European Fellowship Forum, June 2024

Why Hitler and National Socialist Germany lost the war, the political situation in modern Germany, National Socialism, Marxist Socialism, Bolshevism and Communism, the situation in Ukraine, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the growth of Christian Identity, and more ... (not necessarily in that order.)

Thank you to the many of our European and American friends who participated!

A Conversation with Jerel Mosley

A Conversation with Jerel Mosley - Jerel has been an active Christian Patriot, White Nationalist, Identity Christian since the very early 1960's. We have known Jerel since the early months of 2009, or perhaps a little sooner. It was Jerel who was responsible for our having made available the Russia. No. 1 (1919) Report, the 1919 U.S. Gov't. Memorandum on the Bolshevist Movement in Russia, and other important documents crucial to our understanding of Jewish treachery and the history of the last 200 years. 

Topical Discussions, June, 2024

The Story of Jephthah and his Daughter, David and Philistine Foreskins, Linen, and the Ethiopian Eunuch

Topical Discussions, June, 2024

Having just completed the Genesis commentary, I thought I might have a few weeks of distractions as I ponder a long journey into a commentary on Isaiah. So while I do not know how long this will last, there are quite a few things I have had on my mind. Perhaps I may further develop my Genesis chronology, at least so far as to bring it down to the period of the Kingdom of David, and perhaps I might have an addendum or two for Genesis, because I have already had some afterthoughts on subjects in that area which seem to merit elaboration, and which may be further discussed. If I ever do anything with Exodus through Joshua, it would probably only be highlights illustrating certain events, or certain important aspects of the law, because I am not persuaded that anything more is necessary.

This week, Melissa and I had traveled to see some of our friends in Central Florida, and we had a great time for four days. However if anyone has been visiting the main Christogenea website, they might have noticed that earlier this week, it was often slow, or would not even load properly. This problem has actually been persisting sporadically throughout the past six months. It is being caused by rather discrete DOS (Denial of Service) attacks intended to overload the server and prevent access to the site, which have been executed in several different forms for which reason each new attack requires a different solution. The latest culprit is some sort of application on Facebook, and for the past week or so the website has been getting several tens of thousands of hits per day from Facebook servers. Upon investigation, I have found that this is a known issue with Facebook, and that unsavory app developers use Facebook apps for such nefarious purposes. Evidently, many people have complained about this, and in Meta forums it is said that Facebook will not take action in such cases (Meta is the relatively new parent company of Facebook and Instagram).

On Genesis, Part 59: The End of the Beginning

Genesis 49:29 – 50:26

On Genesis, Part 59: The End of the Beginning

The first and last books of the Bible are its most important books. The book of Genesis is the story of the origin of our race, and the Revelation is the story of its destiny after its reconciliation to Christ. The entire purpose in the interim, is succinctly described by Solomon, in Ecclesiastes chapter 1 where he wrote that “13 … I gave my heart to seek and search out by wisdom concerning all things that are done under heaven: this sore travail hath God given to the sons of man to be exercised therewith.” With this, Paul of Tarsus agreed, and upon it he expounded, in Romans chapter 8 where he wrote: “18 Therefore I consider that the happenstances of the present time are not of value, looking to the future honor to be revealed to us. 19 Indeed in earnest anticipation the creation awaits the revelation of the sons of Yahweh. 20 To transientness the creation was subjected not willingly, but on account of He who subjected it in expectation 21 that also the creation itself shall be liberated from the bondage of decay into the freedom of the honor of the children of Yahweh.” By “creation” in that passage, Paul meant the Adamic creation, since later in the chapter he compared that creation to other elements of the creation of God.

So while the Greek word γένεσις means origin or beginning, and the book of Genesis describes the origin and beginning of our race, the Revelation describes the beginning of the end. While Genesis contains the promises to our race, the Revelation reveals how Yahweh God shall keep those same promises. Here as the book of Genesis closes, it offers an uncertain future for the children of Israel since it has already warned that they would be afflicted in Egypt, in the promises which Yahweh had made to Abraham in Genesis chapter 15. But in the final chapters of the Revelation, that end is described as having a more promising future, where it offers yet another beginning and the promise of something much greater than what this world has offered, although we continue to remain uncertain as to how that shall materialize.

