Open Forum: Acts Chapter 29? No! Pre-existence? No!
Our criticism of the so-called "Lost Chapter of Acts", or "Acts 29", as it is often called, is far from complete. This is an extemporaneous discussion, which became necessary because of the inconveniences we faced while travelling this week. We may offer a more complete examination and refuttal of this fraudulent piece of literature in the near future. In the meantime, here is a page that contains the material which we were addressing:
Likewise, after the first hour or so of the program, we did not think that we would get to address the idea of pre-existence of the spirit in this program, since the other topics which we discussed had taken longer than anticipated. However we did get a chance to address that idea in brief, thanks to the efforts of Tom in Idaho, who called in and compelled us to address the issue. We thank Tom for his edifying participation, and we thank the other callers as well.