On the Revelation of Yahshua Christ, Part 12: The Condemnation of Roman and Byzantine Churches

Revelation 9:1-21

On the Revelation of Yahshua Christ, Part 12: The Condemnation of Roman and Byzantine Churches

As we proceed with our commentary on the Revelation, we shall hopefully be able to even more clearly elucidate the fact that its prophesies have foretold many of the most notable events of the history of these past two thousand years. But these are not singular events. Rather, most of them take place over several or even many centuries, so they really describe historical processes instead. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse describe four processes and sets of circumstances in the course of the history of the rise and fall of the Roman Empire, which from the time that it began extending overseas to the time of the fall of the western portion of the empire, which includes Rome itself, had lasted over seven hundred years. During the last three centuries of that process, the Germanic tribes were contending with the empire with increasing frequency until they were finally able to overrun it completely.

On the Revelation of Yahshua Christ, Part 11: The Fall of an Empire

Revelation 8:1-13

On the Revelation of Yahshua Christ, Part 11: The Fall of an Empire

Describing the sealing of the hundred and forty four thousand unsoiled saints of the tribes of Israel as The Assurance of God in Revelation chapter 7, we also saw that there was a much greater assurance, that an innumerable multitude “from all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues” would also be preserved, although they would first wash their garments in the blood of the Lamb, in what was described as a great tribulation. It is this latter group which is depicted as having made the exclamation that “Salvation is with our God sitting upon the throne and with the Lamb”, and therefore although they may not have been assigned the same special status as the hundred and forty four thousand who were sealed, they are nevertheless saved, in the eternal sense of the word as it is used in Scripture.

On the Revelation of Yahshua Christ, Part 10: The Assurance of God

Revelation 7:1-17

On the Revelation of Yahshua Christ, Part 10: The Assurance of God

Discussing the so-called Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse in relation to The Pattern of Empires in Revelation chapter 6, we sought to reconcile them to the apparent stages of the rise and fall of the Roman empire, since even though other empires certainly seem to have followed the same general pattern, Rome is the primary subject of the prophecy in these chapters of the Revelation. Now before we commence with our commentary on the Revelation itself, we shall take a moment to review Daniel chapter 2, as it is directly relevant to Revelation chapters 6 and 8. As we had also cited in that last presentation, this same observation was made by the 2nd century Christian bishop Irenaeus.

But first we must offer another digression. In our observance of the pattern of empires we noted that the various stages actually overlap one another. Rome’s White Horse stage began to take form when the city warred against the other tribes of the Italian peninsula and subjected them to itself. Then it turned to the nations abroad and began to subject them as well. Initially this expansion of the empire was conducted under the pretense of good intentions, especially as the bickering Greek states invited Rome to settle their disputes with one another. This White Horse seems to parallel the original expansion of the United States, when the contiguous territory on the North American continent was subjected up through the mid-19th century.

On the Revelation of Yahshua Christ, Part 9: The Pattern of Empires

Revelation 6:1-17

There are three methods of interpreting prophecy which are prevalent among Church commentators today, which are usually labeled as historicism, preterism and futurism. The preterist view generally upholds some variation of the belief that all Biblical prophecy was fulfilled by 70 AD with the destruction of Herod’s temple in Jerusalem. This view fails miserably not only here in the Revelation, but also in the words of the Old Testament prophets, and especially in Daniel and Obadiah. The futurist view generally upholds the belief that prophecy has more or less been put on hold for some period far into the future, when the descriptions of world events found in the Revelation and other prophets will play out like some sort of Hollywood science fiction movie. This view also fails miserably when it is compared to the actual words of the Revelation and the prophets. While we will not offer a detailed refutation of these views here and now, we have already endeavored to do that in the past, and here we would assert that the content of this commentary on the Revelation, when it is completed, will in itself provide a sufficient refutation of all opposing views.