The Parable of the Trees of the Forest

This audio, less than 11 minutes in length, is an excerpt from a Christogenea Euro Forum from February, 2012. It offers an explanation of the Parable of the Trees of the Forest found in Judges chapter9. The parable explains precisely why political leaders in the governments of men are and always have been the scum of the earth. Yet men have no one but themselves to blame.

Edit June 12th, 2024: Our explanation of this parable was first redacted and put into writing for the article and podcast, Bible? Or Bureaucracy? and it was published in the Saxon Messenger as the editorial for the first isue of 2015. Now we have made a version of this explanation from a transcript, also with minor editing, because the original in the recording here was extemporaneous.

On Genesis, Part 58: Premonitions

Genesis 49:1-28

On Genesis, Part 58: Premonitions

As we have already discussed at length where Jacob had first blessed the sons of Joseph in Genesis chapter 48, thereby leaving his favorite son with the inheritance of The Double Portion, Jacob was ill and he knew that he was about to die, at the age of a hundred and forty-seven years, which was some time around 1648 BC. While Abraham had lived to be a hundred and seventy-five years old, and Isaac lived even longer, having attained a hundred and eighty years, the typical lifespans of men in general seem to have been gradually getting shorter over the many centuries which followed the Flood of Noah, and now at this point it has been fifteen hundred and thirty-eight years since that event had occurred. Following the death of his father, at which time he was about fifty-seven years old, Joseph would live to be only a hundred and ten, although Levi lived for a hundred and thirty-seven years and his son Kohath for a hundred and thirty-three (Exodus 6:16-18).

Perhaps Joseph’s shorter lifespan could be seen as an act of mercy by Yahweh God, rather than as a curse, as life gets more difficult for men as they advance in age. It certainly is evident that Jacob did not want to live as long as he did, and when he had first arrived in Egypt, at the age of a hundred and thirty, and he was reunited with Joseph, he is recorded in Genesis chapter 46 as having said to him: “30... Now let me die, since I have seen thy face, because thou art yet alive.” But perhaps Yahweh kept Jacob alive for another seventeen years so that Ephraim and Manasseh could receive his blessing as young men, rather than as young boys. The fact that Joseph and his two sons were blessed first by Jacob, and apart from the others, is quite significant, since they were the recipients not only of the double-portion of the inheritance, but they had also explicitly received the greater promises which were made to Abraham, and passed on to Jacob.

Mimicry: The First Step to Destruction

Mimicry: The First Step to Destruction, a review of and embellishment upon a speech by Joseph Goebbels

The mockingbird is a species of bird which is said to mimic the songs of other birds, and even the sounds of insects and amphibians. But at least mockingbirds nest and raise their own offspring. Yet another species of bird is the cowbird, which is found throughout the western hemisphere, and which lays its eggs in the nests of other species of birds, so that those other species would brood, raise and nourish its offspring. Here is a quandary: if we had to identify races of people with varieties of birds, the Jewish people have consistently exhibited both of these traits, those of the mockingbird and the cowbird, and others which are much more deadly. They mimic Whites so that they can creep into White society, they become entrenched, and then they behave in a manner which destroys their host society, or they themselves are destroyed. But at the same time, they also seek intermarriage with Whites, so they can greatly increase their own corrupt numbers for future generations, and diminish the growth of the true White population. So this evening we are going to present a speech by Joseph Goebbels titled Mimicry, which discusses aspects of this same dilemma, as well as presenting other materials in support of our own conclusions.

This speech is presented here as it is found translated and published by Randall Bytework of Calvin University, who is apparently the creator and maintainer of Calvin’s large German Propaganda Archive. Because of the tenor of the editorial comments at the Archive, we suspect that Mr. Bytework is hostile to our own cause, we have a right to counter his comments with comments of our own, and therefore we must assert that this presentation represents a fair use of his copyrighted material for non-profit academic purposes. That is something to which the copyright laws of these United States entitles their citizens. Doing so, we will add other materials which may elucidate both the text of Goebbels’ speech, the truthfulness of his words, and the result of a situation which he had witnessed as it had continued to develop after his lifetime.

May 2024 Open Forum Discussion

  • Keith, formerly of Truth Militia, the trial of his wife’s colon cancer diagnosis, and how she has overcome it.
  • Evils of modern industrial farming methods.
  • The immoral state of modern Germany.
  • The folly of worldly leaders and solutions to modern woes.
  • Decadence in the US military.
  • Hollywood influence over public consciousness is never called into question.
  • The Jewish mass murderers and school shooters.
  • Timothy McVeigh, Project Megiddo Report
  • Putting away sinners, race-mixers & Sodomites of one’s own family or children.
  • The evils of vaccines, the Covid vaccines and cancer.
  • Criticizing Comparet for his interpretation of ἄτομος in 1 Corinthians 15:52.
  • Fellowship and denominational churches.
  • Miscellaneous banter.

