November, 2020 Open Forum Discussion

This evening we had another open forum discussion with some of our Forum Members and friends. Many topics of immediate interest to Identity Christians were discussed, and especially the methods of our approach to Scripture and why we hold them dear.

Also: Vindication on our series of commentaries on The Arab Question.

October, 2020 Open Forum Discussion

This evening we had an open forum discussion with some of our Forum Members and friends. This may give our listeners and other visitors to Christogenea some further insight into the attitudes and opinions of the members of our wider Christogenea community.

PS: The music was overbearing for the first few minutes of the podcast, for which we apologize. It has been 8 years since we used this format, and we will improve...

Open Forum: Some Chats With Our Friends.

At the beginning of the program I discussed some of the Deuteronomy chapter 28 curses of disobedience and how they are being fulfilled in Christendom today. Then we were joined by our friends Sonny Eanes, Travis Brady, Jerel Mosley, Danny Updegraff and others for conversations on topics such as awakening to Christian Israel Identity, David Duke, End Times prophecy and more... We thank everyone who participated.

Open Forum: Spread the Message!

Spread the Message! Identity Christians should seek to help spread the Gospel of the Kingdom throughout the course of every day. We were supposed to have Open Lines tonight, but even with a plethora of listeners, there were no callers. Brother Ryan made the final half hour of the program, and continued the discussion for us.

Open Forum: Christian Humility

One caller to this program asked about the trees in the garden of Eden, found in Genesis chapter 2 verses 15 and 16. I was a little reluctant to get into another entire explanation of the chapter, or my opinion of it. I would only recommend he listen, or see the published notes, to Pragmatic Genesis, Part 3 where I explain my position on this chapter fully.

Open Forum: Acts Chapter 29? No! Pre-existence? No!

Our criticism of the so-called "Lost Chapter of Acts", or "Acts 29", as it is often called, is far from complete. This is an extemporaneous discussion, which became necessary because of the inconveniences we faced while travelling this week. We may offer a more complete examination and refuttal of this fraudulent piece of literature in the near future. In the meantime, here is a page that contains the material which we were addressing:

Likewise, after the first hour or so of the program, we did not think that we would get to address the idea of pre-existence of the spirit in this program, since the other topics which we discussed had taken longer than anticipated. However we did get a chance to address that idea in brief, thanks to the efforts of Tom in Idaho, who called in and compelled us to address the issue. We thank Tom for his edifying participation, and we thank the other callers as well.

Open Forum: Eli James, Universalist

Click here to download this audio snippet of (aka) Eli James' Voice of Christian Israel program titled "Exterminationism". The snippet is from the original recording from 42:10 to 52:05 minutes. It proves beyond doubt, from Eli James' own words, that he is indeed a universalist.