On the Revelation of Yahshua Christ, Part 8: The Lamb of God

Revelation 5:1-14

On the Revelation of Yahshua Christ, Part 8: The Lamb of God

Presenting our commentary on Revelation chapter 4 we had discussed Visions of the Throne of God, where in part we had compared John’s vision here with the similar earlier visions of both Isaiah and Ezekiel. In chapter 6 of Isaiah, the prophet had said rather explicitly that he saw “the Lord sitting upon a throne”, while in the opening chapter of his book Ezekiel only said that “upon the likeness of the throne was the likeness as the appearance of a man above upon it”, and described the man as having the appearance of fire. But towards the end of the chapter, Ezekiel said “This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the LORD.” Then as he opened chapter 2, he described things which the man had said to him. While Ezekiel attested that what he saw was merely a vision, and used a word which means likeness quite often in its description, Isaiah did not use those terms. But what Isaiah saw also must have been only a vision, or the burning coal which the seraph creature had set upon his mouth would certainly have caused him harm.

TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 77: 101, Dura-Europas, Huqqoq other early synagogues prove Judaeans were White; 102, Early Christian Art; 103, Phoenician Art of Iberia and the British Tin Trade

TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 77

Last week we discussed how the magi had been portrayed throughout history, and how all of the art of which they were the subjects had always portrayed them as three White men, until certain of the Dutch and Italian artists of the 15th century and later began to make innovations. We also discussed early Ethiopian Church art, and how up to the 10th or 11th centuries it depicted Christ and the apostles as being White, at least apparently, in wall paintings and printed illustrations. We found no such art which depicted Christ or the apostles as being black until the building of more recent churches during the colonial period. So here we made the assertion that these are both instances of cultural appropriation, first where White men injected blacks into a historical setting in which they had no part, and later where black Ethiopians changed the nature of early historical figures in order to suit themselves.

Now we shall discuss early Judaean and Christian art, dating generally from the 2nd or 3rd to the 5th centuries AD, where not only were Christ and the apostles always depicted as having been White and European-looking, but that is also how the Judaeans had depicted themselves. If early Judaeans portrayed themselves and their forbears as having been White, then White they must have been. While we had spoken of some of these discoveries in archaeology as part of Proof 5 in this series, they deserve a more thorough discussion and a proof of their own.

On the Revelation of Yahshua Christ, Part 7: Visions of the Throne of God

Revelation 4:1-11

Having presented the messages of Yahshua Christ to the seven churches in Roman Asia which are found in Revelation chapters 2 and 3, we noticed that five of those churches, which were those in Ephesus, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis and Laodicea, had all been guilty of one sin or another from which they were commanded to repent. But the only sins which had been specifically mentioned to any of them were the sins of fornication and idolatry, or the eating of things sacrificed unto idols. These sins were specified in the messages to the churches of Pergamos and Thyatira, and in order to describe them Christ had evoked the Old Testament accounts of Balaam and Jezebel.

In the events of which we are informed by Scripture that the counsel of Balaam had precipitated, which are described in Numbers chapter 25, the children of Israel had “began to commit whoredom with the daughters of Moab”, as it is explicitly stated. We have already discussed at length and with historical references the sexual activities leading to race-mixing and other forms of fornication which were practiced by worshippers of Baal. In the account of this incident, the idol Baalpeor is mentioned, and it is evident that the Moabites had practiced those same perversions. That is how the sons of Israel had committed whoredom with the daughters of Moab, and not merely with the idols of Moab. In the events surrounding the life of Jezebel, she had actively promoted the worship of Baal in Israel, and the prophets of Baal and the prophets of the groves “which eat at Jezebel's table” were all confronted by the prophet Elijah whereupon they were all destroyed. Both Ahab and his wife Jezebel had died around 850 BC, and a hundred years later there is an account of the sins of Israel in the words of the prophet Hosea.

TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 76: 99, Reverse cultural appropriation: Magi who came to see Christ Always White until 15th century; 100, Cultural appropriation: Ancient Ethiopian Church Art vs. Colonial Ethiopian Church Art

TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 76

Last week we discussed the Parthian Empire and the Parthian interest and role in Judaea in the first century before Christ. What is more important to us, however, is the interest which Josephus had in the affairs of the Parthians, as he spent considerable time discussing them throughout his writings, and in many places makes statements supporting the fact that the Parthians were indeed a significant portion of those Israelites who had been taken into Assyrian captivity many centuries before. Presenting the statements made by Josephus in this regard, we also discussed the magi, and have hopefully demonstrated that the magi who came to Judaea in order to worship the Christ child were descendants of the ancient Levites who had gone into captivity, who remained priests, and who were ultimately known to the pagan world as magi. Now we shall discuss the magi as they were traditionally depicted in early Christian art, and how those depictions have been corrupted over time.