On Genesis, Part 57: The Double Portion

Genesis 48:1-22

On Genesis, Part 57: The Double Portion

Where we had left off with our commentary at the end of Genesis chapter 47, it had been determined that the sons of Israel would dwell in the land of Goshen, and it was also evident that the famine had, at least for the most part, run its course, so that Joseph was renting the land of Egypt back to the people so long as they paid pharaoh the fifth part of their annual yields. Seeing that, we remarked that a twenty-percent levy was far more equitable than the oppressive taxes which men in a supposedly “free” world are forced to pay to their respective governments today. But home ownership in this “free” world is a separate issue from today’s taxes, and people do not get it from the government. Instead, they acquire their homes from Jewish usurers, and the typical rental or mortgage rates are far higher than a fifth of the median income. Therefore by comparison, Joseph’s management of Egypt actually sounds quite appealing, and so does the medieval feudal system which it resembles.

At the end of that last presentation, we had a lengthy discussion about the wife of Joseph, Asenath, and we were obliged to discredit the assertions made by Howard Rand and others, that she, as well as Joseph’s pharaoh, were of the house of Shem. There is no proof of that assertion, and Rand did not provide any conclusive proofs in the articles where he had made it. Rather, we demonstrated that the evidence which he did offer as proof doesn’t actually support his assertions at all. The reference to a shepherd named Philitis which was made by Herodotus had described him as a common shepherd, and certainly not as a king. The Hyksos which were described differently as either “shepherd kings” or “captive shepherds” in the copies of the writings of Manetho which had been employed by Flavius Josephus were only one and the same group which was described in two different ways in two different copies of the manuscripts of those writings which Josephus had possessed. They were clearly not two different groups, as Rand had insisted, but one group which was associated with the late 15th Dynasty of Egypt, and according to our chronology, Joseph had received Asenath as a wife not long after he was thirty years old, which is at least forty years before that dynasty had taken control of Lower Egypt.

On Genesis, Part 56: Subjects of the State

Genesis 47:1-31

On Genesis, Part 56: Subjects of the State

In March of 2009, one of the first articles I had published on the Christogenea website, which at that time was only two months old, was titled Who is your god? The article was actually written a year or so before I created the website. In June of 2018, that same article became the basis for Part 39 of my presentation of the Protocols of Satan, which bore the same title. The premise of the article is that America had begun as a Christian nation, but was slowly secularized and descended into humanism. Then, when the trial of the so-called Great Depression had come, Americans looked to the government for their salvation rather than to Christ. So the government, beginning with the so-called New Deal of the Roosevelt administration, was happy to oblige them, instituting many new social programs which had promised to save Americans out of their poverty, and assure their futures. As Americans accepted this new paradigm of government, the government became more and more powerful and more pervasive in the daily lives of the people. However poverty never ended, and instead, in the growth of the federal government which followed, now all Americans are enslaved under increasingly burdensome regulations by the resulting tyranny.

In this same manner we find one more prophetic type in these very chapters of Genesis which we now discuss. We have already mentioned this in brief, but thought that perhaps we should repeat it again here, and elaborate upon it in different ways. So in our last discussion in this Commentary, in relation to Genesis chapter 46 and the account of Israel’s Descent into Egypt, we described the seven kingdoms represented by seven mountains upon which the children of Israel, herself having been represented as a woman, would sit throughout the course of her history, as it is prophesied in Revelation chapter 17. There we further explained how Egypt had been the very first of those kingdoms. Here the children of Israel certainly are sitting upon the mountain of Egypt in that manner, as they have come to Egypt in order to survive the famine, which may be likened to an ancient Great Depression, and they would find their sustenance at the good graces of an earthly kingdom represented by the pharaoh.

America's Christian Beginnings

America's Christian Beginnings

Here, in light of recent developments and yet another Jewish assault on Christian America, we are going to revisit a sermon preserved in the collection by Bertrand Comparet, but which is actually credited to his wife, Inez Comparet. We have no audio recording of this sermon, and have not been able to locate one. So while I have already discussed the problems with women preaching in churches, and while I have already criticized him for that in the past, I will only make this precursory mention of my disagreement here. Otherwise, the sermon does indeed reflect the fact that Identity Christians have always understood that America, meaning the so-called United States of America, had Christian beginnings and was indeed founded upon Christian principles.

