America's Christian Beginnings

America's Christian Beginnings

Here, in light of recent developments and yet another Jewish assault on Christian America, we are going to revisit a sermon preserved in the collection by Bertrand Comparet, but which is actually credited to his wife, Inez Comparet. We have no audio recording of this sermon, and have not been able to locate one. So while I have already discussed the problems with women preaching in churches, and while I have already criticized him for that in the past, I will only make this precursory mention of my disagreement here. Otherwise, the sermon does indeed reflect the fact that Identity Christians have always understood that America, meaning the so-called United States of America, had Christian beginnings and was indeed founded upon Christian principles.

Unfortunately, there are no direct references to Yahshua, or Jesus Christ, in the federal constitution. But there was no necessity for that. Before the so-called Civil War, the United States were always referred to as “these United States”, which is much more appropriate English for describing the collection of individual sovereign States of which the union was originally comprised. But today, the enemies of liberty doubt even this description. So for that, we have often referred to a speech given by John Quincy Adams for the Jubilee of the Constitution, who, when it was given, was a former United States president, and a devoted federalist. If anyone knew the intent of the authors of the U.S. Constitution, it should have been John Quincy Adams, who was kept close to his father throughout his young life, even accompanying him on diplomatic missions to Europe at the young age of ten years (in 1777). His father, John Adams, is of course credited with having been one of the principle authors of the Constitution.

100 Proofs the Israelites were White, and a review of The History of the Danes by Saxo Grammaticus by Sven Longshanks

This being the weekend of the American Thanksgiving holiday, and any time of the year being an occasion to be thankful to Yahweh our God, we also have many things to be thankful for. One of those, is the number of our friends who have taken it upon themselves to join the cause and do something good. So this evening we are going to do something quite different, which I do not even know that I have done before. We are going to hear from two of those friends.

The first is Sven Longshanks of Radio Albion. I owe Sven an apology for this, as several months ago – perhaps in August or September, I made this recording with him which is really his review of an old book, the History of the Danes by 12th century author and theologian Saxo Grammaticus. The review is something of a conversation about the value which Sven found in this work in relation to our Christian Identity studies. [See below for a separate copy of this recording.]

The second is a recording from a video by EnglishVids (aka TruthVids), who has been a member of the Christogenea Forum for a little over two years now. He has had some success spreading the message of our Christian Identity faith on Youtube and Bitchute and elsewhere, and he just published a video titled 100 Proofs the Israelites were White. It may be more effective in video form, but not all of our listeners can sit and watch a 90-minute video, so I thought it would be useful to present and post the audio format here. [See below for a separate copy of this recording.]

I also owe EnglishVids an apology, since he asked me to read through his script and give any feedback I had over a year ago, and the circumstances prevented me, so I never got to doing it. However some other Forum members were able to help him, and he has continually refined this presentation over that period of time. While I will withhold some reservations concerning some of the interpretations, his list of 100 proofs is very good, it is edifying, and I believe that it will be a useful tool for introducing new people to the concept of Christian Identity in the future. So once this is posted at Christogenea, it will be in both audio and video format, and join the other materials in our Christogenea Bible Overview section.

Thank you for listening, praise Yahweh, and I pray you all enjoy this...

Hitler, Christian, Part 2

“Poison can be overcome only by a counter-poison, and only the supine bourgeois mind could think that the Kingdom of Heaven can be attained by a compromise.”- Adolf Hitler

Hitler, Christian, Part 2

Our intention here is to demonstrate conclusively, that Adolf Hitler was a Christian, and not merely in word but in substance, and that is the sort of Christianity that the world simply does not understand. If National Socialism was founded on the principle of a sacrifice of one's self-interest for the benefit of one's own people, or community, and with programs for the protection and care for the elderly, women, and children, and with the same moral values that are outlined in Christian Scriptures, and with concern for the property rights of all classes beginning with the poorest and humblest rather than only for the wealthy and strong, and with concern for the racial purity of the people as the Christian scriptures certainly forbid any mixing of the races, then National Socialism is Christian, since none of these ideals are openly espoused in the literature of pagans, atheists, or Jews.