In our discussion last week, we may have spoken more about how well the various Hasmonean rulers, the high priests John Hyrcanus II and Antigonus, had been treated by the Parthians even if one of those men had employed them to help him supplant the other. On the surface, that may be attriubted to politics or political expediency, but that is not necessarily true. Rather than merely disposing of John Hyrcanus II, the high priest who had been deposed by Parthia and taken as a prisoner, the Parthian king Orodes II treated him kindly, supported him generously as he was held in Parthia, and released him to return to Jerusalem once his own son Pacorus was slain by the Romans. On the other hand, when Hyrcanus returned, Herod mistreated him and had him slain. We can only wonder whether Antigonus was ever able to warn his uncle about the danger of making deals with a devil.

The Fall of the Empire, with Dr. Michael Hill

NOTE: The original file somehow became corrupted when it was uploaded. It has now been replaced. I apologize for the inconvenience. - WRF

This evening we shall hear from our dear friend and League of the South President Dr. Michael Hill, and we hope to discuss some of the League’s positions in regard to the recent significant developments in the strategic and economic affairs of the empire which is the so-called United States. These recent developments certainly forebode the decline of the American empire, and that should be a welcome event to all Southerners, but the road through it shall certainly be a challenging journey.

There is so much U.S. media propaganda on the Ukraine war that it is difficult to follow. The news is all fake and I don’t watch it because I never know what to believe. I appreciated the League of the South’s official position that we should not have a care for who wins this war, as that has also been my own view from the beginning. I see the Ukraine war as two groups of Jews fighting for control of gas sales to Europe while accusing one another of being “Nazis”.

But this war is about much more than Ukraine, as it is about a series of challenges to the American dominance of world economy and politics in ways that the mainstream media does not inform the general public. With the inevitable decline of the American Empire, as Southerners we must attend to the needs of our own people.

TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 75: 98, Parthian Role and Interest in First Century BC Judaea. Why Josephus Wrote Wars, and for Whom, The Identification of the Magi

TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 75

Having finished our exposition on the linguistic connections between Hebrew and some of the languages of Europe, primarily English, there are only a handful of proofs left in our list. So now we will turn to another aspect of history, which is the relationship between the Parthians and Judaeans which predates Roman times, and then after discussing the identity of the Magi we shall move on to discuss various archaeological proofs of the ethnicity of the Israelites, that they were indeed White. There are at least four, traditionally five, and possibly more magi mentioned or referred to in the New Testament, and all of them are portrayed as Judaeans, or as having special knowledge of certain of the affairs relating to Judaea. In the end, I will also make a few assertions here with implications that I have restrained myself from making in the past, but some of them do have multiple witnesses even if the entire picture is not as complete as I would prefer.

98) Parthian role and interest in first century BC Judaea. Why Josephus wrote Wars, and for whom, and the interest which Josephus maintained in Parthia up through the end of his histories. The identification of the Magi.

Before discussing the Parthians and their interest in the history of Judaea in Roman times, perhaps we should first have some background on Parthia, and also on neighboring Hyrcania, as Hyrcanus was a name taken by several of the Hasamonaean high priests even a hundred years before Rome became involved in Judaea, and I doubt that is a coincidence. The name Hyrcanus, as it is applied to the high priest which we know by that name, is known only from Josephus, but not from Maccabees where he is referred to only as John the son of Simon. However there is also a later high priest named John Hyrcanus, who was slain by Herod in 30 BC, and in 2 Maccabees 3:11 another Hyrcanus is named, the son of Tobias, so the name Hyrcanus is not unusual in Judaea.

TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 74: 97, Similarities of words in European languages with Hebrew, continued

TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 74

This is now part four and hopefully the final part of our discussion of the Hebrew language and its relationship to the languages of Europe, which for us is mostly limited to English along with some Latin and Greek. Eventually we hope to add many more entries for those and other languages to this list, as soon as we can afford the significant amount of time it would require to continue this study. However for now, we certainly hope to have already demonstrated that many common everyday words which are found in each of these languages are similar or even identical to Hebrew words in both sound and meaning. There will always be skeptics, however the implications of the evidence which we have offered here cannot be overlooked, especially once they are considered along with the cultural similarities and historical links between these same nations. The affinities between the languages of the ancient Israelites and the nations of Europe go far beyond the fact that those nations used the same so-called Phoenician alphabet. These languages must be directly related, and were even derived or descended from Hebrew, albeit with other ancient influences. Here we shall continue that discussion.

TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 73: 97, Similarities of words in European languages with Hebrew, continued

TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 73

This is now part three of our discussion of the Hebrew language and its relationship to the languages of Europe, which for us is mostly limited to English along with some Latin and Greek. We hope to have already demonstrated that many common everyday words which are found in each of these languages are similar or even identical to Hebrew words in both sound and meaning. Of course, words which only sound similar but have unrelated meanings can and should be dismissed as being coincidental. But when a great variety of words are practically identical in both sound and meaning, the implications cannot be overlooked -- especially since there are also a great number of broader cultural similarities and historical links between these same nations. Once these links are acknowledged, we find that language connections between the ancient Israelites and the nations of Europe go far beyond the fact that those nations use a Hebrew/Phoenician alphabet, and that these languages must be directly related, and were even derived or descended from Hebrew, albeit with other ancient influences. Here we shall continue that discussion.

Before we begin, we should discuss our presentation of these 100 Proofs in general. Here I would have to admit not having been a very good accountant. This list, and the order in which it has been presented, has gone through many changes, additions, and permutations as we had proceeded. So often, I neglected to change the numbering of the proofs as I began my writing. While I already admitted having to Proofs numbered 37, Truthvids recently discovered that I had mistakenly reused numbers in the 60’s on five occasions. We would never get to 100 at that rate. Therefore, since I rarely mention the numeration of the Proofs in these podcasts, I decided to renumber them to correct those more recent errors. So this current proof on the similarities of words in number 97, and not 92 as I had it when we began. The papers at Christogenea have been corrected to reflect the appropriate numbers.

On the Revelation of Yahshua Christ, Part 6: The Churches at Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea

Revelation 3:1-22

On the Revelation of Yahshua Christ, Part 6: The Churches at Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea

In our last presentation, having concluded our commentary on Revelation chapter 2 we discussed the messages to the assemblies at Pergamos and Thyatira. In those messages, each of these assemblies were criticized by Yahshua Christ for having accepted men and women who were advocating the same sin, but in a somewhat different manner. The assembly at Pergamos had evidently had at least several unnamed members who upheld what Christ had described as the “teaching of Balaam, who had taught Balak to put a trap before the sons of Israel, to eat things sacrificed to idols and to commit fornication.”

Consulting the Old Testament Scriptures in order to find what the teaching of Balaam had been, in Numbers chapter 25 we find that the Moabites had instructed their women to seduce the men of Israel into engaging in illicit acts of sexual intercourse. There we read, in part, “1 And Israel abode in Shittim, and the people began to commit whoredom with the daughters of Moab.” Then a little further on: “3 And Israel joined himself unto Baalpeor: and the anger of the LORD was kindled against Israel.” But it is not until this incident is mentioned again later, in Numbers chapter 31, that we find that it was indeed Balaam who had taught this, where we read that it was done “through the counsel of Balaam, to commit trespass against the LORD in the matter of Peor, and there was a plague among the congregation of the LORD.” So Balaam, who was hired to curse Israel, could not curse them as Yahweh had caused only blessings to emanate from his mouth. Therefore, perceiving that if the men of Israel could be coaxed into such a sin that they would lose the favor of their God, he instructed Balak to do that very thing.

