The Course Ahead with Dr. Michael Hill and Ike Baker of the League of the South:

I must apologize in advance for some technical problems. After having to switch from a cell tower to a satellite connection, the typical lag of the satellite connection caused me to interfere with my guests. Below are my introductory notes:

The Course Ahead

The recent and now recurring coronavirus lockdowns began with progressive corporations such as Google, Apple and Microsoft, and practically all of the Liberal city and State governments had immediately followed along. Soon after, the politicians in the more Conservative States were also pressured to follow along, mostly by the media, as no politician wants to be the one who did nothing just in case the pandemic was real.

Now after yet another black criminal dies while in the hands of local police, the Antifa/BLM riots and all of the capitulations to the Communist agenda seem to be following on the same exact path, as if it were all engineered by those same progressives to force all of us to yield to their agenda. Perhaps the lockdowns helped agitate otherwise marginal people to join the protests.

So as the CHAZ is broken up weeks after it should have been, the enemies of Christendom have been made to look much bigger and more powerful than they actually are, and the resulting fear, when it is not outright collusion, has pushed many State and local governments to capitulate even more. As they make more and more concessions, the Antifa/BLM rhetoric and their accompanying demands get more and more outrageous. All of it is engineered to push us further down the road to communism.

So just what is a Southern man, or any White man, to do?

The Unforgivable Sin

The Unforgivable Sin

See also a companion program, The Unpardonable Sin

We know from the New Testament as well as the Old that the sin of fornication, which describes several sorts of sexual indecency, such as prostitution, also includes race-mixing. One place where this is clearly evident is at Jude 7, where we read that fornication is the pursuit of strange, or different, flesh. Then in 1 Corinthians chapter 10, Paul of Tarsus had used the same word and warned the Christians at Corinth not to commit fornication, referring them to a race-mixing event for which the ancient children of Israel were severely punished, which is found in Numbers chapters 24 and 25. In the words of Christ Himself, He proclaims that He will kill the children of those who commit fornication, as He punishes the sinners themselves, in Revelation chapter 2. Fornication is one of the acts expressly prohibited by the apostles in Acts chapter 15, and Paul admonished different sorts of fornicators in his epistles.

Why have the churches abandoned these teachings? Until the 1970’s the Southern Baptist Convention opposed such fornication. But eventually, and primarily because the government had ultimately forced the issue, in part by threatening to revoke tax-exempt status, the Baptist churches all relented, and so had all other churches. This was facilitated by a 1967 SCOTUS decision named, rather ironically, Loving vs. Virginia. In the history of the early American colonies, laws barring miscegenation were generally not needed since most Christians would never do such a thing. But there were always exceptions, and in diverse places such laws became necessary in order to maintain a Christian society. After the so-called “Civil War”, many States did find such laws to be necessary, and they stood for a hundred years. By devout Christians, it was considered natural, normal and godly to maintain one’s own race and not to mingle with others. Those laws were not made because of some sort of unfair “racism”, but rather they were made because men loved God and sought to keep His Commandments, as Christ insisted that they do.

The Unpardonable Sin

See also a companion program, The Unforgivable Sin

While the Dindu Apocalypse has apparently subsided, at least for a time, with each new wave of negro aggression it seems that a greater number of White Christians become aware of the fact that the differences which we have with negros are certainly more than skin deep. However the spineless and effeminate capitulation of so many liberal politicians and cuckolded law enforcement officials is ultimately only going to further embolden the beasts, and it is inevitable that a complete breakdown of the rule of law will become manifest in many places in America and in the other nations of Christendom. That is the true objective of the Antifa and Black Lives Matter movements, to wear down the resolve of Christians, to destroy the constructs of Christian governance, and to plunge us all into anarchy, a process which has always resulted in tyranny. This is one aspect of world history that sadly, far too few White people understand: that the rule of law in the modern world is a product of Christendom, and those who hate Christ have always wanted to see it destroyed and replaced with laws of their own. If they are successful, the result will inevitably lead to a new tyranny of the Left, and the long-sought victory of global Communism. Any kindness which they are shown, they perceive as weakness, and it opens up new avenues for them to exploit. The controlled media and global corporations are on their side, all of the liberal and progressive politicians are on their side, and all of them have actively helped them advance this agenda. The Coronavirus lockdowns and recent riots over the death of a career criminal are only the newest phases in an age-old war against Christendom. The timing of these events was not a coincidence.