Furthermore, if Adolf Hitler consistently referred to the Christian Scriptures in order to defend and illustrate his positions on race and people, even in spite of the fact that the churches themselves ignore those Scriptures, or obscure and pervert them with fairy tales, then Adolf Hitler was indeed a Christian, and he was a better Christian than the officials of those churches. That is what he did; that is what National Socialism later put into its party platform and enacted into its laws; therefore what he did and said in relation to blood and race, using the allegories and illustrations which are found in the Christian scriptures, must have also been sincere. Such allegories and examples, such moral ethics and laws, cannot be found in the literature of pagans or atheists, and they are only perverted by Jews.

Hitler, Christian, Part 1

Hitler, Christian, Part 1

Here I am going to explain why Adolf Hitler was a Christian, and why National Socialism was essentially a Christian political philosophy in spite of the protests heard from church-going mainstream Christians and non-Christians alike, and especially from pagans who somehow insist that Hitler was one of them. Recently having presented conversations here with both Dennis Wise and Rosette Delacroix, and it being in the week of Hitler’s birthday, this was a subject of both discussions. Now this is the third day since the anniversary of Hitler’s death, and while we certainly do not expect him to be resurrected already, it is evident that the entire world will not let his memory rest until the battle which he fought is finally won, as it certainly is not over. That battle can only be won by Yahshua Christ, by God Himself.

I am not going to claim that Hitler or National Socialism were perfect, as no political philosophy is perfect outside of the Kingdom of God which all Christians should anticipate, where only Christ rules over us all. Neither am I attempting to worship Adolf Hitler, as certain of my detractors have sometimes claimed, and even the thought of that is repulsive to me. Rather, I only seek to correct the historical record, and refute the idea that Hitler and National Socialist Germany were somehow pagan, or even atheistic.

Since the Second World War, in a process which actually began many decades or even centuries earlier, most Europeans have become completely alienated from the churches, while the Christian churches in America have been completely co-opted as tools to be used by Jewish interests and a truly anti-Christian fervor for Zionism. During that same period, the basic principles of Christianity have been nullified by the secularization of society and the ever-growing effects of pop-culture and materialism, accompanied by the ever-increasing acceptance of so-called “alternative lifestyles”, the advent of a new and world-wide Sodom and Gomorrah.

The Arab Question, Part 6

The Arab Question, Part 6

In Part 5 of this series, which we presented here just last week, we discussed the words Ladino and Mestizo and the fact that the terms were equated in three prominent English-language dictionaries which were published in or before the 1970’s. Doing that, we also showed the history of the term Ladino as an epithet for Sephardic Jews and their peculiar dialect of Old Spanish, which many of them continue to speak even today. Then we showed how mestizos, or mixed-race Indian and presumably Spanish or Portuguese Mexicans and South Americans were called Ladinos, and we wondered how these half-breeds, who are actually more like Heinz 57 varieties derived from many different races, would be called by a label which is exclusive to Sephardic Jews in Europe. But we should not have to speculate. It was evidently not the true Spaniards or Portuguese who had mixed with Indians sufficiently and gave them such a label, but rather, it was Sephardic Jews themselves from whom they acquired the name Ladino, because it certainly was mixed Jews, or Crypto-Jews fleeing the Inquisition, who had settled among the Indian tribes in outlying areas and who freely mingled with them. Now the Spanish and Portuguese may have also mixed heavily with the Indians since then, but originally it seems to have been the Sephardic Jews who had done the initial mixing. The 16th-century rumors that the so-called Indians had descended from the ancient Lost Tribes of Israel fueled the race-mixing of Jews and Indians, and even Manasseh Ben Israel, the rabbi most responsible for prodding Cromwell to make England safe once again for Judaism, had himself repeated those rumors in his letters to Cromwell.

This belief that the Indians were the “Lost Tribes”, which is patently ridiculous, had rapidly spread throughout Europe, and we had previously noted that Swedish army chaplain Jesper Swedberg, who was well-traveled and friendly towards Jews, had brought the rumor back to Sweden in 1685. In our June, 2016 presentation on The Jews in Europe: Judaizing England and Sweden, we cited a book titled Philo-Semitism and the Gothic Kabbalah, 1688–1710 and written by Marsha Keith Schuchard which said in part “When Jesper Swedberg returned to Sweden in August, 1685, he informed the king about Edzard’s missionary work among the Jews, and he convinced him to support similar efforts among the Indians in the New World, whom he and Edzard believed to be descendants of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel.” Swedberg, confusing Messianic Judaism for Christianity, was basically a proselyte of this Edzard, a former Sabbatian and Messianic Jew.

