 we saw at the end of that chapter that Christ pointed out the resistance of people to change from their tired old worn-out doctrines. He did so by illustrating the love of people for the old wine – representing the doctrines which they are accustomed to, over an acceptance of the new wine which is the revelation of truth in Him. He said at Luke 5:39 “And no one drinking the old desires the new, for ‘the old’, one says, ‘is good’.” We have seen for 2,000 years now the willingness of people to cling to the same old Pharisaical ideas, found also in the Roman Catholic church and wherever there is a professional priesthood, rather than read their Bibles and see the clear message of the gospel. Christ said “If you love Me, keep My commandments”. He vociferated those commandments. We must love God, our parents, and our brethren, or racial kindred. That is all that we must do. The other commandments repeated in the New Testament mostly tell us what we must not do, things such as steal, murder, and commit adultery. Everything else that the professional priesthood claims that we must do is a doctrine of man, and not a New Covenant commandment of our God. That is especially true of the sacramental rituals. Yet the New Testament scriptures also tell us that we do not need the priesthood itself: for we are all priests unto Yahweh our God, when we serve our brethren and our White Adamic nations. When we submit ourselves to professional priests, to do their desires, they become our masters and we are disconnected from our God, because no man can serve two masters.

The Gospel of Luke, Chapter 5

The Gospel of Luke, Chapter 5 – June 22nd, 2012

Last week discussing Luke chapter 4, it was made evident in more than one way that the “devil” of the temptation of Christ was most certainly an actual person. While many may believe that Satan is still in heaven, as the Romish Catholics would like for us to believe, Christ said “I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven”, and He was speaking in the past tense. It is clear that He intended the past tense, since He then proceeded to liken certain people in first century Palestine as serpents and scorpions, thereby relating them to Satan just as the vision in Revelation chapter 12 describes Satan. In that chapter, the Revelation says that Satan, “that old Serpent” who is also the devil – which is representative of all those who took part in that original rebellion against God – was cast out of heaven, that his place in heaven was found no longer, and that he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. Since Satan is “that old serpent”, this has already happened long ago, before the events of Genesis chapter 3, and no creative interpretation of any other Scripture may turn these words of Christ into a lie. Satan walks amongst us, in the form of his seed - as Genesis 3:15 attests - and he has done so ever since he was cast out and our Adamic race was created. The devil is not in heaven, but in his dominance of our world it is evident that he does try to create his own perverted version of heaven.

The Gospel of Luke, Chapter 4

The Gospel of Luke, Chapter 4 – Christogenea on Talkshoe, June 15th, 2012

Last week I gave here an opinion on the genealogies of the Christ. I expressed the belief that the genealogy recorded in Matthew was the descent according to the succession of the throne of David, while the genealogy recorded in Luke was the natural genetic succession – that there were at least two redemptive marriages (in addition to the story of Ruth and Boaz) which are not evident in the incomplete records which we have in our Scriptures. Until firm Scriptural evidence is produced which may convince me otherwise, I shall stand by that opinion.

Before beginning with Luke chapter 4 this evening, I want to illustrate something which further highlights and substantiates my opinions not only concerning the genealogies, but also concerning the life of Mary the mother of Christ, and the children which she had after the birth of Yahshua her first-born (Luke 2:7). I have asserted that James, Joses and Jude, called “the brethren of the Lord” in several places in Scripture, were the children of Mary by a later husband, a man other than Joseph. I have caught some criticism for this assertion – but I still insist that it is correct. James the brother of Christ is called the “son of Alphaios” in three gospels, Matthew (10:3), Mark (2:14, 3:18) and Luke (6:15).