Unfortunately, there are no direct references to Yahshua, or Jesus Christ, in the federal constitution. But there was no necessity for that. Before the so-called Civil War, the United States were always referred to as “these United States”, which is much more appropriate English for describing the collection of individual sovereign States of which the union was originally comprised. But today, the enemies of liberty doubt even this description. So for that, we have often referred to a speech given by John Quincy Adams for the Jubilee of the Constitution, who, when it was given, was a former United States president, and a devoted federalist. If anyone knew the intent of the authors of the U.S. Constitution, it should have been John Quincy Adams, who was kept close to his father throughout his young life, even accompanying him on diplomatic missions to Europe at the young age of ten years (in 1777). His father, John Adams, is of course credited with having been one of the principle authors of the Constitution.

On Genesis, Part 55: The Descent into Egypt

Genesis 46:1-34

On Genesis, Part 55: The Descent into Egypt

As we may have already stated too frequently over these past several presentations in this Genesis commentary, we hope to have illustrated all of the ways in which Joseph was a prophetic type for Yahshua Christ, and the salvation of the children of Israel which is promised in Christ. However even more parallels may be made in this regard, and other avenues may be explored. Here, the children of Israel attained salvation from the famine because they had obeyed a worldly ruler, but even if they did not know it at the time, that ruler was Joseph their brother.

Then, while they were indeed preserved in Egypt, at the same time, and unbeknownst to Joseph himself, they were also being led into captivity in fulfillment of the words which Yahweh had spoken to Abraham in Genesis chapter 15 where we read: “13 And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years; 14 And also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I judge: and afterward shall they come out with great substance.”

On Genesis, Part 54: Salvation and Mercy

Genesis 44:14 - 45:28

On Genesis, Part 54: Salvation and Mercy

Discussing Genesis chapters 42 and 43, where it is described that a grievous famine had persisted throughout the world of Jacob and his sons, we have commented at length on the Angst and Desperation that they must have suffered on account of it, as well as the Surrender and Submission that they were compelled to make before the governor of Egypt, so that they could obtain food and survive the famine. But upon their having done that, they were a special case, because Joseph had recognized them and treated them accordingly, but they did not recognize Joseph. The Scriptures were always written with a focus on the central characters with which it is concerned. So what we are not told in Scripture is that in the background, many other people from Canaan must have also journeyed to Egypt seeking to buy grain, and that must have also been how Jacob had initially even heard that there was grain in Egypt. But those who had bought it and traded it in Canaan would have sold it at a considerable markup, and for that reason it is very likely that Jacob had wanted his sons to go to Egypt and buy it for themselves.

Now here in Genesis chapter 44, before they would attain to any Salvation and Mercy, from their perspective the prospects of emerging from the famine unscathed must have been even more dismal, since at this point in Genesis, Benjamin had been charged with having stolen the governor’s silver goblet. However, as we had described the prophetic parallels with the history of the later children of Israel in relation to Christ which are found throughout these accounts, this situation also serves as a lesson for Christians today.

On Genesis, Part 53: Surrender and Submission

Genesis 43:1 - 44:13

On Genesis, Part 53: Surrender and Submission

As we have progressed through these later chapters of Genesis and the life of Joseph in Egypt, we have attempted to illustrate the many ways in which events in the life of Joseph had been Figures of the Messiah, where it becomes evident that the account of the life of Joseph serves as a prophetic type for the ministry and purpose of Yahshua Christ. Now here we shall also venture to assert that the very circumstances under which Jacob and his sons had been compelled to submit to Joseph and go to Egypt for salvation from the famine also foreshadow the circumstances by which all of the seed of Israel, in these last times, shall ultimately find their salvation in Christ. So in that manner, Jacob and his sons are a prophetic type for their own future descendants.