But this is not new to us. We have not reached these conclusions recently. We have known and have been writing about these things for over twenty years. Of course, as we often point out, Wesley Swift and Bertrand Comparet and others wrote about them sooner. Even if we do not always know what form it will assume, when the next attack is launched against our Christian society we certainly do know who is behind it, and we know who is on the side of our enemies. Where the Satanic war against the Camp of the Saints is prophesied in the Revelation of Jesus Christ, for us there are no allies and there are no neutral parties. All the nations are gathered, and one is either a sheep or a goat. There is no third choice.

The Coronavirus Pandemic from a Christian Nationalist Perspective, with Dr. Michael Hill

The Coronavirus Pandemic from a Christian Nationalist Perspective.

Here I will offer a summary of what I think are the important aspects of the so-called coronavirus pandemic, and how it had evolved into a scare which has put millions of Americans out of work, and closed hundreds of thousands of small businesses, many of which may indeed be closed forever. Perhaps it did not evolve as a scare, but had been planned that way. I undertook this venture because I am disappointed by the reactions to this supposed pandemic by many so-called Nationalists, who seem to have swallowed the entire mainstream paradigm hook, line and sinker. While the information I offer here shouldn’t be new to anyone who has kept themselves apprised of the situation, perhaps I can offer a different perspective which is more relevant to Christian Nationalists. After making my presentation, we will have Dr. Michael Hill, President of the League of the South, to discuss the what we think should be the proper Christian, Southern Nationalist reaction to this pandemic. I apologize in advance for the poor connection during our hour-long conversation.

I have already also written on this subject from a different perspective here: Free Florida Now!

I was watching some of the early coronavirus reports in news media, and back in perhaps mid-February, I also saw the early videos coming out of China showing people who allegedly had the virus dropping dead in the streets. Today, I sincerely believe that those videos were released as purposeful propaganda to instill fear of the virus even into Social Media denizens and dissidents in the West. As soon as coronavirus was said to have exploded in the West, reports of any further spread of the disease from China and most of Asia had completely dissipated, and the Communist model of governance was made to look like a veritable utopia compared to the comparative freedoms (or actually, privileges) which Westerners enjoy. But we cannot trust anything which comes out of China, and we cannot imagine the Chinese to ever be telling us the truth. However as soon as the disease reached our shores, our governments in the West had almost immediately followed the Communist Chinese model of containment.

End Times Update 11, February 2020

It has been many months since our last End Times Update in October of 2018. Now, finally, we are here once again, and today we are going to discuss all the rumors and reports of State secession from the Union, and counties or cities which have threatened or expressed a desire to secede from their respective States, and how that phenomenon, as it is mentioned more and more frequently in the media, reflects the trend towards ideological and political balkanization in America.

In the initial part of this discussion, William Finck presented A Brief and Incomplete History of Secession in the United States, an article written for the Dixie Project at Christogenea.

During the discussion we also mentioned the Marxist indoctrination of Christians in the schools. The image below is a good example.

What is a Church? with Dr. Michael Hill

What is a “church”?

If you are a nationalist, what should you think about “church”? If you recognize that the world is corrupt, and all of the Christian churches of any denomination are guilty of magnifying, perpetuating, or enabling the corruption, how could you take part in any such church? As either a Christian or a nationalist, how could you contribute to the corruption? If you attend these churches, how could you not be guilty of the sins which they have come to accept?

The Roman Catholic Church might take a public stance against Sodomy, but for centuries it has turned a blind eye to the Sodomy and pedophilia which have been practiced by its own priests. The Orthodox Church is not free of this dilemma, as its priests have also frequently been caught in the same behavior, not only in America but in Europe and elsewhere. The Protestant churches all have these same problems and perhaps to a greater degree. There are records of cases which can be found on the Internet, many sourced from the church organizations themselves, showing that the corruption of Sodomy, pedophilia, adultery and other types of sexual transgression is just as prevalent in these churches as it is in the secular world. For example, churches belonging to the Southern Baptist Convention have suffered 700 documented cases of child sexual abuse in 20 years, as reported this past February by the Houston Chronicle.