The Arab Question, Part 5

Due to technical problems with our recording, our first live presentation in months, this program was published on the evening of Sunday, April 14th. I apologize for the inconvenience, but it could not be helped as the software I use malfunctioned and crashed in Windows 10. 

The Arab Question, Part 5

When we read the various Biblical prophecies concerning the so-called “end times”, or the Day of the Wrath of Yahweh or Day of Judgment which are found in Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and many of the minor prophets, we read of Edom, and the tribes sprung from Ishmael, and Moab, Ammon and others, and mainstream Bible commentaries and the popular perception of these tribes are usually restricted in their discussion to the Middle East, to Palestine and to the sham Israeli state. There it is imagined that the Israeli Jews are Israelites, which is a lie, and that the surrounding Arabs are these other tribes. But in truth, the White Europeans are the descendants of the ancient Israelites, and all of these others – including the Jews – are descended from the various branches of the ancient enemies of Israel, who were all mixed with Canaanites, Kenites, Rephaim, and many other non-Biblical races to create what we now know today as both Jews and Arabs. While the Biblical names were for the most part left in the dust of history, the people are still here, they are still opposed to the God of the Bible, and they still endeavor to destroy His true people Israel.

The White race, which is to a great extent descended from the actual ancient Israelites, are the true people of Christ, and being overrun with Arabs, Mexicans, Hispanics and even Africans, all at the beckoning of the Edomite Jews, the words of those ancient prophets are being fulfilled on a worldwide scale. Unless one understands the diaspora of the Edomite Jews and the spread of Arab blood into southern Italy, Spain, Portugal, and ultimately into the so-called Hispanics, Mexicans and Latinos of the New World, one cannot truly see the profound truths of Biblical prophecy as they unfold in modern times. Satan’s house may be divided against itself, but all sides nevertheless work in their common endeavor to corrupt and destroy Christendom.

The Arab Question, Part 4

The Arab Question, Part 4

Today we are going to present Part 4 of our series on The Arab Question. So far we hope to have sufficiently explained the historical blood connections between Jews and Arabs as they are both descended from the ancient Canaanites mixed with other groups of both White Adamic and non-White, non-Adamic origin, and also how Jews and Arabs had significantly contributed to the formation of the modern Hispanics, by mingling with the Spanish and Portuguese of the Iberian peninsula for seven hundred years during the Islamic conquest, and then later migrating along with them into the Americas. After the Reconquista and the expulsion of Islam from Iberia, those of Arab blood who remained were compelled to forsake Islam in favor of the Roman Catholic Church. The practice of Judaism being persecuted under Spanish and Portuguese rule, many of these Jews who fled the Inquisition in Europe were later forced to hide or abandon the practice of their religion in the New World. One good case to study in this regard is that of Maria Nunez, who was both a Cuban Mulatto and a crypto-Jew. She was married to her own uncle, another crypto-Jew, and was accused of Judaizing and brought before a tribunal of the Inquisition in Mexico in 1651. With this presentation, I will attach an academic paper describing her case, titled María Nuñez: A Cuban Mulatto before the Mexican Inquisition and the Familial Ties of Dispersed Crypto Jews in the 17th Century.

In the Spanish and Portuguese colonies, true Iberians, Iberian Arabs, crypto-Jews, converso-Jews and the conquered natives have all freely mingled for centuries, and essentially the result is that Hispanics are not much different from Jews and Arabs, and they should all be treated as such by White Christians. Original Spaniards looked no different than other Celts, such as the Irish or the Britons. Some Spaniards still look like Celts. Now we shall begin to elucidate the Jewish and Arab connections to another group, which is the Mexicans. While there certainly is a degree of indigenous so-called Indian blood in the Hispanics, and probably more in many Mexicans, many Mexicans are also mixed with Jewish and Arab blood which was brought to the Americas on the ships and within the ranks of the Conquistadors. There is also a negro element within both groups, as African slaves were assimilated into them as well, but that is not the focus of this discussion.