First, Israel was found in Angst and Desperation as the seven years of famine pressed on, and even more so when his sons had returned from Egypt and he received word that the governor of the place had demanded to see Benjamin. The anxiety which he apparently must have suffered was on account of the famine, and then the prospect of losing his son, which is manifest where he said “Joseph is not, and Simeon is not, and ye will take Benjamin away”, in response to Reuben’s pleas. So Jacob steadfastly refused to comply with the Egyptian governor’s demands and vowed to Reuben that “my son shall not go down with you”, referring to Benjamin in the closing verse of Genesis chapter 42. In that same place, he also attested that “his brother is dead”, speaking in reference to Joseph. Where he said “Simeon is not”, it is evident that he would have even preferred to have written Simeon off as dead rather than risk losing the second son born of his beloved wife Rachel.

Topical Discussions: Flat Earth and Four Corners, Philistines, and Fornicators

Topical Discussions: Flat Earth and Four Corners, Philistines, and Fornicators

Footnotes on Christogenea commentaries:

As I write my weekly Biblical commentaries, and especially since they are written each week as I go along, I get little time to self-reflect, or even to edit whatever I had prepared on Thursdays and Fridays in time for a presentation on Friday evening. Therefore I am bound to miss things that should be included, and I have already made several footnotes in comments in my current Genesis commentary. I am not trying to make excuses, but rather, I am only admitting that whatever I do, it can always be improved. While I would like to be the one who improves my work, often I have some help from my friends, for which I can only praise Christ.

An example of one of the things I had missed, I had discussed at length in our last Topical Discussion program in December, which was the fact that the name adam may translate into the phrase “I, blood”. That is certainly something which I wish I had realized just ten or eleven months sooner, when I presented my commentary for Genesis chapter 2, so instead I had added it to that presentation as a sort of footnote in a comment at the bottom of the page. That way if I ever get the time to make my Genesis commentary into a book, it will hopefully be included. I have added comments to some of my commentaries in the past, but both the Revelation and Genesis require the coverage of such a wide breadth of materials, that it is far easier to overlook things. This evening, we have addenda for each of them. In the future, there will very likely be more.

On Genesis, Part 52: Angst and Desperation

Genesis 42:1-38

On Genesis, Part 52: Angst and Desperation

As we have illustrated in our discussions of each of the events in the life of Jacob, in only a few years from the time that he had entered Canaan his daughter Dinah had been raped, and Jacob had been angered by the rash manner in which Simeon and Levi had avenged their sister. Then his son Judah had run off and taken residence with a Canaanite woman, where he had stayed in Chezib, a place which is literally named falsehood, while having had his three sons with her. His eldest son Reuben had sinned against him by having slept with one of his wives. His son Joseph was esteemed to have been killed, and he never knew that his other sons had lied to him about what had actually happened. Then in addition to all of these things, his favorite wife, the only one whom he was said to have loved, had died at a relatively young age, shortly after she had given birth to his youngest son, whom he named Benjamin.

So even though Yahweh his God had promised to be with him after he departed from Haran, Jacob had continued to experience both Hope and Despair, as we had titled part 45 of this Genesis commentary, because in spite of the fact that he had inherited the wonderful promises which Yahweh God had made to Abraham, that his seed would inherit the world, and he himself was reassured those promises, as it is recorded in Genesis chapter 35, he nevertheless had to suffer the circumstances of the evil world into which he had been brought. Modern Christians should take note of this, and consider what Jacob had suffered when they themselves suffer, because having the promises of God obviously does not make anyone immune to suffering. None of us are better than Jacob, who continued to trust in God regardless of his suffering.

On Genesis, Part 51: Redemption and Deliverance

Genesis 41:14-57

On Genesis, Part 51: Redemption and Deliverance

We have already discussed the Figures of the Messiah which are evident in the life of Joseph, the accounts of which certainly contain several prophetic types for Christ, and we shall see further examples of that as we proceed through Genesis. But in one significant aspect the life of Joseph is not only a prophetic type for Christ, but also a type, or perhaps a prototype, for the subsequent history of the children of Israel in Egypt. As Joseph went to Egypt against his own will, became a servant, ended up in prison, and was freed and this elevated to an exalted position, so would Israel enter Egypt under constraint and become a nation enslaved and in a sort of prison. But ultimately, like Joseph, the nation had been liberated by Yahweh, and eventually elevated to an exalted position. So in that respect, the life of Joseph in Egypt serves as a prophetic type for the history of Israel in Egypt. Then, as we shall see in subsequent chapters, it shall also further serve as a type for Christ in ways which are far beyond the parallels which we have already observed. So among other things, Joseph shall ultimately serve as a prophetic type for the absolute mercy and salvation which Christ has promised to all of Israel.