Those who commit or who overlook such sins cannot possibly continue to stand against sin. According to the words of Paul of Tarsus in Romans chapter 1, those who accept such sinners are just as guilty of the sins committed by the sinners as the sinners themselves, and he was speaking specifically in reference to Sodomy. While in 2012 the Southern Baptist Convention took a firm stance against Sodomy, it nevertheless resolved to take a “stand against any form of gay-bashing, whether disrespectful attitudes, hateful rhetoric, or hate-incited actions toward persons who engage in acts of homosexuality”, a vague position which could be construed as discouraging, or even condemning any admonishment of Sodomites. Then, by 2014 the Convention was officially neglecting to condemn “gay-tolerant” churches, even church pastors who had begun to proclaim that Sodomy is not a sin, when it certainly is.

The Scientific View of the Negro Before the Age of Political Correctness, Part 1

We are going to start something a little different this evening. Originally, I thought about presenting Clifton Emahiser’s brief paper, Diverse Seed Defiles Families. We may present that essay here in mid-January instead, since while I began preparing for that, a Christogenea Forum member had enlightened me to a book by Dr. John Van Evrie titled On Negroes and Negro Slavery, which was a defense of the institution of slavery in the South by a medical doctor from New York, of all places. Looking into this book, I saw that Wikipedia and other sources nearly ridicule Van Evrie, yet his book was actually cited in the bibliography of a famous Britannica article on Negros, which expressed many views shared by so-called “rednecks” and “racists” of today. It seems like a hundred years ago, our Christian Identity view of the Negro was actually quite popular among anthropologists, ethnologists and other academics.

This presentation is actually an extension of things that both Clifton Emahiser and myself had said as I presented his series of papers Identifying the Beast of the Field, where we cited similar sentiments as they were expressed by 19th century geologist Alexander Winchell, and elsewhere where I had mentioned men such as Alexander Winchell along with Professor Charles Carroll and his book The Negro, A Beast or In The Image of God? in my essay on The Role of Faith in a Successful Insurgency, Movement, or Community. So this is my endeavor to examine to a greater extent that phenomenon of such opinions held by educated men in the 19th century.

A Faith for Our Struggle, with Dr. Michael Hill

I recently did a presentation on The Role of Faith in a Successful Insurgency, Movement, or Community, which was actually inspired this past June at the National Conference of the League of the South by Jim O’Brien. I began that article with something that Dr. Michael Hill had said on Social Media, which was “In all successful movements, there is a vanguard, both intellectual and physical, that must push hard against the established order by violating their taboos and sacred cows, sometimes shockingly, to show the people that oftentimes audacity is the first ingredient for success. We will continue to be audacious and aggressive in our actions in real life and on the Internet.” A few days later, I found an article written by Dr. Hill himself, titled The League and Theocracy, which expressed a few of the same concepts that I had in my presentation. Today we have Dr. Hill with us, and I hope to discuss the ideals which are expressed in both articles.

The Role of Faith in a Successful Insurgency, Movement, or Community

The Role of Faith in a Successful Insurgency, Movement, or Community

Recently Dr. Michael Hill, the President of the League of the South, wrote on Social Media that “In all successful movements, there is a vanguard, both intellectual and physical, that must push hard against the established order by violating their taboos and sacred cows, sometimes shockingly, to show the people that oftentimes audacity is the first ingredient for success. We will continue to be audacious and aggressive in our actions in real life and on the Internet.”

Early Christians certainly had that audacity of which Michael Hill had spoken, by refusing to make sacrifices worshiping Caesar, by refusing to pay homage to the idols of Rome, and by voluntarily going so far as death for their convictions, an act of defiance which in itself showed the world how much they despised the established order of their own time. Standing together with Christ, they overcame the world, and the world – their European world – ultimately became Christian. As a result, it also became a much better place.

Of course, Dr. Hill was speaking on behalf of the League of the South when he wrote those words, and I agree with him. I would agree even if I were not a member of the League, but here I must make a disclaimer. Even though I am a member, I am only a member, and therefore I cannot speak for the League of the South or any for other organization. Whenever I speak at Christogenea, it is only on my own behalf. So except for that one short quotation, the words which I present here tonight are my own, and they reflect my own opinions based upon my own studies and observations from both history and the current situation of our White kindred people in general. Neither can I impose my own will and ideas on the League or upon any of its members. So of course my actions within the League will remain in compliance with its own directives and constitutions. My only hope is that these words come to be understood by other members of the League of the South, and also by all of our White and nationalist kindred in every region, and eventually adopted to the greatest degree possible, because I sincerely believe that as a race, we have no other alternative that will ever be successful.