The Arab Question, Part 3

The Arab Question, Part 3

We are going to continue to deal with this discussion of Arabs at least until we get through Clifton’s papers on the subject, and then I may eventually take it a step further to discuss in greater detail the satanic beginnings and nature of Islam. Up until this point, we hope to have fully demonstrated that all Arabs are bastards, even by the very meaning and origination of the Hebrew term, and that Jews and Arabs are from the same stock, being mixed not only with Israel, Ishmael and Edom, but also with the descendants of Peleg and Joktan, Midian and Abraham’s other sons with Keturah, and more importantly, with all of the tribes of the ancient Canaanites along with the Kenites, Rephaim, and other and darker races. Surely there are other White nations also in the mix, such as Greeks, Romans, and the more ancient White nations of Africa, Mesopotamia and the Near East.

Since long before the rise of Islam, Arabs have freely and unabashedly intermingled with sub-Saharan Africans, and had brought them and their mulatto offspring with them wherever they were able to settle. The Arab slave trade spread the negro blood to places as far east as Malaysia, the Philippines, and China. But significantly, this is why many Southern Europeans of today are no longer white, and this is also the strain that was spread into the Caribbean and South and Central Americas in the Spanish and Portuguese settlement of those areas. Before this series is over, we may find that the label latino really isn’t a direct derivative of the word Latin, and neither are the people who bear the name. I also hope to demonstrate that not only are Jews and Arabs prominent among the forebears of the so-called Latinos, but are also the ancestors of many Mexicans.

The Arab Question, Part 2

The Arab Question, Part 2

In Part 1 of this series, I presented a paper which Clifton Emahiser had published in September, 2006 titled Arabs, Friend or Foe? Now this evening, I will present another paper on the subject, which Clifton had prepared for publication that very same month, titled Both Jews & Arabs are Serpent-Seed, and while Clifton labeled this as “Part # 1”, there never was a Part # 2. Later on, he did do other follow-up papers on related aspects of this same subject under other titles, and we hope to present them as part of this series in the future.

As I also explained in The Arab Question, Part 1, Clifton and I were addressing this subject in the fall of 2006 because at that time, and even today, there are Identity Christians who express the conviction that we should somehow have empathy for Arabs, and even seek alliances with them, since Arabs are perceived as being at enmity with Jews. However nothing could be further from the truth, once the broader spectrum of history is examined outside of the modern local conflicts over a small patch of land in Palestine. In truth, the Arabs have forever been in league with the Jews, or utilized by the Jews, in their long-sought destruction of Christendom. In the Christian era, that situation began in the early 7th century BC, and it persists on a broad scale to this very day.

The Arab Question, Part 1

The Arab Question, Part 1

Here I am going to present what I think is a very important concept for all Identity Christians to understand, but sadly it is still something which many Identity Christians do not yet comprehend. But even with that, there are several other and unrelated reasons why I am presenting this topic at this particular time.

Most importantly, there are still many Identity Christians who show undue sympathy for Arabs. This has long been a problem, and often because the nature of Arabs and Arab history and origins are grossly misunderstood and there have been a lot of false claims concerning Arabs. The most outstanding example of such false claims in Christian Identity literature which I can recall is in a series of papers titled Star Wars, by Nord Davis. Davis died in 1997. Some of Davis’ papers, including this one, can still be found at the Israel Elect website and elsewhere.

While I now own and manage Israel Elect, I do not agree with everything posted there. However the original intent of the website was to catalog everything Christian Identity, and when I took over ownership of the site I promised to keep it intact, which I have done, and I have not added anything new, except a few notices and referrals to Christogenea. I have also redirected some article links to corresponding material at Christogenea, but only because Christogenea websites use much newer technology that offer readers options that are not found at Israel Elect. This was done in order to increase reader retention and encourage them to examine our Christian Identity literature and beliefs more closely.

The Protocols of Satan, Part 39: Who is your god?

The Protocols of Satan, Part 39: Who is your god?

