The Night of the Long Knives, Part 2


The Barnes Review had for several years run chapters or portions of chapters from the books of Leon Degrelle as articles in its bi-monthly publication. As we have already discussed, Degrelle was a Belgian journalist, politician and founder of the Rexist Party, and then later a National Socialist and Waffen SS volunteer who during the War had worked his way up the ranks from Private to Colonel. Then in the last days of combat, he had apparently attained a rank of General, if indeed the promotion was legitimate. But we shall continue to call him a General. Last week we presented two such articles from Degrelle, The Civil War Within the German National Socialist Party and Röhm Continues to Push. This week we shall present the next two articles in the series, which are The Röhm Crisis Worsens and Last Millimeters of the Fuse.

As we saw last week, Ernst Röhm was an outspoken proponent of two ideas that were completely contrary to Adolf Hitler. First, he was a Marxist. However in the capacity in which he served the party, his economic philosophy was secondary to his work. More importantly, he strongly advocated the autonomy of the SA (the Sturmabteilung or Storm Detachment of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, which was commonly called the Brownshirts) from the party itself, and once the NSDAP came to power he insisted upon the complete replacement of the Wehrmacht, the regular German army, with the SA. As we have seen Degrelle explain, the SA was designed as a paramilitary organization of men who were not formally trained as military officers and soldiers, but who were basically street-fighters, mixed with a number of thugs, and mostly patriotic defenders of the Party’s right to express itself and to hold meetings and rallies. The SA was formed out of necessity, as the violent communist thugs – Germany’s early Antifa – always sought to infiltrate and disrupt the events held by rival parties, and especially those of the political Right.

The Night of the Long Knives, Part 1

The Night of the Long Knives, Part 1

Here I am going to present a series of articles by General Leon Degrelle which explain the strife within the National Socialist German Workers Party which culminated in the infamous Night of the Long Knives, which was a purge of prominent dissidents and loose cannons within the Party which took place from June 30th to July 2nd, 1934. There is a lot of extant misinformation and propaganda concerning this purge, because there are few take the time to understand what events had led to it, and what events transpired in its aftermath. Only weeks after the purge was completed, Hitler’s leadership of both the Party and of Germany was confirmed in a landslide election victory, on August 19th of 1934.

After the death of Paul von Hindenburg on August 2nd, a referendum was held to merge the offices of Chancellor and President, making Adolf Hitler the undisputed leader of Germany. In order to judge the scope of the victory and the perception of Hitler by the German public at this time, we should take a brief look at the German federal elections which were held just prior to 1934. In 1925, Hindenburg won the office of President with less than 49% of the vote, and in again in 1932 with 53%. That same year, opponent Adolf Hitler received nearly 37% of the vote. Hitler was soon appointed Chancellor, which was the second position in the government, by an aged and ailing von Hindenburg. He had only run for reelection in fear of a National Socialist victory, to keep Hitler out of the office of President.

Once Hitler became Chancellor, he called for new elections which were held in March of 1933, where he had hoped to gain a sound majority. He was again victorious but received only about 44% of the vote, so any legislation he sought would still require the assistance of a coalition of parties in order to succeed. Hitler remained Chancellor and Hindenburg remained as President until his death. Then on August 19th of 1934, barely seven weeks after the purge of several major figures within his own Party, Hitler finally prevailed as the vacant office of President was merged with the office of Chancellor with nearly 89% of the vote. In this election, Hitler had no actual opponent. Either the offices would be merged and Hitler would assume the new office, or the people would reject the merger, and that would have necessitated a new election for President. So while it was not truly a direct election, the people nevertheless gave Adolf Hitler a sound vote of confidence only a short time after the Night of the Long Knives.

The Protocols of Satan, Part 31: Jewish Revolutions, French and Bolshevik

The Protocols of Satan, Part 31: Jewish Revolutions, French and Bolshevik

In the last segment of our ongoing series on The Protocols of Satan, we discussed the French Revolution, some of its objectives and outcomes, the Reign of Terror, and the role of the secret society of the Jacobins, who certainly seemed to have been the agents of Jewry. As we demonstrated, it was the Jacobins who forced the issue in the National Assembly which gave the Jews of France full political rights, a year before they usurped power entirely and declared France to be a Republic, initiating the Reign of Terror and the destruction of much of the nobility and the class of the bourgeoisie.