Why Do We Suffer?

On August 26th, 2018, William Finck spoke at the Fellowship of God's Covenant People in Northern Kentucky. The presentation was perhaps an hour longer than planned, and for that reason, the notes below do not contain the entire sermon, but only the original portion.

Psalm 44: 19 Though thou hast sore broken us in the place of dragons, and covered us with the shadow of death. 20 If we have forgotten the name of our God, or stretched out our hands to a strange god; 21 Shall not God search this out? for he knoweth the secrets of the heart. 22 Yea, for thy sake are we killed all the day long; we are counted as sheep for the slaughter. 23 Awake, why sleepest thou, O Lord? arise, cast us not off for ever.

Being here [at FGCP] in March after the death of Pastor Mark Downey, and now passing through again after the burial of Clifton Emahiser, I thought I should seek to offer our community some encouragement.

Disaster and Death: Why Do We Suffer?

This is a broad topic. I won't ever be able to discuss every detail. But Yahweh willing, here we will hit on the important aspects. Perhaps anyone who hears this will stop blaming God for our woes.

In modern times when we have floods and drought, when we have pestilence and disease, very few people who are affected by these things ever even consider what manner of sin they have committed, or what manner of sin they have allowed to exist in their communities, that they should suffer such things. But as our ancient ancestors believed, when such calamities befall us, they are clearly punishments from Yahweh our God. The proof that such a concept was prevalent even in relatively recent times is found in the very origin of the word that is used to describe such calamities, which is crisis. In English, a crisis is a time of danger or trouble. But in Greek the word is decision or judgment, and in our Scriptures it describes the judgment of God. While modern secularized dictionaries attempt to obfuscate this connection, it is the true origin of the modern English use of the word.

End Times Update 6, June 2018

Another End Times Update. Tonight we begin a discussion of Ezekiel chapters 38 & 39, which are separate visions of the same event prophesied to befall the Camp of the Saints in Revelation chapter 20. Of course, none of these prophecies describe what the mainstream denominational Christians or the satanic antichrist Jews claim that they describe.

End Times Update 5, May 2018

This evening we discuss the history of immigration in America, the historic attitudes towards immigration, and how the sudden change in policy in 1965 led to the fulfillment of prophecy we are currently witnessing as all of the world's non-White peoples are being led by Satan against the Camp of the Saints.

We also discuss national average IQ and how it can lead to the anticipated Fall of Babylon as immigration results in White minorities throughout the West.

Below: Lyndon Johnson's remarks as he signed the Immigration Act in 1965

End Times Update 4, April 2018

April 2018 End Times Update: the Trump Presidency and the futility of political solutions as a counter to Jewish Supremacism and Global Zionism, the Alt-Right Shills who promote Trump and deceive White Nationalists, the real reasons behind the war in Syria, and more.

See below for a link to a better amplified version of Wesley Clark's remarks at PNAC concerning the planned destabilization of the Middle East, which was a Neocon Jewish agenda from the beginning, once the names he names are considered.

End Times Update, April 2018. William Finck's introduction and notes: 

Just over a year ago, last April 7th, I made a post at Christogenea thumping my chest just a little and listing a few of the comments I made about Donald Trump long before he was elected. 

Gatekeepers of the alt-right, Part 2: It's alt-wrong and all wrong

The Right Stuff and the Daily Stormer are Kosher operations and false opposition designed to steer awakening Whites into rabbit holes of futility. Here we have Mike Delaney of to help us discuss why we are convinced that Mike Enoch is a Jew, and why these websites represent dead ends for White Nationalism.

For the entire original recording of the Mike Enoch, Rebel Shoah Musonius Rufus session presented in part here, see Rebel Shoah Fashy Struggle Session January 18th 2017 - Mike Enoch

End Times Update 3, March 2018

Tonight: Another End Times Update. Tonight we continue to discuss the retail meltdown which has been ongoing since last year, and changes in the retail food industry which are responses to the innovations of We believe that these changes will impact food quality as well as availability. Finally, we discuss how we look at food itself, and the unhealthy nature of many things which are sold as food.

Another End Times Update

An End Times Update: William Finck surveys the prospects for the anticipated Fall of Babylon, review some of the relevant Scriptures, and discuss the changes in circumstances and attitudes on the political, economic and social landscape in America since the topic was covered in depth here in the Beginnings and Ends series last June.