Open Forum: Spread the Message!

Spread the Message! Identity Christians should seek to help spread the Gospel of the Kingdom throughout the course of every day. We were supposed to have Open Lines tonight, but even with a plethora of listeners, there were no callers. Brother Ryan made the final half hour of the program, and continued the discussion for us.

Introductory Christian Identity - Christogenea Europe, December 28th, 2014

The first podcast is Sven's recording, which has equalized our volume levels. It was noticed that they were unequal in the original. We have put Sven's copy in the player.

The mainstream Judaized Christians love to look back into the Old Testament for Messianic prophecies, those which have to do with the Advent of Christ on earth, and use those as proof and assurance of their Christian faith. But aside from a few other favorite stories, they do not pay much attention to the rest of the Old Testament.

However the same Old Testament which spoke about Jesus also recorded many other promises made to the ancient patriarchs of Israel. Jesus said, as it is recorded in John chapter 5, “46 For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for he wrote of me. 47 But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe my words?”

The same Moses who wrote of Christ also wrote this of Abraham, recorded in Genesis chapter 17: “3 And Abram fell on his face: and God talked with him, saying, 4 As for me, behold, my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations. 5 Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee. 6 And I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make nations of thee, and kings shall come out of thee. 7 And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee.”

Open Forum: Christian Humility

One caller to this program asked about the trees in the garden of Eden, found in Genesis chapter 2 verses 15 and 16. I was a little reluctant to get into another entire explanation of the chapter, or my opinion of it. I would only recommend he listen, or see the published notes, to Pragmatic Genesis, Part 3 where I explain my position on this chapter fully.

On Brotherly Love, with Brother Ryan

In the opening chapters of the Revelation of Yahshua Christ there are messages to seven Christian assemblies. Most of the messages contain certain criticisms, and they all contain some encouragement. Yet there is an important message in the very names of those assemblies which most readers have not grasped. We will not go through all seven of these messages, but we will state that two of the assemblies were not criticized. These are the assemblies of Smyrna and Philadelphia.

The word Smyrna means anointing. While Yahshua Christ is the Anointed One, all Christian Israelites are indeed anointed in the sense that they are the chosen people of Yahweh. The apostle John references this anointing in his epistles. Of the assembly at Smyrna it was said “10 Do not fear the things which you are going to suffer. Behold, the False Accuser is going to cast some from among you into prison, that you may be tried, and you shall have tribulation for ten days. You must be faithful until death, and I shall give to you the prize of life.” So we see that Yahweh's people, as it often says in the Old Testament, were to undergo continual trials. But they would prevail on account of their faith.

Christian Identity Directions: Doctrines, Dogmas and Agendas

Brother Ryan joins William Finck in a discussion of the importance of having a clear message concerning race in Christian Identity.

See Ryan's website at


Papers cited from BERTRAND COMPARET:

Israel in the Book of Revelation, Gathering the Tares

Papers cited from WESLEY SWIFT:

Seed Of The Dragon, Gathering Of The Tares, Children of the Stranger, Men Or Beasts, Mission Of God, God's Prophecy Against Magog

Eli James Lying about the Family of William Finck, Among Other Things

This is just over 18 minutes from Eli James' June 20th, 2014 podcast posted on Talkshoe. Eli spends nearly 20 minutes speaking about "Bill Finck's hybrid son", struggles to paste the link to some photo into his chat room, and then repeats the lies of others concerning a boy whose name he admits that he does not even know.

Other false accusations whch Eli makes about Finck here are that Finck makes videos depicting James as a fat rabbi, a claim which is ridiculous because Finck does not make videos at all (except for the one slideshow posted at, and that Finck sends out fake emails in the names of others, another claim which is absolutely false.

In truth, William Finck never had a non-white wife, and William Finck never had any race-mixed children. If this does not establish Eli James as a liar and a fraud, then the entire world is blinded by the devil!

Christian Identity Directions: Sons or Bastards

This program is an answer to all of the universalist ideas penetrating Christian Identity which are reflected in a post on the Christogenea Forum: Rationalizing the Bastards

Some notes on the word qahal: Bible 101, Some Examples of the Use of the Word Qahal 

After 98 downloads we replaced this recording with one of slightly better quality. The only difference is the background music we had at the program introduction is audible, whereas it never comes over well through Talkshoe.

Proving what was said in this podcast concerning DNA and the apostle Luke:



Luke the Evangelist - aka St. Luke

A doctor, but better known as the biblical author of the 'Gospel According to Luke', Luke the Evangelist was believed to have been born in Antioch, in the Roman province of Syria. Historical sources cite that he died at the age of 84 in Thebes (Greece) around the year 150 A.D. His body was interred first in Constantinople, and then later transferred to Padua, Italy. Geneticists have tested the remains believed to be those of Luke, and sampled Syrian and Greek populations for comparison. They've determined that the body attributed as Luke's, is likely of Syrian origin.

Admittedly, they claim to have compared MODERN DNA from Syria and Greece to DNA believed to be from the body of Luke, and then they claim that Luke's DNA matches the DNA of modern Syrians. They make these claims based upon some very thin evidence presented in a PDF file on this page:

All of this was documented a couple of years ago in an article entitled Eli Antoinette at