We discussed these things in relation to the boast in the Protocols, that “Under our guidance the people have exterminated aristocracy, which was their natural protector and guardian.” Then we promised that when we resume our presentation, which we are doing here presently, that we would continue from that point in the fulfillments which followed the publication of the Protocols. Those fulfillments began to take place with the First World War and the Bolshevik Revolution.

While we will focus here on the Bolshevik Revolution, let it first be said that the First World War saw the permanent end of the rule of aristocracy in Germany. At the end of the war, Kaiser Wilhelm II – who was a staunch opponent of Freemasonry and who certainly also seems to have exhibited a developing awareness of the Jewish problem – was forced to abdicate in favor of what became the Weimar Republic. The Habsburg monarchy in Austria also came to a permanent end with the end of the war. Of course, the Russian monarchy was brought to an end in the Bolshevik Revolution during the war. While these nations were all constitutional monarchies operating democratically to one extent or another, the war brought the end of the greatest monarchies of Europe, and paved the way for absolute democracy which we have seen is almost entirely under the control of the mostly Jewish banks and international corporations.

The Protocols of Satan, Part 30: Off With the Heads

The Protocols of Satan, Part 30: Off With the Heads

Our last installment in these Protocols of Satan was subtitled Constitutional Vanity, and we endeavored to show that regardless of the imagined soundness of the document, that the United States Constitution was destined to be undermined on the part of private and commercial interests. One of the basic purposes of the document in the first place was to ensure that such private commercial interests would have free reign to operate in every State, and some of the most significant acts of early Presidents were in defense of private commercial interests at the general public expense.

One important point we hope to have made in our last presentation, was in relation to the statement in the Protocols that the rights of the people were fictitious, and that is indeed the case here in America as well as in Europe. When the Bill of Rights was introduced, it was not a part of the original Constitution. Rather, it was only amended to the Constitution by the first Congress. What Congress gives, Congress can ultimately take away, and our perceived rights have been successfully limited by Congress at diverse times, so they are not really rights at all. Rather than having been an after-thought approved by the Congress, such rights at the very least should have been an intrinsic part of the original document which created the Congress. The difference may seem trivial, but it is actually quite important.

In the conclusion of our last discussion, we presented a story from former U.S. Congressman and Tennessee war hero Davy Crockett, which showed the general attitudes of his own fellow politicians which had undermined many Constitutional principles, and how their attitudes contrasted to the steadfast understanding of one particular Southern farmer, Horatio Bunce. We thought the story was a perfect example of how the Constitution, which is basically a contract for trade and mutual defense between various States, utterly failed to preserve liberty to the people, and instead even helped to sell them into debt servitude.

The Protocols of Satan, Part 29: Constitutional Vanity

The Protocols of Satan, Part 29: Constitutional Vanity

In the last two segments of these Protocols of Satan, we chose to present what we had called The Nazis and the Protocols, which was a translation and discussion of the introduction to the 1938 National Socialist publication of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. Some of the material in that introduction relates to later portions of the Protocols, however we wanted to present it all at once. Surely we may cite it again at the appropriate points as we continue our commentary. But our primary reason for making the presentation of The Nazis and the Protocols was in response to what the Protocols had boasted in reference to the constitutions of States which had embraced Liberalism in the recent centuries. In the first part of that introduction to the Protocols the authors had explained the degree of Jewish involvement in the creation of the various State constitutions of 19th century Germany, as well as that of the later Weimar Republic.

Here we shall once again read that latest portion from Protocol No. 3 from the text of Boris Brasol’s publication of The Protocols and World Revolution:

Protocol No. 3:

We have included in constitutions rights which for the people are fictitious and are not actual rights. All the so-called "rights of the people" can exist only in the abstract and can never be realized in practice. What difference does it make to the toiling proletarian, bent double by heavy toil, oppressed by his fate, that the babblers receive the right to talk, journalists the right to mix nonsense with reason in their writings, if the proletariat has no other gain from the constitution than the miserable crumbs which we throw from our table in return for his vote to elect our agents. Republican rights are bitter irony to the poor man, for the necessity of almost daily labor prevents him from using them, and at the same time deprives him of his guarantee of a permanent and certain livelihood by making him dependent upon strikes, organized either by his masters or by his comrades.

