The Gospel of Luke, Chapter 6
The Gospel of Luke, Chapter 6 – June 29th, 2012
Last week discussing Luke chapter 5 we saw at the end of that chapter that Christ pointed out the resistance of people to change from their tired old worn-out doctrines. He did so by illustrating the love of people for the old wine – representing the doctrines which they are accustomed to, over an acceptance of the new wine which is the revelation of truth in Him. He said at Luke 5:39 “And no one drinking the old desires the new, for ‘the old’, one says, ‘is good’.” We have seen for 2,000 years now the willingness of people to cling to the same old Pharisaical ideas, found also in the Roman Catholic church and wherever there is a professional priesthood, rather than read their Bibles and see the clear message of the gospel. Christ said “If you love Me, keep My commandments”. He vociferated those commandments. We must love God, our parents, and our brethren, or racial kindred. That is all that we must do. The other commandments repeated in the New Testament mostly tell us what we must not do, things such as steal, murder, and commit adultery. Everything else that the professional priesthood claims that we must do is a doctrine of man, and not a New Covenant commandment of our God. That is especially true of the sacramental rituals. Yet the New Testament scriptures also tell us that we do not need the priesthood itself: for we are all priests unto Yahweh our God, when we serve our brethren and our White Adamic nations. When we submit ourselves to professional priests, to do their desires, they become our masters and we are disconnected from our God, because no man can serve two masters.