The Gospel of Luke, Chapter 3

The Gospel of Luke, Chapter 3 – Christogenea on Talkshoe, June 8th, 2012

Last week we demonstrated that the οἰκουμένη, the inhabited world, was the living space of the civilized White races in the eyes of the Greeks and Romans. The κόσμος was the order or arrangement, and therefore the society of the οἰκουμένη – which in the time of Christ never included the alien races. Therefore understanding that the alien races were never meant to be a part of the Biblical context, there is no impetus, and certainly no Biblical commission, to extend the grace of Yahweh our God to alien races today. It is actually detrimental, as recent history certainly proves, to the health and security of our κόσμος to do so. It is even suicidal of our race to insist upon including these aliens.

It was argued here last week, that Christ was most likely born in the late fall or early autumn of 3 BC. That argument is for the most part based upon Luke's opening statement in this chapter, that Yahshua's ministry began around His thirtieth birthday, which was in the fifteenth year of Tiberius. Many modern commentator's actually go so far as accusing Luke of error here, as if they themselves can actually know better from the incomplete records which we can muster today. A 3 BC registration, in time for the celebration of Rome's 750th year, and Augustus' 25th as emperor, coincides with this fifteenth year of Tiberius and the fact that Christ is now thirty years of age, the age when a Hebrew man may begin serving his people publicly. We should insist that Luke is true, and that the modern commentators are in error.

The Gospel of Luke, Chapter 2

The Gospel of Luke, Chapter 2 – Christogenea on Talkshoe, June 1st, 2012

Over the last two weeks, we elucidated the exclusivity of Luke's gospel, and also showed that Luke's gospel was indeed the gospel of Paul as well. This must be remembered wherever Paul's epistles are considered. We also saw that claims of the scoffers, those who say that a virgin birth occurred in many ancient religions long before the time of the Hebrew promise of such a thing , and furthermore that Christianity had borrowed the idea, those claims are fully discredited by any serious and honest scholarship. Among other things, one more important aspect of this gospel that was attested here last week, is how the accounts in Luke of the promises for the people of Israel which were being fulfilled in Christ actually fit in perfectly with the teachings of Paul in his epistles, which were all written to dispersed Israelites. This will be the primary subject of a talk I shall give this Sunday at the Fellowship of God's Covenant People here in Kentucky.

The Gospel of Luke, Chapter 1, Part 2

Luke 1:30-80

The Gospel of Luke, Chapter 1 Part 2 – Christogenea on Talkshoe, May 25th, 2012

Last week we ended with the account of the virgin conception of Christ, in Luke chapter 1 verses 30 through 38, and that is where we shall commence this week. We must bear in mind, that if we are persuaded that God made man, then we should be just as persuaded that it is half the task for Mary to have conceived Christ without a man. While previously discussing these things, we saw that the promise of a virgin birth and of a Messiah resulting from that birth existed from at least 732 BC, when the prophet Isaiah had written his prophecies concerning them, which are found primarily in Isaiah chapters 7 and 9. We then examined some of the attacks on Christianity made by those jews who seek to belittle it, who lie about the origins of the Bible, and we saw their lies discredited. Ancient mythology was developed out of the meshing of fact and fancy, the need to pass down a heritage of knowledge and experience intertwined with the human desire for entertainment. Therefore we find that many of the myths of the related surrounding White nations had themes and stories similar to those found in the Hebrew Bible. This alone betrays the common original heritage of the White nations. The jew craftily twists all of this out of context, in order to discredit it all. In the end, it is only the jew who should be discredited. This week we shall begin with the same passage, starting at Luke 1:30, which we left off with last week and we shall discuss certain elements of it from a different perspective.

The Gospel of Luke, Chapter 1, Part 1

Luke 1:1-29, brief discussion of Luke 1:30-38 an answering certain criticisms.

The Gospel of Luke, Chapter 1 – Christogenea on Talkshoe, May 18th, 2012

In order to discuss Luke, and his relationship to Paul, and his importance in preserving the Gospel, it may be better to quote Irenaeus in order to show the attitudes of the most early Christian writers, whose attitudes concerning Luke, Irenaeus represents rather well. Irenaeus was the bishop of Lugdunum, in Gaul, which is present-day Lyons, France. He died circa 202 AD, and his most famous work, Against Heresies, is generally esteemed to have been written about 180 AD, nearly 150 years after the Crucifixion and 85 years after the apostle John wrote down the vision of the Revelation. His name means peaceful in Greek. Irenaeus was a disciple of Polycarp, who in turn was said to be a disciple of the apostle John himself. Polycarp, like John, lived a very long life, from circa 65 to 155 AD.