The Protocols of Satan, Part 28: The Nazis and the Protocols, conclusion

The Protocols of Satan, Part 28: The Nazis and the Protocols, conclusion

In the last segment of these presentations of the Protocols of Satan, we began to present a translation of the introduction to the 1938 edition of the official National Socialist publication of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, translated by Calvin College Professor Randall Bytwerk. In part, we also hope that this serves as a critical review of Mr. Bytwerk’s work and his own attitude towards both the Protocols – which he believes are a forgery – and National Socialism – to which he is generally ambivalent.

That first part of this introduction, which we presented here last week, served our purposes to help illustrate the truth behind the assertion by the authors of the Protocols which we encountered in Protocol No. 3, where they boasted that “We have included in constitutions rights which for the people are fictitious and are not actual rights. All the so-called ‘rights of the people’ can exist only in the abstract and can never be realized in practice.” In future segments of these presentations we hope to discuss the illusion of constitutional rights of which the Protocols boast in greater depth.

Discussing this boast of the Protocols, from this introduction to the German publication we found that Jews were indeed heavily involved in the writing of the several constitutions of the German Reich of the 19th century, and also of the constitution of the Weimar Republic of the early 20th century. So in Germany, at least, it is certainly demonstrated that the Jews were indeed in a position that demonstrates that the boasting of the Protocols certainly does have substance. In the near future, we hope to show that this is also true in other countries as well.

The Protocols of Satan, Part 27: The Nazis and the Protocols

The Protocols of Satan, Part 27: The Nazis and the Protocols

In our last presentation of these Protocols of Satan we took another long digression to discuss Feudalism, its counterpart in the medieval smallholder, or independent farmer, and the eventual consequences for the common man in the rise of Capitalism and the democratic revolutions of Europe. The average laborer was apparently much more of a slave to his new masters than he had ever been to the old nobility, just as the Protocols had boasted. Now we embark on a new point of discussion raised by the Protocols, and that is related to the substance of the democratic constitutions of newly “liberated” States. This latest point was raised as we continued to present Protocol No. 3 from the text of Boris Brasol’s publication The Protocols and World Revolution. Here we will read our subject paragraph once more:

Protocol No. 3:

We have included in constitutions rights which for the people are fictitious and are not actual rights. All the so-called "rights of the people" can exist only in the abstract and can never be realized in practice. What difference does it make to the toiling proletarian, bent double by heavy toil, oppressed by his fate, that the babblers receive the right to talk, journalists the right to mix nonsense with reason in their writings, if the proletariat has no other gain from the constitution than the miserable crumbs which we throw from our table in return for his vote to elect our agents. Republican rights are bitter irony to the poor man, for the necessity of almost daily labor prevents him from using them, and at the same time deprives him of his guarantee of a permanent and certain livelihood by making him dependent upon strikes, organized either by his masters or by his comrades.

The Protocols of Satan, Part 26: The New Lords of the Manor

The Protocols of Satan, Part 26: The New Lords of the Manor in the Fall of Feudalism

Over the past few episodes of these Protocols of Satan, we hope to have elucidated the fact that Democracy as a form of government has a long history of failure since ancient times, and that it was doomed to fail as soon as it developed in the modern world. Democracy fails because it is built on a foundation of empty rhetoric and compromise, and not on any firm foundation of ability and leadership qualities. But Jewry, as it conspired to overthrow the princes of Europe through the secret societies and the infiltration of other institutions, understood that the introduction of Democracy in the concept of Liberalism, spread through the false religions of humanism and egalitarianism, would most assuredly enable them to usurp power for themselves through their control of the banks and the money power, which also afforded them control of the media so that they had the tools they needed to manipulate the perception of consensus among the people. The unsuspecting people are taught to be proud of the past 200 years of democracy, but the historical record shows that it has been two hundred years of war and failure, while the International Jews have accumulated greater and greater wealth and power.