On the Revelation of Yahshua Christ, Part 5: The Churches at Pergamos and Thyatira

Revelation 2:12-29

On the Revelation of Yahshua Christ, Part 5: The Churches at Pergamos and Thyatira

Presenting the first part of Revelation chapter 2 and the messages to the assemblies at Ephesus and Smyrna, we had encountered and discussed several concepts that are contained in those messages which we believe are necessary to understand not only in relation to the Revelation, but also to the entire Bible as well as to our lives as Christians today. First, although we are not told what sin it was that they had been committing, because the Ephesians had left their first love, as it was described, they then began to accept or to commit some sin from which they were commanded to repent. Then Christ had threatened that if they did not repent, they would be punished. So it is evident that even Christians who profess Christ and endure in His Name, who reject false apostles and Nicolaitans, which we interpret as those professional priests who with pretense would rule over the people, and who are also even commended for not bearing evil, must nevertheless seek to maintain complete obedience to the Gospel of Christ or face the consequences of punishment from God. This is absolutely contrary to the general belief of most Christians today, who basically claim that all one has to do is to believe in Jesus and perform some rituals in order to be saved. Having rejected false apostles, the Ephesians clearly believed the Gospel as it was taught them by true apostles, so they must have believed in Jesus, as today’s denominational Christians would also claim to do. Yet Christ Himself had warned them that they would be punished if they did not repent of their sin, that their lampstand would be removed from its place.

On the Revelation of Yahshua Christ, Part 4: The Churches at Ephesus and Smyrna

Revelation 2:1-11

On the Revelation of Yahshua Christ, Part 4: The Churches at Ephesus and Smyrna

In our last presentation we took a long digression in order to elucidate the mistakes which the early Christian writers had made where they attempted to explain the references which Yahshua Christ had made in Revelation chapter 2 to a certain group, or class, of men whom He had called Nicolaitans. The earliest of those writers, Ignatius of Antioch, had acknowledged the existence of a group called Nicolaitans, but without explanation he referred to them as being “falsely so-called” Nicolaitans, and if they did not deserve the label then even if an actual sect existed which called themselves by that name, it could not have been the same as those to whom Christ had referred here.

Later so-called Church Fathers attributed to the Nicolaitans certain sins for which Christ had explicitly condemned Balaam and a woman whom He called Jezebel in this chapter, but Christ Himself never attributed those sins to the Nicolaitans, so the attribution cannot stand. Several others went so far as to connect these Nicolaitans to the Nicolaus of Antioch mentioned in Acts chapter 6, which is basically a slander of that particular Nicolaus. The events of Acts chapter 6 date to as early as 34 AD, and certainly happened long before 41 AD where the death of Herod Agrippa I is recorded in Acts chapter 12. We may think that if a man who was described by Luke as having been one of the early saints and leaders of the church in Judaea had broken away and began some heretical sect supposedly known to all of those early Christian writers, that Luke, as well as Peter, James and Paul along with him, most of whom must have known Nicolaus personally, would have mentioned his heresy somewhere in their writings, as they all lived and wrote for at least another 28 years. James and Paul each died about 62 AD, in different places and under different circumstances, and that is when Luke ended the records of the Book of Acts. Therefore it is highly unlikely that the Nicolaus of Acts chapter 6 had founded any heresy worthy enough to be mentioned, and even hated, by Christ here in Revelation chapter 2. Yahshua Christ must have been referring to something else.

TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 72: 97, Similarities of words in European languages with Hebrew, continued

TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 72

In our last presentation we discussed why the New Testament was written in the Greek language, and the fact that the majority of quotations from the Old Testament which are found in the New Testament were made from the Greek Septuagint, which shows that the authors of our New Testament scriptures were very familiar with Greek text of the Old Testament even if they had also maintained a familiarity with the Hebrew version, or versions. Then we began a discussion of the similarities between the Hebrew language and the languages of Europe, mostly Latin, Greek and English. As we hope to have already shown to some degree, those similarities go far beyond the fact that the nations of Europe use a Hebrew/Phoenician alphabet, as many of the most basic words are so similar in sound and meaning that they must be directly related. Here we shall continue that discussion.

