June 2023 Open Forum Discussion
Among the topics discussed:
Joe on the Dogcast, our name for the so-called “Godcast”, who was going later in the evening to defend our Christian Identity profession against Lutheran and Orthodox heretics. Profession of belief, works of man required in Judeo Christian salvation, the Church Fathers and early Gnosticism and neo-platonism; scope of the New Covenant; scope of the words world and man, Martin Luther and “all the world”, by which he meant all of Europe; Heman and Ethan of 1 Kings 4:31 and the 88th and 89th Psalms were not necessarily immediate sons of Mahol, and lived in David's time; salvation, works and rewards.
The old saying "Ignorance is bliss" must have been coined by inverting Ecclesiastes 1:18: "For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow."
Churches teach self-righteousness, accept sinners, lead men to atheism or agnosticism; names as premonitions, i.e. Laban, Judith; the conception of the Messiah in first century Judaea: Christ as a warrior Messiah or suffering Messiah; the apocryphal Psalms and the Dead Sea Srolls; living in Babylon: the corrupt modern society, the fall of Babylon discussion and speculation; Gehenna, Hades and the Lake of Fire; Finding Christian Identity and the obligations and responsibility of knowledge; the Jewish gaslighting of words like "homophobe".
The four Greek words with various shades of meaning are all “love” in the English bibles; Zechariah chapter 14 and those who do not “keep the feast”; sobriety and temperance, is it okay to drink wine or beer? ; charity and how to do it; White nationalist failures; morality and war; is Psalm 151 canonical?
The importance of the next generation; burial or cremation? Is cremation acceptable?; the spirit and the body as a vessel; the apostle John in his later life, John’s witness of the passion of Christ; raising children in truth; the fate of children miscarried or born; and more…