But Democracy gives the common people a false sense of empowerment, and therefore the concept is popular. Not wishing to be bound to their own marginally Christian nobility, they have become willing slaves for the Jewish bankers. The truth is that democracy is a deception, because all people are not equal, and all ideas are not equally valid. The freedom of speech and the ability to openly express oneself are wonderful, but when everyone uses that freedom to express opinions about everything, that is not good because not everyone has equally valid information or equal cognitive faculties as a basis upon which to formulate sound opinions on many subjects. Everyone caught up in the deception is drowned out by the volume of the noise. So from both political democracy and the democratic equality of ideas there can come nothing but failure and division.

The Protocols of Satan, Part 25: The Jewish International Bankers and the Evils of Global Capitalism

The Protocols of Satan, Part 25: The Jewish International Bankers and the Evils of Global Capitalism

We have come across a small booklet of about 54 pages titled The Jewish System Indicted by the Documentary Record, which was written by a man named Robert Edward Edmondson and published in Manhattan, New York City, on September 15th, 1937. The author gives his full address, and we wonder if he was ever visited by the Antifa of his time – but such a thing at that time was not even necessary. Even back at that time in New York, the local government was the Antifa, and in 1937 Edmondson was indicted at the instigation of the Jewish New York City mayor Fiorello LaGuardia for allegedly libelling “all persons of the Jewish religion”. The charges were not true, but Edmondson was being terrorized through the court system. He was later one of the defendants in the Roosevelt Administration’s Great Sedition Trial in 1944, and he died around the age of 87 in 1959. The copy of the booklet which we found at was preserved by the Library of the University of Texas at Austin, from which it was borrowed as recently as March 11th, 2006, and we were quite surprised that such a book could be found on any university library shelf today. Perhaps one day we will discuss both Mr. Edmondson and his career as an anti-Jewish writer in greater detail here.

We are mentioning this here this evening because in this booklet we found an interesting quote attributed to Kaiser Wilhelm II, whom we had discussed somewhat in the last segment of this series on the Protocols of Satan. This is what it says:

The following is from an interview with former Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany, at Doorn, Holland, July 2, 1922, as reported in the Chicago Tribune of July 3, 1922, "by Baron Clemens von Radowitz-Nei": “The Kaiser is convinced that all the evils of the modern world originate with the Jews. ‘A Jew cannot be a true patriot’ he exclaimed. ‘He is something different – like a bad insect. He must be kept apart, out of a place where he can do mischief – even by pogroms, if necessary. The Jews are responsible for Bolshevism in Russia, and Germany too. I was far too indulgent with them during my reign, and I bitterly regret the favors I showed to prominent Jewish bankers and business men.’ The former emperor had a great respect for Dr. Walter Rathenau’s ability, but considered him a great danger to Germany. In the first place, Rathenau was a Jew, and the Kaiser has come to the firm conviction that the Jews are at the bottom of most of the troubles in Germany and Europe.”

The Protocols of Satan, Part 24: The Inevitable Failure of Democracy

The Protocols of Satan, Part 24: The Inevitable Failure of Democracy

In our last segment of this series presenting the Protocols of Satan, we really did not discuss the Protocols at all, except that it is certainly an agenda outlined in the Protocols that organized Jewry would plant their own agents at every point on the political spectrum, infiltrating every party and every prospective movement, latching onto every idea, jumping in at the front of every parade so that they can steer every political argument towards their own favor and their own agenda. For example, in Protocol 9 we read “People of all opinions and of all doctrines are at our service, restorers of monarchy, demagogues, Socialists, communists and other Utopians. We have put them all to work. Every one of them from his point of view is undermining the last remnant of authority, is trying to overthrow all existing order.” Now that the Jews through their banking system and assorted criminal enterprises have virtually monopolized the world’s political authority and have come to rule all of the world’s governments, we cannot imagine their endeavors to maintain control would be any different than the methods which they employed to gain control.

So in The Protocols of Satan, Part 23: Jewish Lies and Motivations we discussed the many so-called “self-hating” or “truth-telling” Jews and saw that while they appeared to be telling some truth, the lies which they perpetuated while doing so are much more dangerous than any confessions which they made concerning Jews. A love of truth and honest historical investigation would still exist without these imagined tattle-tale Jews, but in this manner they fulfill another agenda, outlined in Protocol 16 where we read them boast that “we shall swallow up and confiscate to our own use the last scintilla of independence of thought, which we have for long past been directing towards subjects and ideas useful for us.” In Protocol 13 we read “Growing more and more disaccustomed to reflect and form any opinions of their own, people will begin to talk in the same tone as we because we alone shall be offering them new directions for thought... of course through such persons as will not be suspected of solidarity with us.” With this we can only imagine why David Duke upholds so many Jewish lies as he pretends to be a herald revealing Jewish treachery, or perhaps why Andrew Anglin has an intense hatred for the ultimate truths found in Christian Identity. By wrongly attributing the Hebrew Scriptures to the Jews while complaining of disproportionate Jewish influence over world affairs, they are both in full agreement with the Jews, and they both fulfill those very words found in the Protocols.

