September 2024 Open Forum Discussion

As usual, these Open Forums have a slow start. One friend asked about Texe Marrs, to whom I have not spent any time reading or listening in 15 years. Texe is an apparently Christian “conspiracy theorist” who, in my opinion, continually misses the mark, and always will miss the mark. So he is really just another rabbit hole, or perhaps, rabbi hole. I offer this opinion here because I did not spend much time on the subject in the Forum.
Finding comfort and encouragement in Scripture. The comfort in prayer. The correlation between thought and prayer.
Kirk Weaver’s beginnings as an Identity Christian, starting in the 1980’s. I had noted that there were two other long-time Identity Christians present, our good friend Bruce Bohn, who founded the Christian Identity group on Gab, and Debbie Downey, a good friend and the widow of pastor Mark Downey. Unfortunately, Bruce had troubles with his microphone, but we hope to speak to him at an Open Forum soon.
The significance of Christian Identity as the prophesied Elijah ministry of the last days. The origin of the label “Christian Identity”. I should have mentioned the fact that Christian Identity is not a denomination. Rather, it is a worldview grounded in Scripture and proper view of history which is fully supported by archaeology. Some of the divisions and differences within Christian Identity.
“Big G”, an Identity Christian from Philadelphia, and his experiences at work and at home.
A brief discussion of American pioneer Davy Crockett, who was also a U.S. Congressman from the State of Tennessee for several terms in the 1820’s and 30’s. At one point in that career, Crockett gave an excellent speech to his fellow Congressman titled “The Public's Money Is Not Yours to Give”, which I had discussed at length in a 2017 presentation titled The Protocols of Satan, Part 29: Constitutional Vanity. This led to a brief discussion of soldiering for the empire, and the evils of taking money from the citizenry in order to fight foreign wars on behalf of international merchants.
Towards the end of this Forum Erick raised the subject of the Parable of the Ten Virgins found in Matthew chapter 25. Here we did not discuss every aspect of the parable, but I made a reference to a recent Wednesday Bible Study which may be found at our Media site: Christogenea Bible Study - August 7/24 - Matthew 24:29 - 51, Matthew 25
Of course many other topics were discussed beyond or in relation to these.