97) Similarities of words in European languages with Hebrew, continued

First, there are a couple of points I left unanswered in our last presentation, which I would like to address here. Evidently the Wisdom of Sirach did survive in Hebrew. Judith is more controversial, as there is a shorter Hebrew version that dates the work to a completely different period, the 2nd century BC rather than the 7th, and although it is in the Septuagint that version has not survived in Hebrew, or perhaps never existed in Hebrew. Like Esther, no portion of Judith was found among the Dead Sea Scrolls. But for several reasons, I believe Judith is a historical novel that was rewritten in different ages. Tobit was not preserved by the rabbis of Judaism, but fragments of Tobit in Hebrew and Aramaic are found among the Dead Sea Scrolls. There are no surviving Hebrew copies of Baruch, or of the so-called Epistle of Jeremiah, and arguably both works may have been originally written in Greek. There are no known Hebrew copies of the apocryphal works attributed to Daniel: Bel and the Dragon, the Prayer of Azariah and the Song of the Three Children, and Susanna. The same is true of the Wisdom of Solomon, the Prayer of Manasseh and the four books of the Maccabees, which survived to us in Greek. A Hebrew original is claimed for 1 Maccabees, and that is acceptable, but if it existed it did not survive. The book known as 1 Esdras, from the Septuagint, seems to be a more complete copy of the Canonical Ezra and Nehemiah known from the text of the Septuagint and the Masoretic Text. These are all of the books of the Apocrypha that are worth mentioning here, but I do not accept many of them as being canonical. Many of them do not belong in our Bibles.

TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 71: 96, Why the NT was written in Greek, and most quotations from the OT were made from the Septuagint; 97, Similarities of words in European languages with Hebrew

>TruthVid's 100 Proofs that the Israelites were White, Part 71

In our last presentation we discussed many of the countless similarities which the Hebrews had with ancient Greek culture, demonstrating the fact that Hebrews and Greeks held many common beliefs, even if one side was from a pagan perspective. Now we shall discuss the similarities between the Hebrew language and the languages of Europe, mostly Latin, Greek and English. Those similarities go far beyond the fact that the nations of Europe use a Hebrew/Phoenician alphabet, as many of the most basic words are so similar in sound and meaning that they must be directly related. But before we get into that discussion, we shall discuss a prophecy where Yahweh God had promised that He would speak to his people in a language other than Hebrew, and that language must have been Greek.

96) Why the New Testament was written in the Greek language, and most quotations from the Old Testament were made from the Greek Septuagint.

There are rumors that the New Testament was originally written in Aramaic, which is also sometimes called Syriac, but that is a lie. The oldest known manuscripts of any portion of the New Testament in Aramaic dates to the 5th century, and several known translations into Aramaic from Greek were created even later, such as the Philoxeniana in the early 6th century or the Harklensis in the early 7th. There was a Syriac harmony of the Gospels called the Diatessaron made in the late 2nd century by Tatian which has not survived. But that was an attempt to rewrite the four Gospel accounts in harmony, and should not be reckoned as actual Scripture. There are also related claims that Christ and the apostles spoke Aramaic, and not Hebrew. But often, the apostles mention their native tongue, and they always called it Hebrew, and not Aramaic. Syriac and Hebrew are distinguished in Isaiah chapter 36, which records events that occurred about 700 BC. In that account it is evident that Hebrew speakers could not normally understand Aramaic, or Syriac. There may have been differences between the Hebrew of the first century and that of Isaiah’s time, but it was nevertheless Hebrew, and the apostles must have known better what language they were speaking than modern commentators.

On the Revelation of Yahshua Christ, Part 3: What is a Nicolaitan?

What is a Nicolaitan?

On the Revelation of Yahshua Christ, Part 3: What is a Nicolaitan?

In our last presentation we discussed Revelation chapter 1 and the nature of Yahshua Christ as He revealed it through the apostle John. While there are numerous indications in the words of the ancient prophets that Christ is Yahweh God incarnate, and while Christ Himself had made similar professions in several different ways in the accounts in the Gospels, and especially in the Gospel of John, here in Revelation chapter 1 He made several explicit statements as well as several allegories which reveal that He is God. This is found in the underlying meaning of epithets such as “He who is and who was and who is coming” and “First Born from the dead”, but it is explicit in verses 7 and 8 where we read: “7 Behold! He comes with the clouds, and every eye shall see Him, even whoever had pierced Him, and all the tribes of the earth shall mourn before Him. Yeah, truly! 8 ‘I am the Alpha and the Omega, says Yahweh God, He who is and who was and who is coming, the Almighty.’”