The Protocols of Satan, Part 23: Jewish Lies and Motivations

The Protocols of Satan, Part 23: Jewish Lies and Motivations

We subtitled the last episode of this series of The Protocols of Satan The Midgard Serpent and the Enslavement of Christendom. Of course, it should have been The Jews and the Enslavement of Christendom, but we chose to use the term “Midgard Serpent” for a couple of reasons. First, in Protocol No. 3 the authors of the Protocols themselves claimed to have the serpent as the symbol of their people, as they had said that “To-day I can tell you that our goal is close at hand. Only a small distance remains, and the cycle of the Symbolic Serpent — the symbol of our people — will be complete. When this circle is completed, then all the European states will be enclosed in it as in strong claws.”

Secondly, we want to claim back some Christian symbolism from the neo-pagans who have adopted it for themselves, evidently not being aware that these things were employed by Christians long before they were even considered by anyone to be pagan. I saw a response from from a certain pagan to what I had said about the Midgard Serpent, Odin and Loki in our last episode, and he insisted on separating certain elements which I had mentioned and claiming that they were “late additions” to his paganism. While that would only support my claim that the concepts were Christian in the first place, it startles me that he seemed to think there was somehow an original documented organized paganism which was in any way universal in its beliefs before Christianity came along.

The Protocols of Satan, Part 21: Hitler and Nietzsche

The Protocols of Satan, Part 21: Hitler and Nietzsche

In our last presentation of the Protocols of Satan we took a digression to discuss an article from a February, 1936 issue of The Catholic Gazette, one of several Catholic newspapers in Britain in the 1930’s which had been attempting to warn people concerning The Jewish Peril, as the article was titled. Doing this, we found a modern-day critic of such literature in Ulrike Ehret, who has recently written a book titled Church, Nation and Race: Catholics and Antisemitism in Germany and England, 1918-45. While Ehret dismisses any possibility of a conspiracy of the Jews to attain world supremacy, which they have indeed since acquired – whether she notices it or not – she nevertheless corroborates for us the existence and influence of much of this type of anti-Jewish literature at that early time. As we had said, Ehret is not our friend, however her research was useful to us in that regard.

So before our latest digression, presenting Protocol No. 2 we spent considerable time in part 19 of this series discussing some aspects of the fulfillment of the boast that “The administrators chosen by us from among the people in accordance with their capacity for servility will not be experienced in the art of government, and consequently they will easily become pawns in our game, in the hands of our scientists and wise counselors, specialists trained from early childhood for governing the world.”

The Protocols of Satan, Part 20: The Jewish Peril and the Catholic Church

The Protocols of Satan, Part 20: The Jewish Peril and the Catholic Church

Here once again we have a lengthy digression, and before proceeding with our commentary on the text of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, we are going to present and discuss an article titled The Jewish Peril and The Catholic Church, which was published in a periodical called The Catholic Gazette in February of 1936. So far, we have not located a complete copy from any issue of this periodical, however we have found a few rather informative references which will add to our understanding of this article, I hope, and also of the understanding of the Jewish world conspiracy and resistance to the Jewish Peril in the 1930’s.

The Catholic Gazette has been connected by some online sources, such as Metapedia, to one Archibishop Richard Joseph Downey, who was once the Archbishop of Liverpool. Investigating this connection, Downey seems to be an interesting character, but, as we shall see, Metapedia is wrong to connect him to The Catholic Gazette, which for a want of better information may have caused us to credit Downey with the opinions expressed by that periodical in a February, 1936 article which we will present here.