Before I began last week’s program, I meant to apologize for an error I made in an off-the-cuff remark in part 37 of this series, so I will do that now. As I was presenting my prepared notes, and while searching my mind for the first notable apologist for the capitalist system, the only name I could come up with was Montesquieu, for some reason, and admitted that I may have been incorrect. But that was an error. The name I was looking for was Frédéric Bastiat, the French economist, politician and Freemason whom we had discussed at length in Part 14 of this series on the Protocols. So I apologize for that, and of course I never claimed to be perfect…

For the past several presentations of this series on the Protocols, since Part 35, Inciting Class Warfare, we have been discussing various aspects of a few paragraphs of Protocol No. 3, where the authors had boasted of their intent to incite strife and divisions between the classes, to create a large-scale economic crisis resulting in vast unemployment in Europe which would turn the lower classes to violence against the upper, all as a means of convincing the Goyim to capitulate to their planned Jewish domination of society. This is exactly what happened, and we will culminate that discussion here. Once again, we shall read these paragraphs which we have been discussing from Protocol No. 3, from the text of Boris Brasol’s publication of The Protocols and World Revolution:

The Protocols of Satan, Part 38: William Jennings Bryan, the Last Viable Political Opposition

The Protocols of Satan, Part 38: William Jennings Bryan, the Last Viable Political Opposition

The following is a presentation of part of a speech by William Jennings Bryan which was published in The Barnes Review in their March/April 2000 issue. We are presenting this here this evening, as well as an earlier and longer article focusing on Bryan’s political career which was written by Michael Collins Piper in 1996, in order to show that there was viable political opposition to the internationalist designs which ultimately prevailed in the late 19th and early 20th century American politics. However we see William Jennings Bryan as the last of such viable political opposition, and he was defeated time and again, until he finally relented – and later regretted it. Of course, later on there was Huey Long, but the plutocrats had him killed before he ever became a threat.

The Protocols of Satan, Part 37: The Menace of the Money Power

The Protocols of Satan, Part 37: The Menace of the Money Power

In our last presentation of these Protocols of Satan, we sought to present the most authoritative and earliest proofs of the connections between Judaism and Bolshevism, so we employed many citations from the earliest official American and British government reports on Bolshevism and the revolution in Russia in order to do so. Then, as part of this same endeavor, we presented a booklet titled Judaism and Bolshevism, a collection of three articles from a publication called the Catholic Gazette, which were compiled by a Mr. A. Homer and published in 1933, in order to further establish the asserted connections. There are many other sources, and several other early and authoritative publications, which we may have presented to further prove this assertion, however we felt that these were most sufficient for our purposes here.

Now we are going to present another booklet, this one published in 1946, which not only reasserts the connections of the Jews to Bolshevism, but also describes the Jewish bankers who were most active in its success, as well as their plans for putting all of the governments of the world under their economic yoke. All of this is a prelude necessary to understand the veracity and the fulfillment of that paragraph of Protocol No. 3 upon which we currently focus.

The Protocols of Satan, Part 36: Judaism and Bolshevism

The Protocols of Satan, Part 36: Judaism and Bolshevism

All throughout this series on the Protocols of Satan we have been asserting the fact that Bolshevism is a product of Judaism. So this evening we are further quantifying that assertion so that there is sufficient documentation incorporated into this series on the Protocols, even though we have presented much of this in different ways at various times in the past. For example, there is a lengthy series wherein we had presented the entire Russia No. 1 Report, with commentary, and it is still available at our Mein Kampf Project website. So as part of our documentation of the connections between Judaism and Bolshevism, we shall present several reports from Russia No. 1 this evening.

But first we shall present a booklet on this topic from a source which may be considered quite conventional, except that today if most people in the West heard Christians criticize Jews openly they would be shocked and appalled. We had mentioned a publication called The Catholic Herald several times in The Protocols of Satan, Part 20: The Jewish Peril and the Catholic Church. There we also mentioned other Catholic figures and publications in Britain which were attempting to bring awareness of the ongoing Jewish treachery against Christendom which at that time was effaced by Communism.