The Epistle of Jude

Epistle of Jude - 05-11-2012

This name is actually Ioudas, the Greek form of Judah as is evident in the genealogies given in Matthew and Luke. Aside from the patriarch, there were two men in the New Testament associated with Christ who had this name Ioudas, and others who also bore it were mentioned. Attempting to distinguish these men is sometimes difficult, and therefore this epistle was entitled Jude in the A.V., although where he is mentioned in Scripture he is Judas, and the spelling is the same as that given also for that infamous apostle, Judas Iscariot.

Eusebius doubted the canonicity of Jude. Eusebius' Ecclesiastical History at 6:14 discusses the work of the earlier Clement of Alexandria, and Eusebius states of Clement that “In the work called Hypotyposes, to sum up the matter briefly, he gave us abridged accounts of all the canonical Scriptures, not even omitting those that are disputed, I mean, the Book of Jude, and the other general epistles.” Unfortunately, so far as I have seen, Eusebius does not elaborate to tell us why these epistles were disputed. Fragments of the work of Clement of Alexandria found in the writings of Cassiodorus show that he esteemed this Epistle of Jude to be canonical on other occasions as well as those cited by Eusebius, and he even quoted it at length along with some commentary....

The Prophecy of Joel, Part 2

Jole 2:19 - Joel 3:21

The Prophecy of Joel, Part 2

We shall begin with Revelation 20:7-10, from the King James Version: “7 And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, 8 And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. 9 And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them. 10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.”

For a thousand years in Christian Europe did the true people of God prevail over the Jew, who collectively is Satan, or the Adversary. The Jew had plotted against Christianity and the people of Europe from the time of Christ (and for thousands of years before that, if Old Testament history were truly understood). Upon the emancipation of the Jew in the early days of Napoleon, instigated by the French Revolution, the Jew became free and equal citizens of Christians in Europe. From that time, Satan has used the false ideals of liberty, equality, and fraternity, in one form or another, to gather all of the world's hominid beasts into Christians lands, where they are hostile both to Christianity and to the White race which are the true people of God. That is where we are today, at Revelation 20:9. Now to read from Joel chapter 2, which is a promise of deliverance:

The Prophecy of Joel, Part 1

Joel 1:1 - Joel 2:25

The Prophecy of Joel, Part 1

This program, because of technical difficulties at Talkshoe, was held on the Christogenea Chat Page and Christogenea Live! Streaming Radio, which was a necessary first at Christogenea.

The following is from the Thomas Nelson Publisher's King James Study Bible, copyright 1983 by Thomas Nelson Inc. While I would usually not read anything like this from mainstream commentaries, they do get some things right, and I read this here for it's testimony of the nature of Joel's prophecy, which is actually pretty fair and decent considering it was originally a product of Liberty University.

“Joel is a highly emotional prophecy, rich in imagery and vivid descriptions. In it two unique events, not to be forgotten, are compared. These two events are to be committ­ed to the descendants of the people. [Oddly, they deny this of the New Covenant today!]

“Historical Setting. Joel was one of the earliest prophets of Judah. The specific place from which Joel wrote is not known. Since he was a resident of Judah and Jerusalem, he likely wrote his prophecy from there. His frequent calls to blow a trumpet in Zion, to consecrate a fast, to proclaim a solemn assembly, and to gather the people together to come before the Lord lend credence to the view that the prophecy was issued [verbally] from the temple court.