The Protocols of Satan, Part 19: Protocol No. 2, Jewish Agents in Post-Protocols American Government

The Protocols of Satan, Part 19: Protocol No. 2, Jewish Agents in Post-Protocols American Government

In our last presentation of the Protocols of Satan we began a discussion of Protocol No. 2, which is subtitled Economic Wars. Doing this, we presented an entire chapter from The International Jew which was in turn subtitled The Economic Plans of International Jews. The opening lines of this Protocol boasted that wars would be shifted “to an economic basis”, and they most certainly were. However that alone did not negate the need for military war, since Jewry would by necessity have to manipulate into such a war any nation which it did not fully control. So 16 years after the Protocols were first known by Christians to have existed, Europe is plunged into the First Great War. No matter the pretenses used to ignite the conflagration, we must understand that its causes were indeed economic.

Adolf Hitler understood this, and he wrote the following, in Volume 1, Chapter 10 of Mein Kampf:

Over against the innumerable drawbacks which I have mentioned here and which affected German life before the War there were many outstanding features on the positive side. If we take an impartial survey we must admit that most of our drawbacks were in great measure prevalent also in other countries and among the other nations, and very often in a worse form than with us; whereas among us there were many real advantages which the other did not have.

The Protocols of Satan, Part 18: Protocol No. 2 and the Economic Plans of the Jew

The Protocols of Satan, Part 18: Protocol No. 2 and the Economic Plans of the Jew

In the last segment of our presentation of the Protocols of Satan we took a digression in order to present four so-called Protocols which first appeared earlier than and independent of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. These earlier Protocols had been compiled by the Britons Publishing Company, evidently some time in the mid 1920’s, and then republished by Col. Eugene Nelson Sanctuary in 1934. Sanctuary himself published many such works, and was later a victim of the Roosevelt administration’s sedition trials.

The four Protocols published by the Britons Publishing Company were taken from the following sources: 1) A document containing advice for French Jews which was supposedly from the Jewish council of rabbis at Constantinople written in 1489, and reprinted in the French language and Jewish-owned and operated Journal of Jewish Studies in 1880. 2) A Manifesto issued in 1860 to the ‘Jews of the Universe,’ by Adolphe Cremieux, the founder of the Alliance Israelite Universelle, a member of the Provisional Government of France in 1871, and a grand master of the French Masonic Lodges. 3) A funeral oration of a Rabbi Reichhorn given at the tomb of a jew named Simeon-ben-Ihuda in 1869. And 4) A Hebrew document apparently dating from December of 1918 which was found on the body of a dead Bolshevik battalion commander and published in a Russian-language newspaper in Berlin in February, 1919. The document was addressed to the so-called Israelite International League and seems to have exposed some of the secrets of the Jews in Russia who executed the Bolshevik Revolution and the future Soviet Russia.

The Protocols of Satan, Part 17: Are These Things So?

The Protocols of Satan, Part 17: Are These Things So?

This is the 17th installment of our series of The Protocols of Satan, which is a discussion of the so-called Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion from a Christian Identity perspective, both historical and religious. The first 7 of these segments only discussed the legitimacy of the Protocols, the arguments that they are a forgery, and some of the arguments that they are indeed valid documents which express ideas that have originated in Jewry. We have even further evidence of that which we hope to exhibit here in the weeks, or months, to come.

The previous 9 segments of this series discussed the first of the 24 Protocols, titled The Basic Doctrine, and took a few digressions to present background material for various topics, such as the evidence that the Jews were in control of the press throughout the West from the mid-19th century, and were therefore in a position to do everything of which the Protocols boasts. We also took time to contrast a Jewish materialistic view of economy and government, using Frédéric Bastiat as an example, to a Christian and spiritual view of economy and government, using Adolf Hitler as an example. Of course, this last statement would be laughable in most worldly circles, and that would only prove our point concerning the undue Jewish influence on society through their control of the media and academics. Anyone who laughs without examination at our assertions proves themselves to have been brainwashed by the devil – unless they themselves are devils.