Now, as it is described in Genesis chapter 40, Joseph had dreamed dreams, much like the prophet Daniel, and Joseph could also interpret dreams, just like the prophet Daniel. So his discernment which he had exhibited in the interpretations of dreams while in prison would be his introduction to the pharaoh of Egypt, which is where we are presently in Genesis chapter 41. Having successfully interpreted the pharaoh’s dream, Joseph was elevated to a position in his government. Much later, Daniel had apparently earned a reputation for discernment as a young man in Babylon, which is represented in the story of Susanna, and having already been introduced to Nebuchadnezzar, in Daniel chapter 1, he later found an audience with the king and interpreted his remarkable dream of the metallic image which represented four great kingdoms, as it is described in Daniel chapter 2. For that Daniel was also rewarded and elevated into the government of his captors. So within the life of Joseph are found patterns which are repeated throughout later Scriptures, and that is one of the wonders of this book which we call the Bible, because once all of these patterns are noticed all we can do is marvel in awe at the wisdom of Yahweh our God, who is the Author of all of these things.

On Genesis, Part 50: Joseph, The First Prophet

Genesis 40:1 - 41:13

On Genesis, Part 50: Joseph, The First Prophet

As we have already seen in Genesis chapter 39 where we had discussed Joseph in Egypt, Sex, Lies and Prison, after an unspecified time as the steward of his master’s house in Egypt, Joseph was put in prison among the prisoners of the pharaoh, on account of his alleged attempt to violate the wife of Potiphar. Evidently Potiphar, an officer in the court of the pharaoh, had apparently had the authority to commit prisoners into the prison of the king. However Yahweh had blessed Joseph, and he became a steward of the prison, a sort of trustee, which is an inmate who is given certain responsibilities within a prison. Even today this is a popular phenomenon in modern jails and prisons, and it is often a significant aspect of their daily operations.

It is very likely that during this time, Joseph still had in mind the dreams which he had communicated to his brethren some years before. As it is recorded in Genesis chapter 37, “6 And he said unto them, Hear, I pray you, this dream which I have dreamed: 7 For, behold, we were binding sheaves in the field, and, lo, my sheaf arose, and also stood upright; and, behold, your sheaves stood round about, and made obeisance to my sheaf.” Then he told them again, “9… Behold, I have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the sun and the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance to me”, and his brothers despised him for those dreams, precipitating the events by which he had become a slave in Egypt.

On Genesis, Part 49: Joseph in Egypt, Sex, Lies and Prison

Genesis 39:1-23

On Genesis, Part 49: Joseph in Egypt, Sex, Lies and Prison

Thus far in these chapters describing the lives of the sons of Jacob, we have observed a notable contrast which is illustrated in the accounts of the circumstances of Joseph and Judah, of which certain aspects continue to be illustrated both here in Genesis and in the words of the later prophets. Here we have seen that in Joseph are Figures of the Messiah, as many aspects of the life of Joseph are certainly types for the ministry Christ Himself. Joseph was cast into a pit and left for dead by his brethren, but he was taken out of it and as a result he had become a temporal savior of his people. But Judah, who was present when Joseph was thrown into the pit, had made choices in his own life which had both been a cause of and had served as a type for the circumstances of the later Kingdom of Judah as well as the Judaea of the time of Christ. Where Judah had sexual relations with the Daughters of Diverse Gods he had sired legitimate sons in Pharez and Zarah, but he had also had illegitimate descendants through Shelah, the only surviving son which he had with the Canaanite woman. Then, quite ironically, Judah did not intend to have children with Tamar, as he thought that he was only sleeping with some random whore, and there are probably further analogies which may have been made with that circumstance. Later in the writings of Moses, the sin of Judah would become apparent in the law, and then in instructions to the children of Israel invading the land of Canaan.

However Judah remained responsible for his remaining Canaanite son, so the descendants of Shelah remained with Judah, subsequently they were listed in the accounts of the families of Israel in the Book of Numbers, and their dwelling places in and around the territory of Judah are described in 1 Chronicles chapter 4. In that chapter, in a context which is perhaps 250 years later, it was described that many of them had dwelt in Chozeba, which is ostensibly the same place as Chezib, the place where Judah’s Canaanite sons had been born. Both towns were in the same area, and each of the names had been translated from similar forms of the same word, which means falsehood. That is a fitting place for them, since having been Canaanites they would indeed be sons of falsehood.