2 Peter Chapter 3

2 Peter Chapter 3 - 04-06-2012

Peter wrote his first epistle to the Israelites of the ancient Assyrian and earlier dispersions, who were dwelling in western Anatolia, mostly as Greeks, Romans, Scythians and Galatians. People of other Adamic, but non-Israelite, origins also lived in western Anatolia at this time, such as Ionian Greeks and Lydians. The context of his first epistle also demonstrates that these people were already established in Christ, and that Peter was only edifying that establishment. Presenting Peter's first epistle here several weeks ago, certain statements from that first letter were illustrated in order to demonstrate just who his intended audience was. Among them were 1 Peter 2:10, 2:25 and 4:3 which all prove that Peter was not writing to Judaeans, but to the dispersion of Israel from the Assyrian deportations and beforetime, because the things which Peter cites could only refer to them, and could never refer to the Judaeans of the remnant 70-weeks' Kingdom, nor could they ever refer to people who were not descended from the ancient Israelites in the first place.

2 Peter Chapter 2

2 Peter Chapter 2 - 03-30-2012

In the first chapter, the thrust of Peter's message was in support of the truth of the Gospel accounts. Here in the second chapter, he addresses the nature of the adversaries of that Gospel.

II 1 Now there were also false prophets among the people, as even among you there shall be false teachers who shall introduce destructive systems of philosophy, even denying the Master who has bought them, bringing upon themselves quick destruction, 2 and many shall follow in their licentiousness, because of whom the way of truth shall be blasphemed, 3 and with greediness they shall make profit from you with fictitious words, for whom from of old their judgment is not idle and their destruction does not sleep!

This statement of Peter's may seem on the surface to be oriented towards a universalist type of thinking, where it can be imagined that Peter is saying that Christ purchased the false prophets with His blood, and therefore the false prophets also may be redeemed. But that is not the case which Peter is making. Rather Peter states, “from of old their judgment is not idle”, as the destruction of the ungodly had been ordained long beforetime. Peter is discussing the body of the people as a whole, who have always had false prophets among them. The false prophets and wolves in sheep’s' clothing are apparently Israel, they claim to be Israel, but they are not truly Israel and therefore their judgement is ordained from of old. Denying the Master, they must be tares, and not wheat. Peter is talking in terms of what was apparent in his day, and not in terms of genetics. The books of genealogy were long lost.

2 Peter Chapter 1

2 Peter Chapters 1 through 3 - 03-23-2012

Here are the comments of Eusebius on 2 Peter, from his Ecclesiastical History, Book 3: Chapter III. The Epistles of the Apostles.

“1 One epistle of Peter, that called the first, is acknowledged as genuine. And this the ancient elders used freely in their own writings as an undisputed work. But we have learned that his extant second Epistle does not belong to the canon; yet, as it has appeared profitable to many, it has been used with the other Scriptures. 2 The so-called Acts of Peter, however, and the Gospel which bears his name, and the Preaching and the Apocalypse, as they are called, we know have not been universally accepted, because no ecclesiastical writer, ancient or modern, has made use of testimonies drawn from them. 3 But in the course of my history I shall be careful to show, in addition to the official succession, what ecclesiastical writers have from time to time made use of any of the disputed works, and what they have said in regard to the canonical and accepted writings, as well as in regard to those which are not of this class.” From a footnote (20): “Although disputed by many, as already remarked, and consequently not looked upon as certainly canonical until the end of the fourth century, the epistle was yet used, as Eusebius says, quite widely from the time of Origen on, e.g. by Origen, Firmilian, Cyprian, Hippolytus, Methodius, etc. The same is true, however, of other writings, which the Church afterward placed among the Apocrypha.”

1 Peter Chapters 3 through 5

1 Peter Chapter 3 - Christogenea on Talkshoe 03-16-2012

Last week we saw that in 1 Peter chapter 2 the apostle admonishes his readers: “13 You must be obedient to every authority created by mankind on account of the Prince, whether to kings as if being superior, 14 or to governors as if being sent by Him for the punishment of evil-doers but for the praise of those doing good. 15 Because thusly is the will of Yahweh: doing good to muzzle the ignorance of foolish men, 16 as free men yet not as if having freedom for a cover for evil, but as servants of Yahweh.” These words are very much like those of Paul of Tarsus in his letter to the Romans, in chapter 13.