The Protocols of Satan, Part 35: Inciting Class Warfare

The Protocols of Satan, Part 35: Inciting Class Warfare

In the last segment of these Protocols of Satan, which was subtitled Above the Law, we concluded our explanation of corporate legal history and our description of how those who control international corporations exploit the concept of corporate personhood. With that, they promote endless legal arguments regarding corporate responsibility and culpability for crimes so that they can rather consistently escape the consequences of their actions in their pursuit for profit. This explanation had actually begun in part 33 of this series, which was subtitled Corporations are People Too? Of course, the real answer should be no, because corporations certainly are not people. However it is obvious to us, after studying these issues at length, that the modern concept of the corporation is the primary vehicle by which the international Jew had chosen so that he can fulfill the plan outlined in the Protocols. That is also why today, in practice, corporations have a more significant part in guiding national policies than do governments.

All of this was presented in response to the assertions found in Protocol No. 3, the where the authors of the Protocols insist that there should be a class of men which is above the law. So they boasted that: “It is necessary that all should know that equality cannot exist, owing to the different nature of various kinds of work; that there cannot be the same responsibility before the law in the case of an individual who by his actions compromises an entire caste and another who does not affect anything but his own honor.” Here the Protocols propose that a class of businessmen should be above the law, which would in essence appoint that class as a new nobility, and that is indeed the first objective of the Protocols: that the international Jews, who controlled the power of gold in the late Middle Ages, would indeed transform themselves into a new nobility. Rather hypocritically, where Christians were in control in Russia before the Bolshevik Revolution, it was this same class that they hated and persecuted the most. So the Protocols express a desire to have a controlling class not accountable to the law only where the Jews are in control. Earlier in the Protocols, they had proclaimed that once the traditional nobility was destroyed, that gold would become king, and they accomplished that endeavor in the 19th century. Today we continue to live with the results of that accomplishment, even if their rulership is not yet quite as obvious to the general public as the Protocols themselves suggest that it will be.

The Protocols of Satan, Part 34: Above the Law

The Protocols of Satan, Part 34: Above the Law

In the last installment of these Protocols of Satan, we discussed the legal concept by which corporations are somehow perceived as artificial persons, and are therefore granted all of the rights and privileges of actual citizens. But in reality, when they do wrong they face none of the actual burdens of the penalties which real persons face. Then we attempted to demonstrate the hypocrisy of this, and show that there are indeed counter-arguments that corporations are not persons at all, and that there is no actual body of legal justification which has ever explained how corporations are persons. This we did citing articles by several lawyers and law students. As a digression, in reality the debate does not matter, because as so-called legal scholars argue over the centuries, corporations purchase the outcome of election after election, using their comparatively vast wealth to nominate the candidates of all parties so that they can never really lose the political debate.

This all leads to another concept which we began to explore: the fact that there is no substantial basis in our legal systems by which corporations are justly punished for any crimes which they commit. So we gave some historic background on early corporate America, where we hoped to show that the concept of a corporation is relatively new in history, and mostly developed as this young nation developed. So in reality, a corporation is also a product of Liberalism – and those of us who understand the real forces behind the development of Liberalism should also understand that the same dark forces have always been behind the concept of the corporation in the reality of the modern system of capitalism.

The Protocols of Satan, Part 33: Corporations are People Too?

The Protocols of Satan, Part 33: Corporations are People Too?

In Part 21 of these Protocols of Satan, which was titled Hitler and Nietzsche, while discussing Protocol No. 2 we encountered the strategy of our conquerors to enrapture the masses in amusements, and with the hope of new amusements, of which they said: “Let that play the most important part for them which we have induced them to regard as the laws of science (theory). For this purpose, by means of our press, we increase their blind faith in these laws. Intelligent GOYS will boast of their knowledge, and verifying it logically they will put into practice all scientific information compiled by our agents for the purpose of educating their minds in the direction which we require.”

Now in our last segment of this series, in Part 32, The Appointed Priesthood, we encountered the boast that “The GOYS are no longer accustomed to think without our scientific advice”, and we endeavored to convey the idea that the so-called scientific community, which itself is sustained by governments and corporations, has indeed become a new priesthood over the people. Through the continuing announcement of new findings from so-called scientific studies, through the media they succeed in regulating the general outlook on life which is held by the masses, and not only influencing but practically dictating their morality by controlling their views of creation and existence.

The Kennedy Assassination

Comments I made during this podcast relating to John F. Kennedy and the Federal Reserve are now posted in the Christogenea Forum.

