September 2023 Open Forum Discussion

Among the subjects discussed this evening:
- Interpreting the “kings of the east” reference in Revelation chapter 16. Asiatic billionaires and some aspects of their influence over Western governance.
- Will there be Marriage after the Resurrection? The difficulties of speculating about life in the Kingdom of Heaven. The words of Christ concerning marriage after the Resurrection.
- What to do on the Sabbath? The “rest” of Joshua.
- Why is natural selection only applied to animals, and governments seek to prevent it among humans? The lack of consciousness among the other so-called races, and the impossibility of converting them.
- How did angels get wings?
- The Trojan horse of "smart cities". Twitter, Elon Musk and the ADL. VPNs and Jewish attempts to control the internet.
- Medieval fairy tales and the wisdom of knowing that evil is genetic, in old tales about Witches, ogres, and trolls which taught children about good and evil people. Stories of trolls or leprechauns and gold are warnings of Jews (quip: leprechaun = “leper cohen”). Japanese tengu creatures relating to same phenomenon.
- Class warfare promoted by Jews.
- Deuteronomy 6:8 and wearing the law on one’s hand and between one’s eyes.
- The death of Herod and the nature of his illness.
- Secular White Nationalism, White Sharia, Islam and anti-racism. Muslims and usury.
- Rachel, indirectly cursed by Jacob, was punished and died young because she stole the household gods of her father Laban, and therefore also wanted to steal his estate from her brothers.
- The contrasting personalities of Esau and Jacob, hairy vs. smooth.
- Spirits and unclean spirits vs. phantasma, or apparitions. “Soul sleep”.
- Yahweh God, the hardening of pharaoh’s heart, the the free will of man.
- Politics, parties, compromise and betrayal. Reasons for leaving the League of the South. The lesson of Gideon.
- Benjamin Franklin on race, Blonde vs. Brunette in Europe. Tawny or brunet brethren vs. Arabs, and the Gospel dividing the wheat and tares.
- Catholics, and most mainstream Christians do not read the Bible. The pattern of our critics having not read the Bible.