1 Peter Chapter 2

1 Peter Chapter 2 - 03-09-2012

Discussing the first chapter of 1 Peter we saw that Peter was indeed addressing the uncircumcision, who were Israelites of the Old Kingdom that were dispersed in ancient times, which Peter by this time had fully understood, even though he had not understood it at the time of the events which were described in Acts chapter 10, which actually occurred some years before the writing of this epistle. We also saw how Peter directly connected the Old Testament and the New where he wrote of things such as the “foreknowledge of Father Yahweh in a sanctification of the Spirit in obedience and a sprinkling of the blood of Yahshua Christ”, which we see in the opening lines of this epistle.

1 Peter Chapter 1

1 Peter Chapter 1 - 03-2-2012

Each of the epistles of Peter are disputed by various critics. The first is rejected because its language is considered to be the highly polished work of an educated man. The second is oft rejected because it was disputed at an early time, it is not often quoted in early Christian writings, and its language is often quite rough. The differences are easily accounted if it is understood that 1 Peter, which is more or less a formal treatise, was probably related by Peter and penned by Silvanos, which is evident in 1 Peter 5:12 where it says “By Silvanos the faithful brother, as I reckon, I have written to you”, and 2 Peter was more of an informal letter that Peter may have written himself since no one else is mentioned. Both epistles are written to the same audience. While there are only what may or may not be allusions to 2 Peter in Clement and in Justin, the epistle is quoted by Hippolytus. It was later disputed by the Catholics (I use that word here with a capital C, in its more modern sense), such as Eusebius who called it one of the “disputed books”, along with Jude. While 2 Peter is little attested, that would not be alarming for a letter that is more-or-less an informal follow-up to the first longer and more formal treatise. I will offer more in its defense when presenting it later this month. As for 1 Peter, it is often quoted and always thought to have authentically belonged to Peter by significant early Christian writers. For instance, Irenaeus quotes 1 Peter 2:16 in Book 4, Chapter 16 of his Against Heresies, and 1 Peter 1:8 in Book 4, Chapter 9 and in Book 5, Chapter 7. Irenaeus also often calls Mark the “interpreter of Peter”, meaning that Mark wrote Peter's gospel. Likewise, Clement and Tertullian also quote from this first epistle of Peter on various occasions, as do other early Christian writers.

Hosea Chapters 12 through 14

Hosea Chapters 12 through 14

This is the last installment of our series of presentations on the prophecy of Hosea. Throughout the prophecy, we have seen a common theme, which is also common in the other Biblical prophets: that the children of Israel were about to suffer a great calamity, and were being cast off from the Kingdom and polity of Yahweh their God because of their sin, but that they had a promise of a later reconciliation in Christ. Here in these last chapters, Hosea continues with that same theme, allowing us to further reflect upon much of what has already been presented these past few weeks, and although his words are quite foreboding, he ends with a message of hope, a hope which we still bear to this very day.

KJV Hosea 12:1 Ephraim feedeth on wind, and followeth after the east wind: he daily increaseth lies and desolation; and they do make a covenant with the Assyrians, and oil is carried into Egypt. 

At Hosea 2:5 it is explained that Israel's national sin was related to Israel's desire for foreign trade: “For their mother hath played the harlot: she that conceived them hath done shamefully: for she said, I will go after my lovers, that give me my bread and my water, my wool and my flax, mine oil and my drink.”