For a reading list on the assassination, and for other materials, see more here below. What follows are my opening remarks:

One facet of recent American history which I have not touched in any of my studies are the Kennedy assassinations. Perhaps that is because such a great amount of revisionist work – both good and bad – had already been done in that field even before I could get a chance to study it. But admittedly, I have not even taken the time to study which revisionist work offers the soundest treatment of the matter. The Michael Collins Piper book, Final Judgement, is often applauded, and I think it certainly blames the right culprits for the assassination, but I have not even read that. Looking at the field of available work, there seems to be a flood of conflicting theories floating around revisionist circles, and perhaps the subject is best left to someone who can specialize in this one area.

The Protocols of Satan, Part 32: The Appointed Priesthood

The Protocols of Satan, Part 32: The Appointed Priesthood

These Protocols of Satan, in my humble opinion, have discussed such a vast panorama of the history of the last several centuries that it is quite difficult to give a synopsis explaining what we have thus far presented. Some of the things we have discussed recently, however, are the inevitable failure of Democracy, the role of Jewish bankers in the enslavement of Christendom under global usury capitalism, the ascendancy of finance as the god of this world, and to accomplish this, when all else failed them, the Jewish-instigated and coordinated revolutions which removed the obstacles of the French and Russian monarchies to Jewish world supremacism. With that, it took two World Wars to remove the obstacles posed in Germany, and while we have not yet had the opportunity to discuss those here, we did make a presentation of the Nazis and the Protocols. Presenting these things, we discussed related issues such as the many warnings against Jewish treachery by traditional Roman Catholics in Britain, and the Jewish agents who were embedded into the post-Protocols American government.

All of this was presented in relation to our discussions of Protocol No. 3, which began with Part 22 of this series. Back in May we set this series aside for summer travels which had taken much longer than we initially imagined. I originally thought that this presentation may have been scheduled for August 5th. Now even though we are about to embark on yet another trip north, at least as far as Shelbyville and Bristol, Tennessee, here we shall present Part 32 of our series, which is subtitled The Appointed Priesthood.

The Night of the Long Knives, Part 3

The Night of the Long Knives, Part 3

Here we continue and conclude our series of articles from The Barnes Review describing the event which is known as The Night of the Long Knives. When we began to present this series, we actually ordered and have just received a copy of the book from which these articles were taken, which is Hitler, Democrat, by former Waffen SS General Leon Degrelle. The six articles we are presenting in this series were actually taken from chapters 38 through 43 of that book, and they were reprinted in Barnes Review issues through September-October, 2002. As we have already discussed, Degrelle was a Belgian journalist, politician and founder of the Rexist Party, and then later a National Socialist and Waffen SS volunteer who during the War had worked his way up the ranks from Private to Colonel. Then he was evidently promoted to General as the war came to its unfortunate end. Last week we presented articles titled The Röhm Crisis Worsens and Last Millimeters of the Fuse, which continued to describe the events leading up to the famous National Socialist purge, and which fully described its necessity, for the alternative was to send Germany down another path to civil war. This week, we shall present the next articles in the series, The Bloody End of Ernst Röhm: The Night of the Long Knives and then 38 Million Germans Make Their Voices Heard: A Landslide Victory for Adolf Hitler, which gives us an impression of how well the German people had thought of Adolf Hitler and the National Socialists only weeks after the purge.

Leon Degrelle describes Ernst Röhm’s political and economic philosophy in a manner that impels us to label him as a Marxist. It is our understanding that Adolf Hitler was absolutely ambivalent towards Marxism, and that his own political and economic philosophy, as they are described in Mein Kampf, were grounded in Christian principles and absolutely antithetical to Marxism. Furthermore, Adolf Hitler’s revolution was political, and ended as soon as the National Socialist German Worker’s Party came to power in 1933. But for Ernst Röhm, the revolution had only begun and needed to continue, ostensibly until he could fulfill his own desires to bring his own form of Bolshevism to Germany. But the trouble between the two men erupted over Röhm’s promotion of the Sturmabteilung, or SA, the party’s paramilitary organization, as a replacement for the German Wehrmacht – the regular army which Röhm sought to dismantle. It is obvious to us, and evidently became obvious to Hitler, that Röhm wanted the SA to replace the Wehrmacht so that he as its commander could supplant the NSDAP leadership and execute his continued revolution.