February 2024 Open Forum Discussion

The audio file embedded below has better sound levels. It is missing a few seconds at the start, but it is of somewhat better quality. It is ten minutes longer, because whitespace was not removed. It may be downloaded by clicking HERE. For my part, I had a lot of tech challenges this evening, evidently from a Firefox browser update, and a bad cellphone connection.
Among the topics discussed:
- The failures of secular White Nationalism and the shills in its “leadership”. The failure of politics.
- Lands of Israel in Kingdom of Yahweh, where will the Kingdom of God be located?
- Organization of the coming Kingdom of God in light of the Judges period.
- Scope and purpose of the prophecy of Isaiah
- Old Testament is a Christian book. No Jew can possibly understand the Old Testament. Christians are wrong to look to Jews for Biblical understanding.
- Biblical minimalism is Jewish and that, along with the Talmud, help to prove beyond doubt that Jews are not the people of the Old Testament.
- Society conditioned to believe that Jews are experts in all fields. All of the “experts” cited in media reports seem to be Jews.
- The barriers to Christian fellowship and the challenges they bring.
- The high trust and low trust societies and game theory as seen in real life.
- The state of many White Nationalist groups as front groups and honeypots for government agencies or Jewish NGOs.
- Chances of society or military succeeding with majority non-White memberships.
- Jews, fallen angels, their first sin, and the bastardization of creation.
- Hawaii, Texas, Florida and the erosion of the American empire.
- What to do with people programmed by the world, who see everything through jewish eyes.
- Isaiah chapter 47 and parallels with Revelation chapter 18.
- The significance of understanding the prophets, the New Testament and the Revelation in harmony.
- Pharmaceuticals, Covid and newspaper eschatology
- The fear porn circling around recent cellphone outage attributed to “solar flares”, food plant fires, train derailments.
- Odd weather patterns throughout the past winter.
- A porn star kills herself at 36: the plight of women in the judaized society.
- Another failure of secular White Nationalism: Donald Trump is just another dupe and he is not a savior.
- The true meanings of the words mister, master, and lord.
And more!