Hosea Chapters 10 and 11, and a discussion of Isaiah Chapter 56

Hosea Chapters 10 through 11

I will repeat an important concept which I discussed last week. Here is what is written in the law at Leviticus 20:10 concerning adultery: “And the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbour's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.” Israel, as a nation being the wife of Yahweh, has committed fornication with every other nation and race upon the face of the earth. There are many in Christian Identity today who want to extend the mercy of God to the lovers of the whore: the other races which our Israel nations consort with unto this today. That is universalism! That is not the Scripture, where it tells us that the mercy of God is extended to Israel alone. The day shall come, when we see the words of Jeremiah fulfilled: “Go up to Lebanon, and cry; and lift up thy voice in Bashan, and cry from the passages: for all thy lovers are destroyed” (Jeremiah 22:20). The children of Israel shall indeed be spared, as Yahweh has promised, but all those consorting with her - all of her lovers - shall be destroyed by God, according to His law. Thus Yahweh warns us in Isaiah chapter 52 - which Paul repeats – to come out from among them, and touch not the unclean – so that He would receive us and be our God, and we could be His people, if indeed we are of the children of Israel.

Hosea Chapters 6 through 9

There was a break at 1:14, where the connection dropped and I was not sure where in respect to the presentation that had happened. Therefore some verses were discussed twice, and I left that in the recording but cut out almost all of the whitespace.

Hosea Chapters 6 through 9

Hosea 1:10 says: “Yet the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea, which cannot be measured nor numbered; and it shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said unto them, Ye are not my people, there it shall be said unto them, Ye are the sons of the living God.” In order to realize the fulfillment of this prophecy, we must find the dispersed people of the children of Israel deported by the Assyrians, which Hosea is describing. The prophet Isaiah, speaking of the coming fate of these very same children of Israel, records these words of Yahweh in the 66th chapter of his prophecy: “19 And I will set a sign among them, and I will send those that escape of them unto the nations, to Tarshish, Pul, and Lud, that draw the bow, to Tubal, and Javan, to the isles afar off, that have not heard my fame, neither have seen my glory; and they shall declare my glory among the Nations.”

Tarshish is Tartessus in Spain. Pul is an allegorical name for Assyria after one of its kings, as can be ascertained in the books of Kings and Chronicles. Lud is Lydia in Anatolia. Tubal at this time lived on the Black Sea. Javan are the Ionians, and represents the lands of the Greeks. Within 300 years of the deportations of the Israelites, the Germanic people showed up in all of these places, threatening their very existence. They overthrew Assyria, sacked Lydia, and forced the people of Tubal up through the Caucasus mountains. They threatened Ionia, sacked Etruria – another land of the Lydians in northern Italy, and settled what became known as Gaul as far west as Spain, or what was once Tarshish. No other people ever showed up in all of these places in the centuries following the deportations of the Israelites. This is the “large place” where the children of Israel were to be fed by Yahweh, where he says at Hosea 4:16: “now the LORD will feed them as a lamb [Christ the lamb] in a large place.” With the spread of Christianity to Europe, every word of these prophecies has come true.

Hosea Chapters 3 through 5

Hosea Chapters 3 through 5

Last week, discussing Hosea chapters 1 and 2, I think that the primary lesson was summed up in the idea that the children of Israel are a nation of whores, and a whore as a nation, because they sought intercourse in commerce with all of the other nations, which they had been commanded to remain separate from. This is seen near the beginning of Hosea chapter 2, where it says “2 Plead with your mother, plead: for she is not my wife, neither am I her husband: let her therefore put away her whoredoms out of her sight, and her adulteries from between her breasts; 3 Lest I strip her naked, and set her as in the day that she was born, and make her as a wilderness, and set her like a dry land, and slay her with thirst. 4 And I will not have mercy upon her children; for they be the children of whoredoms. 5 For their mother hath played the harlot: she that conceived them hath done shamefully: for she said, I will go after my lovers, that give me my bread and my water, my wool and my flax, mine oil and my drink.” Today, chasing after the produce of China, Mexico, and every other race on the earth, we are whores once again. That is why, speaking of the then-future Mystery Babylon, the Revelation again depicts the nation of Israel as a whore: and that is where we are now, awaiting Babylon's fall. For her intercourse with other nations, the nation of Israel was punished and carried away by the Assyrians and later Babylonians, as a judgement from Yahweh. This message continues throughout Hosea.