The Protocols of Satan, Part 16: Elections and Deceptions

The Protocols of Satan, Part 16: Elections and Deceptions

Here on the heels of the latest United States Presidential election we return to our presentation of the Protocols of Satan. Perhaps we may soon know whether this latest election result was granted to provide the world with some temporary relief from the wiles of the devil, or if it is indeed another chapter in the ultimate fulfillment of the Protocols. We should seriously doubt that Satan has ceded any control over American politics, and believe instead that the devils are indeed satisfied with the outcome. George Soros had boasted on network television that Hillary Clinton would lose the popular vote, and win the electoral college. It didn’t happen. In fact, the result was precisely the opposite. But how do you know when a Jew is telling the truth? They make war by means of deception, and they feign weakness when they have the advantage. When a Jew moves his lips, he is lying, and wherever one may see a rabbi, there has already been a crime. These adages are true, and they are always true because even when a Jew appears to be telling the truth, he is doing it with pretense, and with an ulterior motive that is much more important to him than any concession to fact. Donald Trump has said a lot of things which nationalists everywhere love to hear, and the next several months will be an indication of whether or not he really meant any them, and also of how he meant them. His interpretation of his words certainly differ from that of many of his supporters.

We have also noted that during the weeks and months preceding the election, many nationalist-leaning Trump supporters practically refused to process many things which Trump had said in his speeches. After the election, when protests broke out, some were even upset that Trump called for unity, understanding that White Americans should have no unity with the types of supposed people who were protesting. However Trump has not betrayed his supporters at all. They just didn’t hear his words during the campaign. For instance, in the opening moments of his so-called Gettysburg Address speech given in October, Trump made a reference of the divisions which Abraham Lincoln faced as president, and expressed hope that he himself may heal the “divisions we are living through right now”. Like it or not, that is a call for unity amongst Americans regardless of race or regardless of any other barriers, that the divisions among the races should somehow be healed. That is the real Donald Trump, whom too many people refuse to see. So they will express surprise and betrayal over the months and years to come.

The Protocols of Satan, Part 15: Power and Hypocrisy

The Protocols of Satan, Part 15: Power and Hypocrisy

In the last segment of our presentations of the Protocols of Satan we covered a variety of topics. First we compared the concept of the State as it was imagined by Frédéric Bastiat to the concept of a State as it was explained by Adolf Hitler. In the mind of Bastiat, the economy is greater than the State, and the state is an only a bully which may be bent to the will of one group or another who use it to gain an economic advantage for themselves over the rest of the population under its rule. This is the status quo for all of the nations of the West today. To Hitler, the State is an organism of a people, represents the people, and maintains an economy subservient to its will, in a manner which is, theoretically at least, beneficial to all of the people of the particular nation.

So to Bastiat, money comes first and the people are victims to its whims. While to Hitler, money serves the people and the people have an obligation to serve one another. The view of nation and economy which was upheld by Bastiat serves the Jewish interests, and that is the Liberalism which has prevailed throughout the West from the 19th century to this very day. The Hitlerian view of nation and economy is anathema to the Jew and had to be destroyed by the forces of Jewish capitalism which have come to dominate all nations. I do not know if we could find better models by which to contrast these important differences in economic philosophy, which have played a significant role in the events of modern history.

The Protocols of Satan, Part 14: Bastiat for Judaism, Hitler for Christianity

The Protocols of Satan, Part 14: Bastiat for Judaism, Hitler for Christianity

For two-and-a-half segments of this series presenting the Protocols of Satan, we took a long digression to discuss Jewish control of the newspapers and glossy magazines of Europe and America from the mid-19th century and until the time of the Second World War. Excluding actual books, newspapers and magazines were of course the only media until the 1920’s and even with the advent of radio and television, they remained the most influential form of media until long after both the World Wars were concluded. But just as importantly as their control of most of the major newspapers was the Jewish control of most of the advertising and all of the major international news agencies throughout that same period. With that, they were able to control even those newspapers which they did not own or for which they did not hold positions as editors or writers.

Through their media control, Jews were the foremost creators of public opinion throughout those important decades which have shaped the modern world. Jews created the circumstances and influenced the public opinion by which Czarist Russia and both Imperial and National Socialist Germany were destroyed for the advancement of the world-wide propagation of Jewish capitalism. For the Jews who orchestrate the media, and manipulate entire national populations like marionettes in their orchestra, generations of White Christians destroyed one another in war, and today the whole world lies under the thumb of the Jewish usury oppression of international brokerages and banks. The Protocols reflect the definite and calculated plan of action by which the Jews have accomplished their world dominion.